The news was leaked, but the news was not released.

After the Dragon Kingdom released the news, media around the world hired civilian ships to enter the southern waters to find out.

If anyone can get first-hand information, it will definitely take their news influence to a higher level.

This is more important than money for media organizations!

Intelligence agencies in various countries also seized this information and asked their intelligence personnel to pretend to be reporters or fishermen to enter the southern waters.

Of course, they were all driven out by patrol boats on the edge.

"Before the dragon reappears, not even a fly is allowed to come in!"

Exercise Command.

Chen Anguo waved his hand.

They are now anxiously waiting for information from the search team and the Academy of Sciences with the people from the War Department.

"Report! Search team report!"


"Through sonar detection, we have confirmed that Shenlong is on the seabed. The current situation is unknown, and the sea temperature has returned to normal!"

"Is the scientific research submersible in place?"

"It is currently being arranged. We are determining the actual location of Shenlong."

"Speed ​​up, no mistakes can be made!"


News also came from the Academy of Sciences.

Preliminary judgment is that this energy release is very similar to nuclear fusion.

The details need further calculation.

Since there is not much data given, their simulation is difficult.

But one thing is certain.

If this level of energy release is placed on land, it will be devastating to all animals and plants!

"Is this the true strength of Shenlong?"

Chen Anguo, who has been dealing with Shenlong since the beginning, is a little scared.



The intelligence personnel on the ground couldn't get in, so they started high-tech means.

Sent reconnaissance planes to conduct close investigations.

Satellites were also sent from above.

Faced with this all-pervasive detection, Longguo wanted to intercept it, but it was powerless.

The detection results were quickly sent to the intelligence departments of various countries.

"Longguo has sent a large number of ships, sailing back and forth in the name of post-disaster search and rescue where the Elizabeth was attacked!"

"And these ships are reconnaissance ships with reconnaissance as their main function."

"The Air Force has sent reconnaissance planes, and they are throwing a large number of Shenna buoys on the sea!"

"Spy satellites did not capture the relevant impact of the dragon."

The temporary command of John Country was just crying, but now, it is all boiling!

These information are combined.

The result is obvious.

The national treasure of Longguo is gone!

Longguo is searching urgently, and has not found it after searching for so long!

Soon, new news came.

Geological movement occurred again in the southern waters.

A large amount of energy was transmitted from the seabed.

For details, please wait for the Dragon Country spokesperson to report.

Hearing this news, the eyes of the people in John Country became brighter!

"Hahaha, I knew that dragon was not as powerful as they said!"

"It must have paid a very painful price to fight against our aircraft carrier fleet!"

Their confidence was restored a little.

"It seems that my aircraft carrier fleet is still vulnerable to the dragon."

"I see that with such a large amount of energy released, the dragon should be dead."

"It is probably dead. Except that all the energy in his body has been released, I can't think of anything that can cause such a large energy change!"

"I heard that the sea water is boiling. If it is not dead, it is probably useless."

After reaching a unanimous conclusion, John, who couldn't swallow it in one breath, didn't care whether the news was confirmed or not.

Directly issued an announcement to the outside world.

[We deeply regret the damage suffered by the Dragon Kingdom's dragon in the natural disaster. Like our Elizabeth, this is the sorrow of our two countries. 】

The announcement is short, but the amount of information is very large.

There are many directions to interpret it!

The global media is worried that there is no material for the next report.

Start analyzing immediately.

"The Shenlong and the Elizabeth were both attacked in that natural disaster!"

"But according to the information we received, the yacht of the Bear Country was fine!"

"What happened in that sea area?"

"Judging from the caliber of the John Country, the Shenlong of the Dragon Country is in danger!"

After the analysis, various media outlets wrote analysis articles.

An official media outlet of the Lighthouse Country even got a photo of the damaged Elizabeth aircraft carrier from nowhere.

Then they used this to prove that the Shenlong of the Dragon Country must be in trouble now.

This public opinion storm was quickly reported back

The people who had been waiting for the broadcast of Orange Girl were immediately attracted by these analyses.

The news of Shenlong's death began to spread widely.

[Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Shenlong is so strong, how could it be killed! ]

[I think so too, at most seriously injured, I don't believe that a natural disaster can make Shenlong unable to resist! ]

[That's Shenlong, a Shenlong that can block missiles! ]

However, someone soon forwarded the photo sent by the Lighthouse Country.

[Fuck, is this really the Elizabeth aircraft carrier? This ghostly look, is this restored to the roughcast mode? ! ]

[Although the Elizabeth is a bit lame, it has to be admitted that as a real aircraft carrier, it can be destroyed to this extent. It is hard to imagine how terrible this natural disaster is! ]

[Confused, now you really believe that this is a natural disaster? ? ]

[It must be Shenlong and John Country! The two sides fought, and seeing that Elizabeth is in such a good state, Shenlong's condition is probably not good either. 】

【I kind of believe that Shenlong was seriously injured! 】

One person spread ten, ten spread a hundred.

Soon this inference became, I am sure Shenlong is really gone!

"Did Shenlong really leave?"

Countless people ran to the official account to leave a message.

No response was received.

No confirmation, no denial.

"How is it possible? Let's pray for Shenlong like last time!"

"Last time I prayed, Shenlong came back to life! It will definitely work this time!"

"Good idea!"

Soon, funeral supply stores across the country became lively.

No one organized it.

Everyone spontaneously forwarded it in work groups, classmates groups, and family groups.

There was no fixed time, no fixed place.

Everyone was praying.

At the same time, under the sea.

After an hour of circulation.

Chen finally absorbed all the power of faith into his body.

These blue energies are now tightly gathered around the golden seed.

After many collisions, the golden seed finally cracked.

Those blue powers of faith were drilling into it like starving ghosts.

And they were constantly being absorbed.

"Hmm? Can this seed really germinate?"

Chen tried his best to find relevant information in his mind.

But he couldn't find it even after trying his best.

This kind of instinctive thing seemed to be unlocked only when he reached the corresponding strength.

The concept of the origin power appeared in his mind just now, entirely because the origin seed appeared in his body.

Just as he was thinking.

The endless power of faith came from afar and poured into his body.

The form was similar to the last time at Zhongnong University.

But the degree was at least a thousand times that of the last time!

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