He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirty-Eight Team Rockets Driven into Desperation

Leaving Route 104, Xiaozhi and his party formally entered the Orange Forest.

It will not be as closed as the tung forest in the Johto area, but it will not be as open as the Viridian Forest in the Kanto area.

There are obvious narrow entrances and exits around, and most of the trees in the forest are also chunky ancient rattan trees, covering the sky and the sun.

The three of Xiaozhi walked in the jungle.

"Hiss~!" "Chapo~!"

He even released the Proud Swallow and Huo Chick that he had just tamed to accompany him.

The most Pokémon in the forest are naturally insect-type and grass-type, which are completely defeated by the two.

Moreover, in the Orange Blossom Forest, there are still many young insect hunters, who can just take this opportunity to practice their levels.

"Yoyo water polo, use bubble light!!"

Xiaolan took a fancy to a kind of Pokémon called Dou Ninja, sent the water spider that had just been subdued, and planned to subdue it. "Wait a minute, that Pokémon is..."

Xiao Gang took a fancy to a brown sloth Pokémon lying on the edge of the jungle with a lazy look.

Xiaozhi could only grit his teeth and forcibly ignore the enthusiastic appearance of the two, and concentrate on training Jiaaoguyan and Huozhiji.

Chew more and never tire, now the top priority is to increase the power of these two Pokémon as soon as possible.

Xiaozhi intends to let them play in the first gymnasium in Kanaz City next!



Compared with Xiaozhi and his party, they are full of energy.

The words were divided into two parts, and the Rockets trio encountered a major crisis in their lives.

At this moment, Kojiro Musashi, Miaomiao, has successfully arrived at the Yoshien area, and also came to the Orange Blossom Forest.

The scope of this forest is not small, and it happens to be in two directions diametrically opposite to Xiaozhi and his party.

But at this moment, in front of the three of them, there was a big black python.

His eyes were blood red, and a pair of red slender fangs protruded from the corners of his mouth.

The black snake belt has golden patterns, and at the end is a sharp tail that looks like a long knife and dagger.


The tongue letter was spit out, blocking the way of the three people, and making a threatening voice.

"I remember this kind of Pokémon is called Rice Spoon Snake..."

Kojiro had already taken out a book of illustrations and notes, and quickly identified it.

And with Miaomiao present, the three of them could naturally understand the meaning of the wild rice spoon snake blocking the way.

"He said to hand over all your food and submit to him sincerely, so that today we will be accepted as younger brothers..."

Before Miaomiao could finish her translation, Musashi was the first to dissatisfy and immediately reprimanded:

"It's just a little snake, do you want us to surrender!?"

"That's right, we are the great Rockets, only you can surrender to us!"

Kojiro also stood up.


Hearing this, the wild rice spoon snake was irritated, its originally comically curved eyes narrowed, and its figure flew across the ground quickly.

When he came in front of him, he even swept his body out violently.

At the end of the dagger-shaped tail, a penetrating purple light has gathered.

Poison Tail! !

"Damn it, go Able Monster!"

"Double bomb gas, kill it!!"

Musashi Kojiro hurriedly touched his elf ball, only after the two of them made a move did he realize that he didn't have his favorite ace at the moment.

The Rockets actually have Pokémon gold-plated training programs every year.

As long as the Pokémon of Team Rocket members is in the organization, they can apply for participation after one year of registration.

This time when they came to the Fangyuan area, the two temporarily sent themselves Arbor and Shuangtan Gas to the headquarters for further training in gold plating.

At the time they were carrying...


The elf ball around Musashi's waist bounced off automatically, and sure enough, Weng suddenly appeared in front of Musashi.

Two people, with only one Guoruo Weng.


As soon as the result came out, a majestic poisonous tail lashed towards it, so frightened that Sure enough, Weng shivered.

The surface of the body, even the muscle memory, lit up with a burst of red light, turning into an energy film.

The next moment, the rice spoon snake's poisonous tail swept over!

There was no object in front of them, so Kojiro and Miaomiao were hit by the poisonous tail on the spot, and were sent flying, falling towards an unknown section of the Orange Blossom Forest.

As for Musashi, he quickly hid behind Guo Ranweng, and escaped the catastrophe.

Bang bang! !

The poisonous tail slashed heavily at Guo Ranweng's face, but he just stood there in a stalemate.


After Sure enough Weng Gaoming uttered, a terrifying red light burst out of his body instantly.

Double the money back! !

Boom! !

The body of the rice spoon snake was blasted out just like that.

"Haha, as expected of you~! Always so trustworthy!!"

Seeing this, Musashi immediately jumped out, put his hips on his hips and laughed.

But this blow did not make the rice spoon snake lose its ability to fight.


After getting up, the rice spoon snake curled up even more, and became extremely cautious, staring at Ruan Weng closely with sly eyes.

Obviously, this rice spoon snake is not only high-level, but also very intelligent.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The next moment, the rice spoon snake opened its mouth suddenly, and countless purple spikes flew out.

Poison needle!

But sure enough, Weng's movements were one step faster, and the mirror reflection had already been turned on one step earlier.

Da da da...!!

After receiving this blow, after a crisp collision sound, Sure enough, Weng also shot out countless poisonous needles, and the power doubled.

Snapped! !

However, the rice spoon snake completely shattered countless poisonous needles with a sweep of its tail.

Poison needles are already extremely low in power, even if doubled.

But when Guo Ranweng and the enemy looked at each other again, the eyes of the rice spoon snake lit up with an extremely dangerous light, which made Guo Ranweng feel as if he was locked, making it difficult to move for a while.


The sound of electric current sounded, and indeed Weng's body lit up with electric arcs.

The big snake stared, causing Guo Ranweng to enter a state of paralysis.

"Hey, this is a foul, you have to attack from the front!!"

Musashi, the automatic trainer, immediately cursed loudly, the non-damaging skill of Orochi's stare is really useless.

Chi Chi Chi...!!

However, the action of the rice spoon snake was not over yet, when he opened his mouth, he spit out a cloud of thick black mist, surrounding Guo Ranweng and Musashi together.


The surrounding field of vision was reduced to the minimum, which caused Guo Ranweng to be in chaos for a while.

The red light of tit for tat switched repeatedly with the colorful light reflected by the mirror, even Ruan Weng didn't know what attack the enemy would launch.

He didn't even know the location, and was completely played by the other party in the applause.

puff! !

The next moment, the Rice Spoon Snake broke out from the ground at Guo Ranweng's feet, instantly reducing the distance to the minimum.

Whoosh! !

With one blow of the poisonous tail, it hit Guo Ranweng hard on the back.

The sneak attack was extremely fierce. This time, before Weng could react, he fought back with tit for tat. With a strong impact, he was sent flying on the spot.

Wait until the smoke clears.

At this moment, the wild rice spoon snake had wrapped itself around Musashi's body several times, completely locking and tightening the latter's limbs.


The head was twisted upwards, and the tongue was spit out, passing Musashi's face from time to time.

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