He Was So Fierce That He Was Mistaken For A Loan Professional

021 The First Day Of Military Training, More Famous Than The Principal

In an instant, everyone turned their heads to look at the entrance of the playground.

The taller one with better eyesight immediately saw the gangster at the entrance of the playground,

Bandit, this word is too appropriate for this person.

As if it was tailor-made for him.

The shorter one also twisted around, looking for a position and saw Lu Lei.

Immediately afterwards, the entire playground erupted——

"This is an absolute gangster riding a horse, right?"

"For sure, this temperament is 10,000 times stronger than the melon-chopping master Liu Huaqiang!!"

"My god, Liu Huaqiang's prototype is just a gangster, at most he can kill two people more ruthlessly, this is definitely a gangster!!"

"Give him an rpg, I think it's very uncomfortable for him to have no equipment!"

"The sense of substitution is very strong, brothers, passion 5E, rushB!!"

Students discuss with confidence. Compared with social people, they are more confident.

And the most bragging, are far away from the entrance of the playground.

Anyway, there are two or three thousand people blocking the front, don't be afraid!

Hey, crazy mouthy!

Almost everyone was just joking, and if it went deeper, no one would dare.

This horse riding is too fierce, this man!


Almost everyone doesn't know what this person is here for?




The school leader in charge of hosting shouted through the loudspeaker, but it was of little effect.

I saw the gangster at the school gate looked in the direction and started to move.

One big step is three big steps for others,

Like flying on grass, Lu Lei quickly moved to the center of the queues of each class.

He didn't expect that it was still 5 minutes to 6 o'clock.

The playground is already standing so neatly.

Moreover, the playground was crowded with people, and everyone was wearing military training hats, so they couldn't tell who they were.

Where can I find the queue for my class?

The class tutors stood in a row, and Xin Ziqiao was among them, but she looked at Lu Lei with interest.

No intention of coming forward to help at all.

Lu Lei had no choice but to resort to unconventional defensive means. His voice sounded like a bell, ringing on the playground:

"Bai He Wan!"

Almost at the same time as this voice sounded, it was Bai Hewan's soft, waxy and sweet cry:


I saw that Bai Hewan got out from nowhere, "big brother, this way!"


Lu Lei followed Bai Hewan and finally found the class queue,

The location is a bit off,

No wonder Bai He Wan came here so slowly,

The two stood directly at the back of the line, but it didn't matter where they stood.

Wherever Lu Lei stands is the focus of the audience,

At this time, the playground that was a little quiet just now boiled again.

Frantically digesting two pieces of information——

One, this gangster is a student of the school.

Two, this gangster has a sweet sister (probably girlfriend)

In an instant, it exploded again! !

"This is a novel brought into reality, let's say, the young gangster has made great contributions to the society with his sword and sword, and has become the most trusted subordinate of the gangster. On this day, he was assigned an incredible and unprecedented task: to go to school." !"

"To go to school, but actually to protect the cutest daughter of the gang boss!!"


"I think this gangster is an ordinary high school student, but during the summer vacation, he went to Culiya to do a summer job. After the baptism of guns and cannons, he has the aura of walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood! "

"Yes, I believe he can definitely stand against M249 with one hand!!"

"Well, I can prove that I am that M249!"


"Nonsense, this horse is my elder brother!!"

"Good brother, this is my big brother too!!"



In just two minutes, Lu Lei convinced everyone on the playground.

The matter of standing sticks has long since ceased to exist.

In the past, you had to rely on fighting and killing.

But today, right now.

Lu Lei didn't say a word to everyone, and became the big brother directly!

Wipe, brother!


In addition, all the boys in the financial class collectively fell out of love and wanted to cry but had no tears.

The dream I had just now, Nima broke up in less than half an hour.

Originally, I planned to pursue Bai Hewan,

I can't even think about it now.

Bai Hewan's three roommates were even more shocked, and ten thousand grass and mud horses floated in their hearts!

It turned out that Bai Hewan's muscles were off the charts.

It can explode to this extent! ! !

It turned out that what Bai Hewan said was tall.

It can be so high! ! !

It turned out that what Bai Hewan said was full of security.

Can be enough to this extent! !

If this gangster is his big brother,

If you don't walk sideways at school, you will be sorry for the title of gangster sister!

As for the length...


Awesome! !


The noise from the audience continued,

The male host teacher has no way to quiet everyone down.

Seeing this, the old headmaster smiled, took the microphone, and said with an angry smile:


"On the first day of school, my principal, who has been teaching and educating people for decades, is not as famous as you!"

"Yes, Lu Lei!"

The relaxed tone of the old headmaster and the content of his teasing were like a spring breeze that soothed everyone's restless hearts.

The playground quickly quieted down, waiting for the old principal's next words.

"Lu Lei, I recruited you!"

The first sentence the principal spoke again hit everyone's point of interest.

Lu Lei in the audience nodded, he was indeed recruited by the old principal in front of him.

He passed the college entrance examination.

Yanda, Qingbei, National People's Congress, Xigong University, these top universities have all been to his house!

But except for Yanda, almost all schools have no following.


"Teaching and educating people for more than 50 years, Chinese people have taught foreigners as well!"

"Taught your gifted students, and your very dull ones!"

"I have taught in the bright classrooms of Yanda University, and I have taught at the small guest table of rural support teachers!"

"In my eyes, Lu Lei is a slightly special student, no different from you, no different from the students I have taught before!"

The old headmaster's tone is completely face-to-face chatter.

Among them, Lu Lei is just an ordinary student of his.

This may be teaching without class.

"Maybe in your eyes, he is special!"

"But do you know why I went against all odds and recruited him to our school?"

"Because he's a good boy."

"What you may not know is that at the local police station in his hometown, 57 times of his acts of righteousness and bravery were registered!!"

"Good boy, you can't fail to learn because of your looks!!"

The headmaster narrated the shocking content in a straightforward tone.

57 brave acts of righteousness! !

God! !

This is the hero in the ordinary world! !

Just a few words,

The barrier is gone,

Everyone looked at Lu Lei with less fear.

Bandit is just the first impression,

But first impressions don't make the difference.

A person who can act bravely 57 times can definitely be trusted!

This time, everyone accepted this classmate who was like a gangster.

The headmaster nodded in satisfaction.

Continue to talk about the content that was originally prepared.


Everything is about the trace regardless of the heart.

In terms of deeds, he is indeed an absolutely good guy.

Lu Lei was noncommittal, quietly listening to the old principal on stage talking about his experience in education.

The old man recruited him to the school against all odds.

Be thankful.


The headmaster finished his speech.

The representative of the military training instructor made a speech.

Student representatives speak.

Then, the military training instructors of each class find the class they are leading.

Just a few words,

Break up and have breakfast!

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