He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 949 Mu Shougong Masters New Moves: Instant Amnesia

Although the effect is mediocre, it still does damage.

"Good job, that's it, continue to look for opportunities to attack!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, the latter's magnetic physical characteristics undoubtedly gave him an excellent opportunity to attack.

If one spark fails, then ten!

This kind of low-power move has no other, that is, the pp value is enough, and it basically doesn't consume much physical strength.


However, just when Huozhiji was about to attack for the second time, Du Juan suddenly sneered.

"You think my north-facing nose is too simple, right now, use the lock move!!"

After finishing the words, he uttered a low voice towards the north nose, and at the position of Huozhiji's forehead, a phantom green aiming pattern appeared out of thin air.


This made Huozhiji tremble, and looked around in a panic, not knowing what happened.

In the next moment, the north-facing nose turned its body around in this way, and the tip of the nose was aimed at the turkey.

This time, the source of the north-facing nose magnet has been completely transformed into a turkey.

No matter how fast the latter moves his body, North Nose can instantly adjust his body shape and face it head-on.

"See, your illustration book introduction is completely wrong! Even with two north-facing noses, you can use lock moves, face-to-face kisses and...that!"

Du Juan blushed, but still emphasized seriously.

She is no-nonsense academic and believes that posture is power.

In the face of these data and text introductions, Du Juan's requirements are very precise and precise.

However, this sentence seemed to have offended the illustrated book, which shook again and again, forcing Xiao Zhi to take it out. Come.

"Didi. Indeed, the range of the lock-on move towards the north nose is greater than the magnetic force of the nose..."

"However, it is common knowledge that two north-facing noses are themselves powerful magnets, and the same polarity repels each other, so any two individuals with north-facing noses are still unable to kiss face-to-face with the old woman."

The illustration book said a lot of words, rigorous logic, well-founded.

It is also inviolable when it comes to verbalism.

Rhododendron: "..."

This really touched her blind spot of knowledge, and her momentum couldn't help but weaken, and she was firmly suppressed by the illustrated book.

She has only used Diversity Eggs before, but she has never tried how to use two of them.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Hey, hey, hey, he's still fighting nervously! !


However, this interruption in the illustrated book also gave Xiaozhi an idea.

Because he caught the only key point in a lot of words in the illustration book just now.

"Facing north, use Rockfall!!"

In the sky, countless gravels fell again, violently.

But at this moment, Huozhiji's acceleration has reached the third stage, quickly dodging and changing positions, dodging countless gravels one by one.

"Now, use the bounce trick!!"

Xiaozhi said suddenly, which surprised many people.

Didn't I use this trick at the beginning? It didn't work.

But Huozhiji understood what Xiaozhi meant.

The figure jumped high again and rushed into the air.

In the end, with a sharp trajectory of a downward dive, he raised his powerful bird claws and trampled away heavily!

Whoosh! !

The speed was extremely fast, and it hit the door facing the north nose head-on again.

After using this move, Huo Zhiji was not greedy for moves, and used the reaction force to retreat backwards.

But then, a strange scene appeared.

"Wu... Wu...!"

I saw that facing Beibei, who had been hit by a blow, suddenly started to spin and swing randomly out of thin air.

Upside down, side to side, seems to lose control of the body.

Du Juan was startled, and quickly looked closely.

"This is...?!"

It turned out that the heavy kick of the turkey chicken before kicked the flying leg, and it kicked right at the nose pointing towards the north.

Kicked the latter's nose magnet straight away!

Cold knowledge, the body with the nose facing north and the limbs and nose are not connected together from the inside of the rock.

Instead, they rely on strong magnetic force to connect with each other.

And the red magnet nose can keep the whole body in a perfect state, freely lock the target and realize electromagnetic levitation.

Right now, the nose was kicked crookedly, and the north nose also lost control of the body, making a mess.

Generally, in this case, the cuckoo needs to be manually adjusted and returned. After all, with the latter's short arms, he can't even touch his own nose...



Seeing that he had made a great contribution, Huo Zhiji started bouncing excitedly on the spot.


However, at this time, there was a low-pitched cry from outside the arena, which choked the turkey chicken.

The source of the sound came from the direction of Mu Shougong.

"Short wax gourd, what's the use of hitting a crooked nose, after a long time of beating it's just scraping, it's about to make me laugh..."

If Miaomiao was here, he would definitely be able to translate Mu Shougong's sarcastic words, with a feeling that he was about to laugh.


These harsh words were like pouring cold water on the excited turkey's face, completely angering the latter.

The two chicken paws continued to dig the pit in place to exert strength, as if they were accumulating some strength.

Da da da...! !

The next moment, Huozhiji rushed up with his feet spread.

The two tender yellow chicken feet, in the process of running, lit up with a penetrating white light.

Whoosh! !

When approaching the chaotic North Nose, Huozhiji jumped slightly, swept across the air with a blow and kicked straight to the bottom of the North Nose, and there was even a burst of gravel at the contact position.

"Didi. Huozhiji has mastered a new move: kick down."

At this time, the illustration book automatically prompts.

Kick down, this is a fighting attribute move, the heavier the Pokémon, the greater the damage.

The effect is outstanding! !

The latter was hit hard, and the whole body fell over in an instant, and could no longer maintain the effect of electromagnetic levitation, so it fell heavily on the ground, causing waves of smoke and dust.


Seeing this, Huo Zhiji leaped up into the air again, trampled on the falling chicken paws, and rushed straight into the sky full of smoke and dust, showing no mercy at all.

bounce! !

Boom boom boom...!!

No specific scene could be seen, and the crowd only heard a burst of violent trampling and explosions.

In the end, the turkey chicken jumped out again and landed in front of Xiaozhi.


Panting heavily, this set of combined punches consumed a lot of his stamina.

And wait until the smoke clears.

The nose that was crooked and facing north had already fallen to the ground, its eyes swirling.

"You can't fight with the nose facing the north, but Huozhiji wins...so in this Kanaz gymnasium challenge, it's Xiaozhi who wins!!"

Du Juan's best friend, the referee, said quickly.


This scene made Huo Zhiji turn his head, and gave Mu Shou Gong a provocative look outside the arena, with a proud face.

Hmph, how dare you underestimate this chicken? !


However, Mu Shougong had already turned his head at this moment, looking out of the window in the distance, without paying attention to the field at all.

It seemed that nothing had been seen in the scene just now.

"Didi. Mu Shougong mastered a new move and lost his memory instantly."

Xiaozhi's illustration book slowly reminded.

Xiaozhi: "?"

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