He Was So Fierce That He Was Mistaken For A Loan Professional

051 Become A Worry-Free Shareholder At Once

It is a good thing to have a lot of chicken soup!

Bai Hewan brought out the chicken soup that was spared just now to avoid dirtying the car.

Passed it to Fatty Wang who stole the takeaway,

He didn't care about this or that and drank it directly.

After drinking chicken soup and eating steamed buns,

If you are not forced to eat up, the food is actually okay.

If forced to eat,

It's disgusting and choking,

After all, that chicken soup cannot be drunk as water!

After drinking the chicken soup, I eat steamed buns, and after eating the steamed buns, I drink chicken soup.

The belly is getting bigger and bigger.

There is a tendency to explode.

After eating about 5 steamed buns, Fatty Wang, who stole the takeaway, couldn't eat any more, so he vomited out his throat and continued to eat.

Those who didn't know thought it was the anchor of Big Stomach King who was shooting the video.

Spit after eating, eat after vomiting.

The spirit of Fatty Wang who stole the food quickly weakened,

The stealthy light in his eyes that belonged exclusively to the "stealer" disappeared.

Lu Lei saw that it was almost done, so he was about to leave.

In view of the fact that the deterrent force given this time may not be enough, I turned around and reminded the fat man a few words——

"Don't think about going to the police, don't think that I will be caught if I commit violence against you, understand?"

"Don't dare." Fatty shook his head quickly, unable to see what was in his heart.

Lu Lei was noncommittal and continued:

"You held my sister's takeaway just now, and violated my sister's personal property. I stepped forward to stop you from slapping me. This is called self-defense. Even if you were slightly injured!"

"If I didn't continue to hit you, there is only a very small probability that I will be judged as being too defensive!"

The fat man's pupils trembled.

Lu Lei's voice continued to sound:

"Also, don't think you'll be fine if you only steal ten or dozens of takeaways every time. One time will be considered a security incident, but your repeated behavior will be considered theft, and you have the act of selling , has a strong subjective consciousness, and the crime is aggravated!"

"If you get caught in it."

"It is highly likely that a sentence of one year in prison will be imposed."


The fat man was trembling all over, he couldn't hear the threat.

Nodding frantically, "I understand Bai Ming, don't worry, I just went out for a meal today, and I fell down!"

Bandits are not scary,

I'm afraid that the gangsters are educated.

The fat man found that he was crushed at the level of force, but he was still crushed at the level of intelligence.

He didn't dare to turn to the legal aspect,

Now I dare not.

Lu Lei was very satisfied seeing the fat man like this.

What he just said is true, but there is a little bit of concealment.

With a look like Lu Lei, it is very likely that he will be regarded as a criminal by subjective impression.

If you really call the police,

80% will be sentenced to intentional injury caused by excessive defense.

The law protects the criminals, the weak.

So if you can avoid being sent to an official, avoid it.

He has acted bravely over the years and has indeed accumulated some connections.

But don't use it if you can.

Lu Lei has always advertised himself as an egoist.

things that can threaten you,

Never do it.

The little brothers outside were shocked.

He found that he didn't seem to understand the person in front of him at all.

At first glance, it was a vivid humanoid beast with the word violence written all over it.

After a little contact, I found four good people who are extremely capable of handling things and have clear priorities.

Now it is found that he seems to be a ronin who is on the edge of the law and does things based on his likes and dislikes.

What a charming gangster!


finish things,

Lu Lei took Bai Hewan back to school,

Late for military training, but Lu Lei's face represents privilege.

Quietly walked into the queue and continued to follow the military training.

Now the military training has reached the second half,

Preparations for the closing ceremony have already begun.

Each class picked out some good goose-kicking figures and put them together.

Several classes regrouped into a new queue.

At the closing ceremony, show the leaders a brand new look.

This job has nothing to do with Lu Lei.

As soon as he comes out,

These so-called outstanding people will all leave the field sadly.

the rest of the group,

Many are also preparing for the closing party.

This includes Bai Hewan,

The rest, gather together.

It is said that the instructor is practicing the queue and continues to improve physical fitness.

Actually do nothing at all,

It's all superficial work,

Lu Lei, including several classmates, became unemployed students.

From now until the end of the closing ceremony,

It is estimated that this is the case.

The other students are very happy.

But these seem to have not changed anything for Lu Lei,

The first day of his military training seemed to be like this.

Continue to squat push-ups,

At the same time, he glanced at the reward he just received.

Punish the thief and give Lu Lei a share of Wuyou Media.

I gave 10% and checked it with Sky Eye. The chairman of Wuyou Media holds 56% of the shares, and there are other shareholders.

It does not matter.

Lu Lei only cares about how much money he gets every year.

As we all know,

In 2018, the live short video platform was the hottest.

Countless grassroots Internet celebrities have reaped huge dividends.

Then, as the worry-free media behind the Internet celebrity,

Definitely more profit.

As for this worry-free media, it is now the leader in the MCN organization.

It is also the leader in the next three years.

Especially famous ones are Zheng Jianpeng, the big wolf dog, Mala Dezi, Yuyu Maomao, Peng Shiliuelf, Liu Siyao, and Zhang Xinyao.

There is also the phenomenon-level net red star Liu Genhong,

They are all owned by Wuyou Media, which shows its strong strength.

Lu Lei roughly estimated that even if it holds 10% of the shares, the annual share will be in units of 100 million.

Well, 30 million has not been spent yet.

Another 100 million was forced into the system.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is rights,

As a shareholder of the company, you can exercise some legitimate rights.

For example, "Peng Shiliu, you don't want to lose your job, do you?"

Of course, this is something.

go home first

The one at home is the top.


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