He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 917: Parting, Water Capital

But at this time, Latios next to him shook his head.

"I intend to be the heart of the city and restore the city to what it was..."

The telepathy with a steady voice sounded in everyone's minds.

Although, it is still intermittent, and it seems that this ability is not very proficient.

The water drop of the heart.

In essence, it is actually the soul crystallization born after the death of Latias or Latios.

What a water droplet of a heart can do, naturally, Latios itself can also do it.

"Wait a minute, are you sacrificing yourself?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

After saying that, Lattios just looked at Xiaozhi with a foolish expression.

"I just need to connect my spiritual power with the island, and I won't die..."

Latios explained intermittently:

"But the price is that I can't leave the sea area around this island, unless I find a new drop of heart to take my place..."

Of course, this isn't all bad.

The capital of water... This is no ordinary island, with a unique energy.

The spirit is connected with it, and Latios will officially become the patron saint of the water capital.

This is a real priesthood, not just a local word of mouth.

It is the same reason that Rabbi is the god of the forest in Tonglin.

However, the latter's current forest range has almost covered the two areas of Kanto and Johto, and it is even continuing to expand outward.

"That's a good thing."

Only then did Xiaozhi heave a sigh of relief, it sounded okay.

Latios nodded, he is a warlike Pokémon...

Once he officially settles here, he will be able to meet other Lattios who are on vacation every few months, and then challenge them.

Latios is an ethnic group, basically scattered in pairs and wandering throughout the world.


However, Ladias changed back to his original shape, leaned over and grabbed his brother's paw, looking quite reluctant.

She seemed to have a premonition of something.

I saw Lattios looking at Xiaozhi, and the calm telepathy reappeared.

"But my sister doesn't need to stay here with me... She likes the human world, I hope you can take her to see the human world..."

Latios doesn't know any human beings, and Xiaozhi is one of the few human beings.

Counting enough combat power, plus inner justice... it is the only choice.

One more thing, Latios didn't say everything.

He always felt that there was still an undeveloped power hidden in himself and his sister.

This power...it seems that it can only be fully displayed with the help of human beings.

Lattios and Xiaozhi looked at each other for a long time, and the latter nodded heavily.

"I see, then leave Latias to my care."

Xiaozhi patted his chest and assured the latter.


Latias was gently pushed by his brother, and then timidly levitated around Xiaozhi's body, looking at Xiaozhi with big teardrop eyes.

Finally, the expression gradually showed a smile, and the two dragon-shaped claws hugged Xiaozhi's head.

The intimacy of one person and one dragon is not low.

"Well, but you guys remember to be together along the way, to help find the water droplet of the heart..."

Latios did not forget to remind.

Whether it's the missing one, or a new one... After all, Latios is a group, as long as someone dies, a drop of heart will be born.

Staying here for 1 or 2 years is not a big problem, it just allows him to challenge a few more of his kind.

But if he stays for 5 or 6 years, or even more... This will be torture like being in prison for Latios.

It's just that in front of him, seeing Latias carrying Xiaozhi flying into the sky and frolicking, it seems that he didn't hear his instructions at all.

Latios: "..."

This sister, wouldn't she have forgotten her brother now, right?

Da da da...!

Xiaozhi even opened his backpack completely, poured out a variety of poke balls, and let Latias choose a new home.

Xiao Zhi was very happy to have another legendary Pokémon join the team.

The day when he can gather enough beasts is not far away!


Ladias hesitated for a while among the scattered poke balls in front of him, and finally took a fancy to one of the poke balls, and stretched out his paws to touch without thinking.

"Wait a minute, don't choose this ball!!"

Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong, Xiao Zhi hurriedly stopped it.

Whoosh! !

Just the next second, Latias had been sucked into the poke ball.

After shaking it three times, it stopped.

Latias, successfully subdued!


With a silent expression on his face, Xiaozhi grabbed the pink shell on the ground, and there was a big heart engraved on the poke ball.

People around: "?"

They don't understand why Xiaozhi has this expression, isn't it just an ordinary love ball?


In the end, Xiaozhi didn't explain much.

