He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 908 Repetition of old tricks

On the battlefield, Lian had already faced Latios head-on, and took the initiative to attack:

"Alidos, use the signal beam!!"

The insect attribute is very effective for the latter of the super attribute.

Whoosh! !

A turbid green beam of laser light spewed out from Alidos' mouthparts and shot straight at the target.

Lattios didn't dare to be careless, he quickly opened his mouth, and also sprayed out a blue-green laser beam.

Dragon Breath! !

The two long-range attacks collided head-on, and at the point of contact of the energy, a violent energy explosion was suddenly aroused, and the thick smoke spread towards both sides at the same time.


But as the smoke dissipated, a black and blue bat suddenly appeared in front of Latios with its mouth wide open.

"It's now, Big Mouth Bat, use the strange light!!"

Lian sneered, and attacked suddenly.

Now it's not a regular 1v1, as the number one thief in the world, it's natural to play two against one!

A gleaming air mass shot out quickly and landed on Latios' body.

"Wu...!! Wu...!!"

The next moment, Latios's eyes had turned into a irrational red, trembling and flying in place.

Latios entered a state of confusion.

"Hmph, now, Alidos, use the signal beam! Big-mouthed bat, use the bite!!"

Lian's face was gloomy, and she attacked again.

A dark green laser beam hit Latios' chest head-on.


Then came the big mouth of Big Mouth, revealing sharp bat teeth, which also bit hard on the latter's neck.

The double effect is outstanding! !


Even if it was the legendary Pokémon, Latios couldn't help but let out a scream.

Whoosh whoosh...!!

Even when he landed, Alidos sprayed out a bunch of tough spider silk, which tightly bound Latios and the wings on his back.


The figure of the latter suddenly fell from mid-air, and the ground shook.


"Hey, hurry up and stop!!"

The three of Xiao Gang, who had been observing in secret, noticed something strange, and rushed out to stop it.

If it is 1v1, even if it is a thief, they have no reason to stop it.

After all, even for legendary Pokémon, thieves are qualified to fight and even subdue them.

But if it is a sudden two against one, it is still a despicable sneak attack.

Da da da! !

That Alidos even released a burst of poisonous needles, bombarding Latios who had no strength to fight back, making up for it.

"Hehe, you three, it's quite enjoyable to watch...?"

At this time, behind the three of them, there was a sudden sound of teasing.

Turning his head subconsciously, he saw a woman with short silver hair appearing behind everyone.

In front of her, there was a red-shelled hermit crab with a large red-spotted mushroom on its back, waving two huge pincers, and its eyes were dangerous and unfriendly.

"Palast, use mushroom spores!!"

Before Xiaogang and the others released their Pokémon, Sanna shouted a step ahead.

This Palast opened its mouth, and suddenly the dim gas covered everyone.

This was a ready-to-go sneak attack, and the speed was extremely fast. Before everyone could react, they were all caught.

You must know that mushroom spores are a superior move that is more powerful than sleeping powder. Whether it is the infection speed or the hypnotic effect, it has to be upgraded to a higher level.


After a while of spores falling, Xiao Gang and the others simply fell asleep on the spot, sound asleep.


"Hmph, brats, you are really brave..."

Seeing that Jian Jian finished cleaning up these people, Sanna clapped her hands very proudly.

Compared to the frontal combat power, the sneak attack ability of the two brothers and sisters is the strongest!

Pilast waved his tongs and approached several people with unkind eyes.

Of course, Sanna has no guts to kill people, she is a thief, not a murderer.

But at this time, there was a loud roar from the direction of the jungle in the distance.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Before seeing Pikachu's shadow, a golden lightning had already shot out, and it was bombarding Pylast's body.


However, bathed in the lightning, this Palast swung the tongs in his hand violently, and directly swept the lightning away and smashed it into pieces.

For it, moves with electric attributes are generally effective.

It's just that the moment the lightning disappeared, a shadow also covered Palast's body.


This made Sanna and Palast raise their heads subconsciously.

A yellow electric mouse had already soared into the air, completely spread its hands, and fell rapidly.

"Flying electric mouse?! What the hell, Pylast, use the energy ball!!"

Sanna panicked, and quickly attacked.

A huge green energy bullet condensed near the mouth of Palast, and then flew out.


It's just that Pikachu's figure is extremely flexible, and he easily bypassed the attack.

This trick has both flying attributes and fighting attributes, which also means that Pikachu at this moment can make various flexible and agile body movements in mid-air.

In the end, the whole mouse completely covered the face of Pilast!

Boom boom boom! !

There was another violent explosion on the spot, and even the surrounding ground collapsed and collapsed.

Flying body heavy pressure!

This trick has four times the restraint effect on the grass attribute + insect attribute Plaster! !

"What the hell...?!"

The terrible power caused by the weight of the flying body made even Sanna freeze in place for a moment, at a loss.


The smoke dissipated, and the Palast immediately fainted on the spot, losing the ability to fight cleanly.

"Damn it, this electric mouse is so strong..."

Sanna looked at Pikachu not far away with apprehension, and Xiao Zhi who appeared behind him.

It was the boy I met last night.

Xiaozhi was still chasing the mysterious red-haired maid just now, but he didn't expect the latter to run extremely fast, as if flying on the ground.

With his own speed, he was unable to catch up with the latter, and even made a detour and lost his target.

When he came to his senses, Xiaozhi had already returned to this back garden.

Seeing that he has come here and finished viewing the museum, Xiaozhi thought it would be better to have a round with Xiaogang and the others.

That's what's happening now.

Sanna looked solemn, and slowly raised a Poké Ball, as if she was about to release the next Pokémon to fight.

However, just when Xiaozhi's attention was completely attracted by her palm.

"Now, sun flower monster, use the seed bomb!!"

Sanna suddenly stared and shouted coquettishly.

In the flowerbed next to it, a golden sunflower monster suddenly jumped out.

Sanna chose to repeat the same trick.

And the elf ball in her hand was just to take back the defeated Palast.

Boom! !

The seed bomb landed in the center of the crowd, causing another explosion of smoke and dust, completely covering the view.

When the smoke cleared, Sanna and the sun flower monster had completely disappeared.

Even Lian on the other side, together with Latios who was tied up by spinning silk, disappeared together.

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