He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 940: Lava Soldier A

Team Rocket and his team have gained new combat power in the Hoen area.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and his party continued to advance in the Orange Blossom Forest.

"Damn it, that lazy man ran away...!"

Xiao Gang looked at the shadow of the monkey moving back and forth flexibly in the woods with regret, and dropped his palm sadly.

This guy looked lazy on the outside, but as soon as he approached, he ran up the treetops and escaped, without giving himself a chance to catch it.

"Haha Teacher Gang, don't be sad, look what I have conquered?"

In Xiaolan's hand, she was holding a gray-white worm, which also looked quite dull.

"It is said that once this Pokémon evolves, it will split into two and become two independent individuals. Let's take one each at that time~!"

Wen Yan Xiaogang began to look up and down at this ordinary white bug.

This is the first time he has heard of the setting of evolution splitting into two.

As for Xiaozhi.

"Thank you Huozhiji, Aoguyan, let's end today's special training...!"

Xiaozhi said loudly, the black and white barn swallow and the orange chick in front of him were relieved to hear that, and each sat down on the ground.

Start training Pokémon again, this time Xiaozhi subconsciously speeds up the training.

Unlike the frog seed Squirtle in the Kanto region, it has a good combat effectiveness in the first stage.

The fire chicken in the first stage has extremely immature and short wings, and can only fight with a pair of flexible claws and thighs.

But once it has evolved to the second stage, the strong chicken can not only produce perfect limbs, but also add a fighting attribute to its attributes.

"The Kanaz Gym is a rock gym..."

Xiaozhi looked to the north of the forest, and faintly, he could already see the blurred outline of a city.

Rock attribute, if it is Pikachu's steel tail, basically one tail, there is no challenge.

Even Pikachu, who was slashed, can't be touched casually.

Xiaozhi still intends to give this opportunity to Aoguyan and Huozhiji to practice more.



At this time, a scream came from a direction in the forest, and several proud swallows flew out of the forest in fright.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, and quickly approached the direction where they were calling for help.

As a righteous trainer, he would not sit idly by when he heard calls for help in the wild.

When the three of them came to the source of the yelling, they saw that it was a narrow forest path, surrounded by dense trunks and tall trees, blocking the roads on both sides, and two figures were tensely confronting each other.

A person was thin and dressed in a white researcher's robe, and the voice was shouted by this person.

The other person was a tall man in a red uniform with a red lava pattern similar to the letter M engraved on his chest.

Wearing a hood with black pointed horns on both sides of the head, it looks menacing.

This is the member uniform of Team Lava.

At this moment, the two are fighting for a cowhide briefcase, and the frail research man is completely at a disadvantage.

"Research data on mega evolution? Hey, bring it here!"

Soldier A of the lava team waved his hand and held the briefcase in his hand, as if he was about to leave.

"Hmph, our lava team is the king who will rule the entire world in the future. Today, you Dewen Company should show us your filial piety~!"

He didn't even forget to sneer.

"Stop it! Give the thing back to this man!"

With these arrogant words, the three of Xiaozhi quickly leaned up and reprimanded them sharply.

Seeing the three boys approaching, the man in the red uniform just showed a look of disdain.

"Where is the brat, don't disturb the great lava team fighting for justice!"

However, the key words of the lava team made Xiaozhi a little stunned, and subconsciously said:

"Lava team? I remember this organization has gone bankrupt, is it the remnants...?"

This sentence made Xiaobing A's face instantly furious.

"Hey! Brat, stop slandering our great lava team!"

Team Lava is going out of business... that's been half a year ago.

The current lava team is under the command of the heavens. It has the only legendary ancient god walking in the eyes of the public, and its status is unique.

No matter how clumsy the god of the earth, Gulardo, is, others are great ancient gods!

From the road to simplicity, this is Team Lava's promotional label for Gulardo.

And at this moment, what he wants to fight for from the German company... the research data of mega evolution!

It is said that once this power is fully mastered, it will not only allow Pokémon to gain stronger combat effectiveness.

Even the great Gulardo will be reborn and gain unparalleled strength.

Their lava team was originally a monk from the underworld group, but it was only after they started their business that they shifted to the gray industry.

But this does not mean that Team Lava will not commit murder and arson at all now.

Of course, it cannot be exposed to the public eye on the bright side.

"Three trainers, hurry up and help me get back the precious research materials!!"

The researcher man hastily asked.

This information is very important, but for some unknown reason, the gangsters of the lava team found out about the information and intercepted it halfway.

Could it be that there are ghosts inside Devon...?!

Xiaozhi was obliged to stand directly in front of the lava team soldiers.

At this moment, the strength of Aoguyan and Huozhiji has bottomed out...

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!!"

Seeing that an unremarkable electric mouse jumped up at the end, the lava showed a funny look at the soldier, and also threw a poke ball in the same way.

"It's kind of interesting, to dare to fight against our lava, I really don't know how to live or die."

A red light flashed, and a gray puppy-like Pokémon appeared in front of him.

Grinning his teeth, his face covered with pitch-black fur was really fierce.

Coyote, this is also a bad street Pokémon, Xiaozhi has met a few in the forest before.

But this little soldier A is obviously very confident in his Pokémon, so he greedy first at the beginning.

"Coyote, use long howl!!"


I saw the hyena dog howling up to the sky, and suddenly a red light lit up on his body.

Physical attack, raised a level.

"Hmph, you're just looking at it stupidly... Then let me teach you how to fight Pokémon today."

Xiaobing A said that Xiaozhi is a novice trainer, and he intends to end the battle at once, so that he can kill a chicken for the monkey to see.

"Kill it, use Sacrificial Charge!!"

The Coyote began to run, and a dangerous golden light appeared on the surface of its body, rushing towards it.

"Pikachu, use high voltage electric shock!"

Xiaozhi instructed calmly.


Pikachu understood, and immediately rushed towards the target. In the process, his body was covered with a layer of dazzling lightning energy, making the whole body instantly turn into a lightning shock wave, and even the inner figure was blurred.

Boom bang! ! !

The collision between the life-threatening collision and the high-voltage electric shock, two equally powerful forces, made the Orange Blossom Forest in this place tremble violently.

It's just that the skills have not been deadlocked for a long time, and Pikachu exerts a little bit of strength a second time.

Whoosh! ! !

The next moment, the coyote backed away quickly, and hit a thick tree trunk behind him heavily. He was unable to fight on the spot and lost consciousness.

"It is indeed a one-off solution to the battle."

Next to it, Xiao Gang followed up with a comment.

Soldier A: "..."

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