Let's talk about the outside, the dog licking is divided into two groups.

After a wave of defections, she was attracted by the cute and cute Bai Hewan.

There are not many people here, about three or five.

That's a big deal,

Helped Bai Hewan to deal with all the matters reported by the freshmen, even the trivial matter of getting hot water.

It made Bai Hewan feel embarrassed.

The more I look at it, the more I like it,

Compared to Xin Ziqiao who was so cold to death, a girl like Bai Hewan was more likely to satisfy a boy.

The brothers really changed their minds.

But due to the deterrent power of the thugs, these buddies only dared to work in silence and didn't dare to say anything.


On the other hand, the rest are Xin Ziqiao's diehard fans.

Staying outside, quite uneasy—

"There doesn't seem to be any movement in the room. The two gods are still confronting each other, aren't they?"

"Really awesome, she is indeed the girl I like, she refuses to bow her head in the face of such a gangster, it's so cool!!"

"It's not a problem if it goes on like this, why don't we call the police?"

"Why should you report to the police? Although he looks tough, he is a serious first-year freshman. If you report to the false police, be careful and catch you!"

"Oh fuck, why do freshmen grow up like this?"

"Damn it, why do you study finance when you look like this? Isn't the most profitable thing written in the criminal law, this gangster can't finish it, he's so talented!"

The longer the stay, the more meaningless the chatter of the bored people.

A buddy in psychology did not know how to mention a sentence:

"Psychologically speaking, if a man and a woman look at each other for more than 30 seconds, then they have a relationship!"

"You said, they don't see eye to eye, right?"

"Ah?" Everyone opened their mouths wide open, savoring this outrageous sentence.

After a while, they all shook their heads——

"Impossible, impossible!!"

"That's right, how is it possible?"

"How could Xin Ziqiao be interested in men? Didn't her high school classmates break the news in the post bar last time? Countless people chased her in the three years of high school, but she basically never talked to boys, that is, When I was in college, I only occasionally talked to boys, and it was all out of work!"

"That's it!!"

"Just in case, I said just in case!" The psychology buddy let out a bold guess, "If they fall in love with each other and get together, then we have a chance!!"

"Ah?" Everyone couldn't understand again, "What do you mean? It's not a buddy, let's not say that it is impossible for them to be together. Even if Xin Ziqiao and this gangster are together, do you still dare to think about it? You really have never died before riding a horse!"

"Not brothers!"

The psychologist quickly waved his hands and explained slowly: "We have been chasing her since freshman year. Frankly speaking, who doesn't know who? Which one of us here can catch up? There are not many rumors about Xin Ziqiao liking girls. ?”

"If you are really with this gangster, at least it proves that Xin Ziqiao likes a man!!"

"And we have a direction to work hard!!!"

"Can they be together for one day or ten years? I have a lot of patience!"

"But, then we are not spare tires?" A buddy was puzzled.

"Ouch, don't talk about the spare tire!!"

A buddy slapped his thigh, "If this gangster can really make Xin Ziqiao happy, so what if I push from behind?"


Inside the house, the development of things far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even far beyond Lu Lei's expectations.

He looked at the woman in front of him whose eyes were as charming as silk,

Scalp tingling.

I thought it was the tip of the needle pointing at the wheat awn,

I never thought of waiting for everyone to leave.

This senior girl named Xin Ziqiao just changed her face.

World-weary face? The face of the world!

Her eyes seemed to be full of spring water, almost overflowing.

Just looking at Lu Lei so watery.

Two patches of blush appeared on the delicate cheeks,

lips and teeth slightly parted,

Silence is better than sound.

This ghostly look,

None of the 2,000 yuan fast food that Lu Lei ordered had such energy.

But what the hell is this riding a horse?

She was clearly a world-weary senior just now.

How did this face change in the blink of an eye?

The contrast is still so great.

How big is it?

It's unbelievable that Lu Lei, a gangster, came to college.

At the same time, the system directly notifies that the task is completed and the house arrives in the account.

In other words, this senior sister directly accepted it?

I really did.

It seems that they have all stepped on their horses.


Xin Ziqiao kept getting closer, Lu Lei really saw this look today,

It is exactly the same as the change in the subway,

Is it the loss of morality or the lack of humanity?

Let a cool senior who criticizes explode like this?

"My mouth smells like oranges~" Xin Ziqiao finally spoke.

Open your mouth and strike lightning.

The licking dogs outside absolutely don't know,

Their goddess has such a face,

This is the one who is licked, and also licked?



Lu Lei pushed forward and pushed Xin Ziqiao onto the stool.

It's not that he's ignorant.

The senior in front of me is really weird.

Really, if you change your gender, you will be a proper hedge reserve!

And Lu Lei has self-knowledge,

He's not the type to make girls swoon.

Do you like this one?

Like gangsters?

I am super, what kind of xp is this!

For this kind of girl, don't even think about it, she must stay at a respectful distance.

"...Sister, what do you mean?"

Lu Lei strode back, already thinking about retreating.

The Xin Ziqiao in front of her didn't talk to her, she just looked at him affectionately.

Really tingling scalp.

"...You are awesome, I withdraw!"

Lu Lei fled, even a tough guy has something to fear.

Like this horrible woman.

The figure of Lu Lei leaving on a motorcycle in a panic was seen by everyone——

"Looking at the situation, Xin Ziqiao won?"

"It's necessary, look how flustered this gangster is, let me just say, my family is the best!!"

"Oh yes, why hasn't Qiaoqiao come out yet?"

"I'm waiting, I think I'm sorting out the files."

"Well, wait for her!!"


This wait is half an hour,

Xin Ziqiao finally walked out, no different from usual, still so world-weary.

A buddy couldn't help asking: "Xin Ziqiao, why are you going?"

I regretted it after asking, obviously this will be a scene of questions but no answers.

So many peers watching.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Go to the instructor's office!" Xin Ziqiao replied without emotion.

Although her face was still cold, she answered! !

It can be seen that she is in a good mood! !

The buddy who asked the question was ecstatic, and looked at the people next to him with expressions like "Xin Ziqiao answered me, hahaha, you stupid dogs, don't you envy hahahaha".

Extremely proud.

He couldn't help but asked again: "Why are you going to the director's office?"

This time, Xin Ziqiao didn't answer.

Just looked at him coldly,

That expression clearly said "You talk too much".

The guy was so scared that he shut his mouth tightly.

After Xin Ziqiao left, a group of people around gloated—

"Hahaha, you're so cool, just accept it when you see it, and even ask!"

"That's right, but Xin Ziqiao seems to be in a good mood today, and I can still reply to you."

"I guess he won the fight against that gangster, so feel good!"

"Then tell me, why is she going to the instructor's office?"

"Yes, why did you go?"

"It can't be a day study for that gangster..."


new book set sail,

Twelve chapters on the first day, less than 30,000 words, is it considered hard work?

I hope readers who like it will give some data support!

You can comment on the flower monthly ticket!

I will work harder!

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