I wanted to take a look at the capital, but was stopped by the eunuch who came urgently.

The voice was stumbling: “Your Majesty is in trouble. Dayu raised an army of 500,000 troops, held high the banner of anti-Xuan, and said…”

Lin Chengtian had no expression on his face and said calmly: “Say.”

The eunuch swallowed his saliva and had no choice but to reply: “I said I wanted to arrest you to sacrifice to heaven, and I also made a portrait similar to you, maliciously fabricating a bad picture…”

I thought that Lin Chengtian would vent his anger on the person who delivered the order, but the imagined scene did not appear.

Lin Chengtian waved his hand and asked the eunuch to summon Wen Zhong, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, and General Guan Yu to come over.

Soon, the three of them hurried into the palace to meet Emperor Daxuan.

Seeing that Lin Chengtian’s face was not red and his heart was not beating, the three of them let out a sigh of relief.

Zhuge Liang bowed and came out: “Your Majesty, although these 500,000 horses come from bad intentions, in my opinion, they are actually an opportunity.”

“I heard from the intelligence that the 500,000 troops are mainly cavalry, and although there are many masters stationed inside, if they can be eradicated in one fell swoop, they will definitely hit Dayu hard!”

Guan Yu nodded: “I second my opinion.”

“Guan asked for orders on his own and was willing to bring back the heads of an army of 200,000 to His Majesty.”

Lin Chengtian listened quietly, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu were both his right-hand men.

But this time I called them here, firstly to discuss decisions, and secondly to see if there was any other way.

“Don’t be in a hurry.” Lin Chengtian said slowly.

There are also experts in the entire Daxuan territory.

But this time Lin Chengtian wanted to see Wen Zhong’s strength: “Wen Zhong, what do you think?”

Wen Zhong’s sharp eyes were like knives at this moment: “A mere half a million troops is really too clumsy.”

“No matter how brave Dayu is, if he wants to approach the national border, he must first step over my corpse, Wen Zhong!”

Hearing this, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang also nodded frequently.

They are all hot-blooded men, and they are all determined to go to the battlefield.

Zhuge Liang mentioned it at the right time: “We think that what Wen Zhong said is true, but it is obviously unrealistic to annihilate all Dayu during this march.” “Although our army has a large number of people, we cannot all defeat them.” We must leave a part of it to prevent the Sui and Dasha empires from encircling them.”

Wen Zhong requested Lin Chengtian’s order: “I am willing to lead the army forward and stop Dayu as soon as possible.” “What a courage!” Lin Chengtian clapped his hands gently, almost acquiescing to Wen Zhong.

“The people of Dayu have always been dishonest. If there is no one to support them this time, they will not dare to raise troops again.”

“I have decided to make you the grand master, lead the troops to conquer Dayu, and arrange two additional generals to accompany you.” Guan Yu and Huo Qubing also followed.

Wen Zhong thanked him and was about to devote himself to Daxuan and die.

Needless to say, Guan Yu also knelt down.

Before leaving, Lin Chengtian explained Dayu’s marching and combat style.

“Master Wen, this is your first time against Dayu. There are some things you need to know.”

“King Yan Feng of Dayu, also known as the “Prince of Hell”, once made great achievements and summoned a large army of troops under his command. Yan Feng also had impressive achievements in the past, but that was already eighteen years ago.”

“Although this person has military exploits, he is eager for quick success and cares about his life. There is a high probability that he will not go to the battlefield in person, but will hide behind and help.”

“Here are the actual records of past battles. Take them back and read them carefully so that you can formulate policies.”

After that, Cao Zhengchun took out the battle record that he had prepared and handed it to Master Wen Zhong.

After Wen Zhong wrote them down one by one, he felt deeply that the Ming Lord was in charge, and his confidence immediately doubled.

“With your words, Wen will definitely live up to his great trust!” Wen Zhong retreated with Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang and others.

Lin Chengtian walked out with his head held high, looking at the increasingly heated skyline, looking forward to the future direction of the war.

Ever since.

Wen Zhong led two generals, Guan Yu and Huo Qubing, and 500,000 troops to attack Dayu.

Unlike in the past, as soon as the war was announced this time, the recruitment office was quickly filled.

People were buzzing at the entrance of the military camp, all praying to be selected and make contributions.

“My lord, my lord!” “Just accept me. It is my lifelong wish to be able to follow your majesty and have a good life and achieve a career!” “Look at my body, this crotch, this shoulder, one punch I can kill a person! “My lord, I am more powerful. I can break a big stone in my chest.”

In previous years, I had only heard of the court arresting young men, but never seen young men rushing to deliver them.

The commander of the recruiting office came out and scolded sternly: “Please be quiet, this is a military camp. How can you be noisy and noisy?” The commander frowned and the troops piled up into a hill.

Immediately some civilians spoke up and said, “Master, we just want to beg for food!” Although the commander has been in the army for twenty years and has been following Lin Nan since his generation, this is the first time that such a scene goes against common sense. See.

“No need, you are just a bit stout and don’t have any martial arts skills. Wouldn’t it cause more trouble on the battlefield?” The commander looked at the rejection angrily.

Daxuan’s army has become famous.

The battle damage rate and death rate are both historically low.

Some smart people saw that Daxuan’s army was well-equipped and brave in combat, so it would be a good place to join the army.

But that’s only part of it.

The other part is: the target of this attack is the other half of Dayu.

Under Lin Chengtian’s rule, Daxuan flourished, and Entong reborn his parents.

After a good life, I realize that I was like a cow and a horse before, without any dignity at all.

During the reign of Empress Qinghe, exorbitant levies and miscellaneous taxes were frequently imposed, causing the people to live in dire straits.

Despite this, people’s enthusiasm has not been completely extinguished, and they are still guarding day and night.

When the news reached Wen Zhong’s ears, he said with a stern face and a serious smile: “Well done, this expedition is going to hit a hundred hits, and ordinary people are not needed.” However.

Wen Zhong paused for a moment and said, “If there is a shortage of manpower for food and grass, we can arrange it.” After the people had dispersed, Huo Qubing, who was sitting next to him and warming himself by the fire, said, “I don’t have to worry about not having enough luggage.” “There really isn’t enough. I’ll take someone to get some.” “Guan Yu and Huo Qubing went on an expedition before and saw Huo Qubing’s ability to rob and kill grain and grass.

The three of them chatted and laughed, and then talked about the expedition.

——In the territory of Dayu.

Yan Feng got the news and quickly found Immortal Jinyu.

Since the Black and White Immortals left, more Immortal Lords have taken refuge under Dayu’s sect, only preparing to give Daxuan a head-on attack.

“Great Immortal, it’s all up to you this time!” Yan Feng knew that no matter how strong his soldiers were, they couldn’t compare to the Immortal Lord who fell from the sky.

Immortal Lord Jinyu’s eyes were firmly fixed on Yan Feng, but his eyes were very disdainful.

“I would like to ask you, if you are afraid of such little minions, do you think I am dead?” In his words, he looked down on Wen Zhong with all his heart.

The gaze filled with fire made Yan Feng’s back feel cold.

“No, you can’t say that.” A layer of sweat broke out on Yan Feng’s forehead: “Lin Chengtian is too weird, and he will bring out a master every now and then.”

He did great harm to Dayu!

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