I don't know how powerful Mr. Steel is, but I hope it's not too outrageous.

This bond between the Pokémon and the trainer should not deteriorate...

"Then I will find a new heart drop and bring it back within two years."

Finally, after Xiaozhi gave Latios a promise, he left this area.


In the evening.

When Ash returns to the Pokémon Center.

The stiffness of the whole city, the feeling of making it difficult to breathe, suddenly disappeared at a certain moment.

Even the sea water on the street next to it began to flow again.

"Have you recovered..."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi stayed on the shore, looking at the sparkling golden sea surface under the reflection of dusk, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Xiaoxia is the only one left in the leisure area at the entrance of the Elf Center.

"We're about to board the plane, and they're already waiting for us over there."

Xiaoxia dragged her luggage, and beside her, Xiaozhi's luggage was also brought out.

"Oh, thank you, by the way, Xiaoxia, let me tell you something..."

Xiaozhi grabbed his luggage and couldn't wait to share his experience with his friends, but he didn't notice that Xiaoxia's face was a bit lonely at the moment.

"Xiaozhi, I also have something to tell you..."

However, Xiaoxia interrupted Xiaozhi.

She just slowly jumped over Xiaozhi, walked to the bank of the alley, and stared at the sea water in front of her.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, not knowing what the latter was going to say.

"The next Fangyuan area, I can't continue to travel with you."

Finally, Xiaoxia sighed and said.

My three elder sisters are going to other places for a year-long water performance, and Hualan Gymnasium can only be garrisoned by her.

Hualan gymnasium is the wealth left by her ancestors, Xiaoxia dare not leave it aside and allow it to be closed.

"And I've been traveling outside for more than a year, now it's my turn to stay in the gym..."

Xiaoxia has a dream.

But her three older sisters also have their own dreams.

"That's it..."

Xiaozhi sighed, a little caught off guard, Pikachu on his shoulders also shrugged his ears.

Although the two who had just met seemed to be the most prone to disputes in the team.

But traveling together for so long, the relationship between the two has long since disappeared from the initial barrier, more like...

A pair of girlfriends?

"No, this is a gift for you."

At this time, Xiaoxia turned around and threw a small device, which Xiaozhi subconsciously caught.

To start with, it was a bait with Xiaoxia's q-version portrait.

"This is my special version of bait, it can help you catch rare water-type Pokémon~"

Xiaoxia let herself smile and said.

She seems to have gotten used to the days of traveling with the former.

Finally, she stretched out her fist to Xiaozhi.

"Next, you will become the most powerful Pokémon master...!"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, carefully put away the bait, lightly fisted with Xiaoxia, and looked directly at each other.

"You also want to become the most powerful water attribute trainer!!"

At dusk at sunset, the shadows of the two people were drawn obliquely and fell on the surface of the flowing water beside them...





The plane landed in Dead Leaf City, and then everyone returned to their hometowns at a crossroads.

And Xiaolan, who returned home, began to pack her luggage for this vacation trip.

Most of them are clothes, decorations and other luxuries bought by Bilan.

"After a few years, you can wear it~"

Bilan, in the appearance of a human body, swaggered on Xiaolan's big bed.

"How many years? Clothes will be out of fashion by then..."

Xiaolan had no choice but to pack up all these luxuries, and she didn't know where Sister Bilan's money came from.


At this time, a crystal clear blue glass ball suddenly fell out of one of the bags, and the surface was emitting strange energy fluctuations.

Xiaolan: "?!"

If she read it correctly, this should be the legendary water drop of heart...?

"Oh, that... I think those two little thieves are too arrogant, I cut off all their things the night before, haha~!"

Bilan said quite proudly.

How dare he call himself the number one thief in the world in front of her?

Puff puff...!

Bilan turned back into a Ditto, turned into a puddle of ooze and fell on the bed, her body completely fitting the bed.

Not to mention, sleeping like this is much more comfortable than a human body.

Xiaolan: "..."

It turns out that the water drop of the heart that disappeared was stolen by you early in the morning! ?




(Joto area chapter, officially ended.)

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