He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 965 Wooden Shougong vs Rice Spoon Snake!

"What the hell, why is there a snake in the cave...?"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

It looks different from the Abo monster in my hometown. Does it look like a big snake in the Fangyuan area?

It's just that ordinary snake Pokémon like to live in humid places, but this stone cave is a completely dry cave at the moment. There is no water source for the cave at all. There should be no wild snakes.


At this time, there was a crisp sound of a switch being turned on from the rock wall behind the rice spoon snake.

A beam of white light appeared in this cave.

In the light, there are two men and women leaning back to back.

"Wait a minute, I wish I heard someone say 'what the hell'...?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

"Then I will tell you mercifully!"

In the light, Musashi and Kojiro made their debut, opening their mouths with a series of classic lines.

Boom! !

Miaomiao also pulled up the rope-drawing salute behind the two of them, and immediately countless ribbons flew out, and manually added special effects and dubbing to the two of them.


It's just that the sound of explosions undoubtedly scared the wild baby with a big mouth, and it immediately ran towards the depths of the cave.

"Hey hey!! Wait for me!!"

Xiaolan didn't think too much, and subconsciously chased after Dazuiwa in the direction where Dazuiwa was escaping.

Now it's hard to meet a wild baby with a big mouth. She doesn't know when she will meet again next time, and she doesn't want to let it go.

"Hey, Xiaolan is dangerous...!"

Xiaozhi just wanted to stop Xiaolan from acting alone, but the latter's speed was extremely fast, he had already jumped over him, and ran towards the dark part of the corner of the rock wall, and he was about to disappear.

Now Big Boss Bilan is not by Xiaolan's side, the dangerous cave, and she doesn't have any Pokémon who know flash moves, so Xiaozhi can't rest assured that Xiaolan goes deep into the cave alone.


It's just that when he was about to move, the rice spoon snake in front of him was already blocking Xiaozhi's face, with a covetous expression, spewing out the snake's letter, and he couldn't leave at all.

"Leave it to me, Xiaozhi!"

Xiao Gang's expression froze behind him, and he released his own tree immediately, and instructed loudly:

"Use imitation trick on Pikachu!!"

The tree monster stared at Pikachu's movements with his eyes wide open.


Just looking directly at the unusually dazzling Pikachu, a little blinded its eyes.

However, half a minute later, the tree blamed the reddish-brown body for the light to bloom.

After successfully copying this tool move, Yiren Yishu took advantage of Xiaozhi to block the rice spoon snake's gap in front, and immediately chased in the direction Xiaolan left.


The shining Cocoa Dora hurriedly followed, and disappeared in this rocky field in less than a while.

"Teacher Gang, it's really reliable."

With Xiaogang's help, Xiaozhi turned his attention to the suddenly appearing Team Rocket and the Snake.


"White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it, look!"


A lengthy prologue ended, and the Rockets trio and Ruan Weng froze in place with a finishing move.

It's been a long time since I read the opening words like this, and after finishing speaking completely, everyone felt refreshed physically and mentally, which belonged to complete intoxication.

It's just that when they opened their eyes again, they found that only Xiao Zhi was left in front of them.

"Huh? Where did Little Ghost No. 2 and Little Girl No. 2 go?"

"Hey, hey, give me a serious look at the opening remarks!!"

"No respect for cats, meow!!"

The Rocket trio immediately reprimanded Xiaozhi angrily.

However, Xiaozhi just shrugged and simply replied:

"I have been watching where I am, and I haven't left."

Musashi and Kojiro looked at each other: "..."

Seems to be true?

What surprised Xiaozhi was that this time the Rockets even came to the Fangyuan area, and their ghosts lingered.

The last time we met, it should be in the island of the water capital, right?

"Hmph, Team Rocket is destined to be a great organization that will rule the world, and the Fangyuan area is just one of our small branches!"

"And today, we will officially arrest you, Pikachu, meow!!"

Meowth raised his finger, glared, and pointed at the light bulb Pikachu.

"Ah meow's eyes...!!"

But the next moment, Miaomiao covered her eyes again, and whimpered on the spot.

It was accidentally blinded by Pikachu's flashing trick.

Meow Meow lost the ability to fight.

"Hmph, we are not some funny characters!"

"It's too embarrassing meow meow!!"

Musashi and Kojiro frowned as they looked at Meow Meow who was the first to die in battle.

But Musashi was the first to react, with a big finger.

"Then I'm counting on you, Rice Spoon Snake!!"

Gaining new combat power, Musashi at this moment looks very inflated.

She didn't even intend to use any tricks, but to fight head-on.

Mu Shougong, who was standing at the forefront, also noticed the rice spoon snake in front of him, whose big yellow eyes gradually became hot.


This is exactly its best opponent!

"Mu Shougong, your attributes are at an absolute disadvantage, do you want to continue fighting?"


Mu Shougong didn't answer, but just spat out the small wooden branch from the corner of his mouth, turned it into a white light and shot it straight at the rice spoon snake, declaring war head-on.

Putting this action into the costume * category of the gorgeous competition, it can already get a very high result.


The rice spoon snake just curled up its body, and with a sweep of the tail of the dagger at the end, it easily smashed the wooden thorn completely.

It is much larger than Mu Shougong, overlooking Mu Shougong from a high position.

Hmph, it's just a grass lizard, the rice spoon snake didn't pay attention to the wooden gecko in front of it.

As a poisonous snake, it occupies the absolute top of the food chain.

Whoops! !

Opening his mouth, countless purple poisonous needles flew out, all shooting at Mu Shougong.

The high-level rice spoon snake does not need Musashi's command.


Mu Shougong immediately rolled to one side to dodge.

Whoops! !

After getting up, he opened his mouth suddenly, and also spit out a string of green bullets in a hurry, the movement was extremely smooth.

Seed Machine Gun!


However, the rice spoon snake still just flicked its tail, and easily machine-gunned countless seeds, smashing them into energy slag.

Even if this move hit the rice spoon snake head-on, the effect would only be very touching.

"In that case, use the Oath of Grass!!"

Xiaozhi quickly changed his mind, and Mu Shougong understood, and smashed his green fist to the ground.

Whoosh...! Whoosh...!

In an instant, countless vines entangled and rose up, entangled and restrained the rice spoon snake.


The rice spoon snake's body trembled, and the flexible snake body exerted force, breaking free from the shackles of the oath of grass again in an instant, without any effect of restraint.

"As expected of my rice spoon snake hahaha!!"

Seeing this, Musashi laughed with his hips akimbo behind him.

Today it's finally their Rocket team's turn to beat the brats!

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