He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 921 Wait a minute, this is not like a newcomer!

"Are you a rookie trainer, haha, we are all seasoned trainers~!"

In the rear, Xiaolan, who is rare as a senior today, is chattering and introducing the most basic things about a trainer.

Next to him, Xiao Gang added a few words from time to time.

Although most of it is bullshit.

"oh oh..."

Xiaoyao listened carefully, wishing to take out his notes and record these words.

Xiaozhi walked in the front to open the way, still carrying the blown up bicycle on his shoulder.


At this time, he suddenly sensed three consecutive dots in his mind.

Brother Chi noticed something was wrong.

"This girl, it seems a bit difficult..."

Chi suddenly opened his mouth to remind.

Hearing that Xiaozhi stopped carrying the bicycle, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Xiaoyao.

"The boss from time travel again?"

Xiaozhi reacted after he realized it.

That's right, there are people like Akin and Chris in the city...

Then there should naturally be people like him in the Fangyuan area.

This kind of person is usually the same age as me, and there is a high probability that they are newcomer trainers... Xiaoyao's conditions are quite suitable.

"Brother Chi, have you sensed a second soul in her?"

Xiaozhi asked secretly, not daring to be careless.

However, Chi shook his head. He didn't sense a complete soul like Qinglu, nor a remnant soul like Ajin.

Just a very ordinary girl, nothing special.

But just because of this ordinaryness, Chi felt that it was not ordinary.

The token of the gods in the Chengdu area was once again integrated into his hat, which raised Chi's soul strength to a higher level.

But even so, when he connected his soul with this girl, it seemed that the next second, he would be swallowed and absorbed by the latter...

This one is called Xiaoyao, it's definitely not easy!

"But from the outside, he is just an ordinary newcomer."

Xiaozhi looked behind secretly, Xiaoyao had a serious expression at the moment, and took the words of Xiaolan and Xiaogang into his mind seriously, and it didn't look like a fake.

In the end, Xiaozhi just shrugged.

"Forget it, no matter what is weird about her, it has nothing to do with me."

Even, it's better to be weird!

At best, there is one more big brother of the same age.

It's better to have a few more, so that my trip to the Fangyuan area will not be boring!

Xiaozhi knew that with such an existence, every trainer would definitely not be weak.


Seeing this, Chi didn't say much.

Indeed, if it really came from the electronic world, it shouldn't be a bad guy...?



Soon, Xiaozhi and his party crossed Route 101 and officially entered Weibai Town.

But next to the entrance of the town, near a bush.

At this moment, a teenager is driving his Pokémon, constantly attacking a one-meter-high rock in front of him.

"Water jumping fish, use impact!!"


Shui Yueyu understood, immediately let go of his feet, and slammed towards the rock.

One person, one fish, seems to be doing some kind of training.

"Water jumping fish?"

Not far away, Xiaozhi repeated the name and took out the illustrated book with his backhand.

"Didi. Shuiyueyu is the initial Yusanjia of the water attribute in the Fangyuan area. The standing fin in the mind is a sensitive radar for perception, but it still needs a lot of training to reach the level of seeing through everything."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, and put away the illustrated book.

This is the local Yusanjia, similar to the existence of Jenny Turtle...

It's just that compared to everyone who was staring straight at the water jumping fish that he had never seen before, Xiaoyao's eyes tightened and he looked at the boy in front of him.

"This guy..."

The person who controls the water jumping fish is naturally Yuki.

At the moment, she is wearing a red and black fitness short sleeve, which fits tightly on the surface of the skin, showing her upper body figure.

The lower body is wearing black cropped trousers, and a pair of white and green sneakers on the feet.

This is the trendy style in the Fangyuan area this year.

He has short black-brown hair, but there is a black headband around his forehead and a white cloth cap extending upwards.

From a distance, it looks like a teenager with gray hair, and the original hair can only be seen from both sides of the ears.


The water jumping fish performed its ramming trick and slammed into the rock, but it just bounced back straight away, and the rock didn't move at all.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded reminiscently.

It looks like another newcomer who has just received the initial Pokémon, with the former him...

"Water jumping fish, use broken rocks!!"

At this time, Yuki suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

Hearing that Shui Yueyu's eyes were fixed, he jumped into the air suddenly, and his two forelimbs were already flashing with dangerous white light.

Boom! !

This time, under the vigorous slapping, a meter-high rock in front of him was actually shattered into countless pieces on the spot, with impressive power.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Wait a minute, your matching move doesn't look like a rookie! ?


That strange feeling came again.


Not noticing the people not far away, Yuki nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the rocks that had fallen to the ground in front of him.

"Sure enough, this world doesn't need any gym badges, but I can still use secret moves..."

Yuuki came to a conclusion.

As long as you master it, you can use it naturally.

Today is actually Yushu and Shuiyueyu's first day of training.

The one-month agreement with his father has come, if the newcomer from Chenghua City hasn't come today, Yushu intends to deposit all the things with the assistant of the research institute, so he ran away directly.

He is a man of ritual.

It was not until today that he officially took out the water jumping fish from the computer and started the first training.

Everything is ready, it's time to officially go!

"In that world, I have become the strongest in the region, and even defeated the leaders of the frontier regions one by one. I don't know what is different in this world...?"

Yuki is still very excited about becoming a trainer again.

His eyes couldn't help falling on the water jumping fish in front of him.

Magical candy, I just fed 10 of them, and if I feed another one, it will probably evolve.

Yuki brought it the immutable stone that the snake bear picked up.

This world is different from your own video game world, evolution does not mean becoming stronger...

It is necessary to squeeze out the potential of the first stage first, and then choose to evolve to maximize the ability.

I don't know if the concept of effort value exists in this world, but the booster props such as attack and defense hp are also fed to the water jumping fish.

As for the broken rocks... they are all picked up.

These are rare props, that is, six Serpentine bears are dispatched at the same time, and the number obtained in the end is not much. Basically, they can only be used by three Pokémon at most.

At this moment, Yuki sensed someone approaching, and subconsciously turned around.

It's just that his first reaction was to walk past Xiaozhi who was walking in the front, carrying a scorched bicycle and was extremely conspicuous.

His eyes fell on the back of the crowd, and the girl in the red bow tie couldn't help frowning.

"This guy, shouldn't he be here too...?"


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