He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 911 The Red-haired Maid, Latias

Somewhere in the city of water.

At dusk, the gorgeously dressed red-haired maid walked on the shore alone with her head down.

The solitary shadow stretches obliquely under the reflection of the setting sun.


From time to time, she turned her head and looked behind, always feeling as if someone was following her.

But when he turned his head, he couldn't see any trace.

Until the red-haired maid came to the corner of an empty alley.


At this moment, a black shadow suddenly swept out from the nearby grass and flew towards her.

The speed was as fast as lightning, she didn't react at all, and she was thrown to the ground suddenly.

"caught you!!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi exerted strength with his hands, forming an embracing shape, hugged the maid tightly, and pressed her under him, allowing the latter to struggle continuously in his hands.

It's just that the incomparably strong binding force made it difficult for her to escape.

And the sense of touch from the body in the hand also made Xiaozhi's eyes bright.


It clearly looks like a human woman's body, but to the touch... it is obviously much wider than a human body.

The texture is not human skin, more like some kind of very soft feathers, as smooth as glazed jade.


In the eyes of Pikachu next to him, at this moment, Xiaozhi's hands obviously did not touch the latter's body, but hovered a few inches away from its surface, but still grasped the entity.

"Wu... Wu..."

The sound made by the red-haired maid's struggle was not a human voice, but a Pokémon's cry.

While struggling, the whole body flickered like breathing, switching back and forth between the red-haired maid and a red-and-white Pokémon.

It is the image of Latias shown by the previous curator.

"Calm down, Latias, I'm here to help you!!"

Xiaozhi quickly spoke softly, trying to make his tone soft.

Of course, the strength in his hand didn't go away, and he still held it tightly.

The feeling of hugging... gave Xiaozhi the feeling of holding his little Rogia, just like holding a big goose that is alive and kicking and flapping its wings.

This Pokémon is too timid, it will become vigilant if it is ten meters away, and it will turn around and run away if it gets closer.

Now time waits for no one, seeing that the sky is getting late, Xiaozhi can only take some slightly rough methods.


"Latias, did you want to ask me for help before? I have no malicious intentions, and I am willing to help you!!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Pika pickup...!"

Pikachu jumped onto Xiaozhi's head, explaining more convincingly.

These words also made Ladias finally stop struggling and rioting, and his body shape was completely fixed on the appearance of the beast.

Ladias's IQ is not inferior to that of humans, and he can understand Xiaozhi's meaning.


At this time, a soft and weak voice suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind.


This is the exclusive ability of the legendary Pokémon. Of course, some ultra-high IQ super-type Pokémon can also complete telepathy.

However, Latias's telepathy is obviously not yet proficient, and his voice is intermittent.

elder brother?

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized.

Brother, it should be the captured Latios.

Seeing that the latter did not continue to struggle, Xiaozhi slowly let go of his palm and stood up from Ladias.


Latias also uttered a soft humming and floated up.

Only then did Xiaozhi secretly look at the latter.

The body structure is similar to Latios, like a small red and white plane.

But Latias is slightly smaller in size, with a slender neck, and his eyes are still the amber pupils of the human maid before.

There are a pair of white pointed horns on the small head.

This is an extremely cute Pokémon, really like a little sister.

Of course, once she turned into a red-haired maid, her demeanor became like that of a sister a few years older.

At this time, in Xiaozhi's mind, an intermittent gentle telepathy reappeared.

"My name is... Latias..."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi also showed a smile, and stretched out his palm earlier.

"My name is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, please give me your advice!"

Seeing this, Latias stretched out his small red claws tentatively, and lightly touched Xiaozhi's palm.

"Don't worry, Latias, I will help you save Latios...your brother!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest and said in a deep voice.


This confident look immediately made Latias stare into the watery eyes, with tears on the edge, as if he had finally caught a life-saving straw.

She originally came to this city with her brother and lived a carefree life.

The elder brother Latios is fond of war, and often fights with wild Pokémon around the local area.

And she has no interest in fighting, but yearns for the atmosphere of human urban life.

So Latias often phantoms into the appearance of a human maid and goes to the city to play.

The appearance of this red-haired maid is not imitating Kanon, the granddaughter of the museum curator...

It's Kanon's mother, who Zeng Jin looked like when she was a girl.

This Latias is not the first time to land on the island.

As a result, today, the brothers and sisters suddenly sensed that the city's heart drops seemed to have left their original positions.

It was an eerie, suffocating feeling.

Lattios had a vague premonition of a bad future, so he rushed to the garden alone to look for clues.

And let his younger sister Latias go to the city to find a boy with an electric mouse.

After a short fight, Latios knew that Xiaozhi was a righteous trainer.

And the strength is extremely strong, maybe it can help.

What happened after that was that Latios was captured by those two female thieves in the back garden...



At this time, the eyes of Latias in front of him suddenly burst into a strange blue light, which startled Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

The next moment, the world in the eyes of Xiaozhi and Pikachu turned into another scene after a while.

"Is this... what Latios can see...?"

Xiaozhi remembered what the curator said, that the two Pokémon are closely related and have the ability to share each other's current vision.

As an intermediary, Ladias shared the scene with himself.

It's a dark alleyway under an arched bridge, near a water stream.

But this kind of terrain is almost everywhere in the capital of water, and it is impossible to tell where it is.

Next to it, you can also see the two blonde and silver-haired sisters who are resting.

It seemed that the two of them did not plan to go to the museum immediately, but hibernated temporarily.

But judging from the confident appearance of the two, it is estimated that they don't know their plan yet, and they have already been known by their own group.


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