Hiss – “Where did King Zhennan mobilize so many troops?”

In the grand hall, everyone’s faces were solemn and confused.

If Lin Chengtian struggled to resist the enemy, even if he died on the front line, it would not be surprising. It was due to lack of strength.

However, no one expected Lin Chengtian to act so quickly!

Powerful enough to clear the desert in two months.

With this kind of efficiency, even if the Empress’s personal soldiers and the imperial army were dispatched at the same time, it would probably not be possible. Even if they could win, it would not be possible to end the battle in two months.

“The King of Zhennan has been wandering for half his life, and he is still a tiger general when he comes back? Even if he has abnormal qualifications, he can’t transform an army of hundreds of thousands!”

“No matter how Lin Nan has a backup plan, there is no way that we would not notice such a large-scale private army.”

No one in the civil and military dynasties could crack it.

Empress Qinghe let out a powerful aura, and her red eyes were filled with complete madness.

“My personally appointed King of Zhennan dares to accept the surrender of Da Mo in private without reporting it. His treasonous intentions are obvious!”

“Which one of you is willing to fight! Put an end to the chaos!”

Among the civil and military officials, no one dared to say a word.

Who dares to say this? If you show up, you will die.

Seeing that Lin Chengtian was invincible, even the desert that his father could not solve was able to be taken under his command, it was obvious that he was a tough nut to crack.

Fear is growing rapidly.

“Just because of a kid with a dirty mouth, I scared the shit out of you all?”

A hoarse voice sounded, full of disdain.

At this time, the crowd dispersed slightly, and a slender figure walked out from the middle.

Possessed by the golden armor, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he knelt down with his fists clasped in an extremely cold voice: “General Liao Qianhua, please order me to quell the chaos.”

The deep roar caused the smoke and dust to scatter, and the whole hall was shocked, all showing respect for Liao Qianhua.

“Master Liao, are you willing to come out? The God of War who pacified Donghai Island back then!”

The courtier suddenly lost his composure and felt much more confident in speaking.

Liao Qianhua is not a loser.

A title is all earned by oneself.

When he was young, he led twelve lieutenants to attack the East China Sea Island alone and killed all the rebels.

They also sent ten wooden ships to secretly sneak into the enemy’s capital, tied up the soldiers and the prince in pig cages, and beat the enemy until they dared not do it again for thirty years!

As long as he lives, he is a legend.

He is in his fifties this year, has made great military exploits, and is as famous as Lin Nan.

Also known as the “Double Heroes of Dayu”!

With the Lin family in the south and the Liao family in the east, Dayu’s basic base was firmly guarded.

“Okay, with General Liao taking action, I will feel at ease.”

I remember that when Liao Qianhua joined the army, Lin Chengtian didn’t know where he was playing in the mud.

With Yu the God of War here, let’s see if Lin Chengtian dares to make a mistake.

Seeing Liao Qianhua’s sharp momentum makes people’s hearts tremble. It is even better than before and it will definitely boost morale.

Empress Qinghe took the initiative and asked Liao Qianhua to lead 500,000 troops from the front to unite with the Wang family and destroy Lin Chengtian.

For a moment, the needle pointed at the wheat awn.

…”That old guy Liao Qianhua actually came out of the mountain?”

Lin Chengtian received the news and knew that Empress Qinghe was having a showdown, and she might even openly accuse Zhennan Wang’s faction of being rebellious.

Otherwise, how could Liao Qianhua be willing to take action after retiring for many years without leaving one door or another?

But it’s not surprising that this old guy has been competing with his father since he was young. He has been fighting for fame for most of his life, and he is even jealous.

Lin Nan was a great master, but he still made him a prince, which was slightly higher than Liao Qianhua’s prince.

It’s probably this level, like a thorn in the head, that Liao Qianhua can’t let go of.

For this reason, Liao Qianhua also looked down on Lin Chengtian. When he was in Beijing, he would ridicule and ridicule him in various ways, which was very stingy.

“Having an army of half a million to fight against the rebels is really a good excuse.

But now, Lin Chengtian doesn’t want to continue pretending.

If you want to fight, then do it blatantly, then let go.

“Chen Zhibao, go to Chen Bing Xia City and block Liao Qianhua’s army outside Nanchuan.”

“Send an order to Zhuge Liang to capture Qingyue County within three months.”

“I want to make that old guy Liao Qianhua come here if he has the destiny, but not return if he doesn’t.”

the other side.

The news that Liao Qianhua led troops to the expedition reached the Wang family army.

Wang Zhi felt that he had a chance to win, so he was extremely disdainful and didn’t care at all.

“What’s the point of the imperial court sending an old man just now? He just wants to supervise the work.”

“When I take Changcheng tomorrow, let’s have a good start!”

“Let those stinky cabbage gang go back to where they came from.”

At this point, Wang Zhi waved his riding whip and ordered his people to step forward quickly and not to be slow.

at this time.

Zhuge Liang has arrived in Changcheng first.

Lin Chengtian’s order has also been sent. It is not easy to deal with the Wang family within three months.But this is Zhuge Liang! He quickly accepted the order and immediately decided to change his tactics.

Zhuge called his subordinates to look for skilled craftsmen in Xia City, and then showed off four or five drawings.

The subordinates don’t understand, it’s already this time, why are they still wasting time and doing useless work?

But when the drawings were received and after a few cursory glances, the subordinate quickly realized that he had made a mistake.

“General Zhuge, you are still smart.” “According to these drawings, we will focus on making Zhuge’s repeated crossbows, catapults, wooden oxen and flowing horses. These types of combat equipment require extremely delicate hands, so the craftsmen must not be careless.”

Zhuge ordered him to go down, and his subordinates immediately looked for carpenters and blacksmiths.

Although Xia City is small, it has all the internal organs. In addition, this is the first city that Lin Chengtian recovered, and the people’s will is the most stable.

Not long after, the manpower was gathered and the materials and tools were all available. It was just time to get it done.

That night, Zhuge Kongming stood on the highest point of Xia City, looked into the dark wilderness, and slowly shook his fan.

The tone came out softly from the mouth: “I am watching the mountain scenery from the tower.”

“Hearing the chaos outside the city”

“The flag is fluttering and the shadow is in the sky”

“It’s a fool who sends troops…”

…The next day, dark clouds covered the sun.

Wherever the wilderness reaches, there are soldiers in green armor and green helmets, holding green moon bright flame swords.

Wang Zhi, the coach of the Qingyue Wang family, appeared outside Changcheng and stopped his horse. When he saw that the gate in the distance was closed, he quickly attracted his attention.

Although I had expected it, I was still secretly happy when I saw Zhuge’s army was so scared.

“A bunch of cowardly sissies who don’t even dare to leave the city gate.”

“There’s no one around, why are you trying to play an empty city with us?”

“Chang Yong, you go.”

In an instant, Wang Zhi sent a general, Chang Yong, to call for formation.

A solemn man wearing black armor and holding a long knife immediately rode forward.

On top of the city.

Someone who recognized the challenger told Zhuge Liang about Chang Yong.

“This man’s name is Chang Yong, and he is a famous warrior in the world.

Although he has a second-level cultivation level, he is born with divine power and can compete with a first-level one. ”

“But fighting over the next level? This is quite interesting.”

Although Zhuge Liang was strong, he did not choose to fight in person.

Instead, he asked Li Siye, who was gearing up, “General Li, are you confident?”

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