He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 986: Red Flame Pine, Fire Goose!


It's just that before the soldier of the lava team got close to the distance of two meters between the two, Pikachu had already strode down, and lightning flashed on his cheek, making a threatening gesture.

This appearance really stunned the lava soldier for a while.

After a stalemate for a while, they cursed and aimed at other couples.

"Damn, unlucky electric mouse...!"

However, Xiaolan's face tightened, and she found that Xiaozhi's palm had already held her palm at some point.

"Well done Team Lava!!"

Immediately, Xiaolan's kindness towards Team Lava increased a bit.

In the future, if Team Lava goes head-to-head with Team Ocean, she will vote for Team Lava no matter what.

After all, Mother Earth is crying!

"Who are you guys, don't break the silence of the museum!!"

At this time, a man in a suit came down from the stairs on the second floor of the museum.

With a serious face and a brown gentleman's round hat, he is about the same age as President Zvouchi.

"People from Team Lava, I'm going to call the police, please get out of here immediately!!"

he snapped.

The person who came was the curator of the Maritime Museum——Curator Kusnoji.

Speaking of which, their Maritime Museum was also unlucky, accidentally getting involved in the dispute between Team Ocean and Team Lava.

The lava team and the group came to their museum to make trouble in the name of Mother Earth every once in a while.

It was useless for Miss Junsha to come, the Lava team just ran away.

Like a hooligan, he will make trouble the next day.

Although they can actually turn to members of the Ocean Team for help... just like this, on behalf of their Ocean Museum, they officially intervene in the confrontation between two incompatible organizations.

Neither side is a good thing, dog eats dog...

Director Kusnoji doesn't want to get involved.

In fact, the Maritime Museum is also a major force in the Fangyuan area, and the scope of business involved includes the Kaina City Shipyard and the offshore oil tanker transportation industry.

It's just that they are pure businessmen and technology stocks, and they have no fighting power. Unlike Devon, which has an incomparable league champion sitting in the company, no one dares to touch porcelain.

The status... It's a bit like the Silver Company in the Kanto region, and it was easily occupied by the Rockets' subordinate group.

"It seems that we have to find a time to formally cooperate with Devon..."

Curator Kusnoji sighed softly and secretly made a decision.

Just the scene in front of me at this moment...

"Oh, you are a traitor to the earth, are you a traitor?!"

"Why is the earth sorry for you, you want to choose to build a marine museum?!"

"I propose to get out of the land quickly and go to the seabed to build your museum!"

Seeing the master, the soldiers of the lava team were already familiar with the road, and they raised their hands and punched them with a set of combinations.

"Damn it, you guys..."

There was no reason at all, but the scolding that could not be refuted made it impossible for Curator Kusnoji to retaliate.

I can't beat it.

Ms. Junsha is also treating the symptoms but not the root cause... There is no solution.


Just when the stalemate was about to reach its peak, two figures suddenly walked in from the direction of the gate.

Da da da...!

The pace was unhurried, and the soles of the shoes made crisp footsteps on the smooth marble floor.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but he didn't expect that there were two more people wearing Lava team uniforms.

The leader is a middle-aged man, not too tall.

A head of short and medium red hair is combed back neatly, and on a serious face, there are square eyes with black frames.

Wearing a dark red robe of the lava team, with his hands behind his back, he looks like a scholar.

Behind her was a woman with short purple hair, a red uniform skirt and boots, and a red hood with curved horns, which is unique to the lava team.

With his hands in his pockets, his exquisite and beautiful face was a bit lazy, and a bubble was blowing from his mouth.

It's just that the agile eyes look around occasionally, giving off the feeling of a cunning thief.

"This woman looks like Sister Bilan..."

Xiao Lan, who was watching the play, couldn't help but speak.

If she hadn't sensed that the other party didn't have any trace of Bilan's breath, Xiaolan would have suspected that this woman was Bilan in disguise.

The person who came was the leader of the lava team, Chi Yansong.

And the senior cadre of Team Lava, Fire Goose.

"Long time no see, Curator Kusnoji."

Walking all the way to the curator, Chi Yansong greeted him quite solemnly.

"Chi Yansong, hurry up and get your men out of here!!"

Curator Kusnoji naturally didn't have a good face, and immediately reprimanded loudly.

"These people are just temporary workers of the Lava team. The protest march is entirely their own behavior and has nothing to do with our Lava team."

However, Chi Yansong immediately drew a clear line with this group of people.

"If you have any questions, you can definitely go to Miss Junsha...and it's not against the law to protest, right?"

"You bastard...!"

Curator Kusnoji was immediately so angry that he couldn't speak fluently.

Chi Yansong just pushed his glasses calmly, apparently taking the other party seriously.

"And our lava team will cooperate with your Oceanographic Museum soon, and I will not do any offensive behavior against you..."

"Hey Chi Yansong, when are we going to cooperate!!"

As soon as the words came out, Director Kusnogi realized something was wrong.

There are already many reporters and media around, who have recorded this sentence.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't admit it, but the ocean team won't think so when they see it.

Even if it is detected that it may be the plan of Team Lava...but at least it will not be biased towards their Oceanographic Museum.

This sentence is to push their ocean museum to stand on the opposite side of the ocean team.

"Damn, this guy..."

For a moment, curator Kusnoji was so angry that he was completely speechless.

This fellow Chi Yansong came here on purpose to cause trouble today.

No wonder this group of hooligans just came to make trouble, even before Miss Junsha arrived, he, the leader, had already arrived.


“Brilliant wonderful...!!”

"Is this corporate war...?!"

In the crowd, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan looked at each other with wonderful eyebrows.

If it weren't for the fear of being the target of public criticism, both of them would have applauded.

After all, in the Kanto area, there are only two large organizations, the Rockets and the Pokémon League, and they rarely confront each other on the bright side.

But the Yoshien area is different, even if you don't count the Pokémon Alliance... there was a war in the energy field between the Devon Company and the Great Purple Company.

At that time, Viola Company even sent many commercial spies to sneak into Devon Company.

Now it is a four-way melee between Team Lava, Team Ocean, Devon, and Ocean Museum!

There may even be other forces that Xiao Zhi doesn't know about for the time being.

Enough for dinner!

Even the Kamayan Senbei in my hand has become fragrant.

At this moment, the two were still holding dark brown seaweed senbei in their hands.

This is a special product of Fuyan Town that the two of them bought by chance when they entered the museum.


It was just the entrance, and the crisp sound of senbei was especially harsh in this deadlocked and silent hall.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiaozhi and Xiaolan together.

Curator Kusnoji was almost dizzy from anger. At this juncture, are there still tourists taking this matter for dinner? !


However, behind Chi Yansong, Huoyan, who was bored blowing bubbles for fun, suddenly blew his own bubble.

The cunning eyes fell on the two of them even more, as if they recognized something, they showed intriguing smiles...

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