He Was So Fierce That He Was Mistaken For A Loan Professional

061 Xin Ziqiao's Reward, Often Talked To Grandma

What kind of test is this horse riding?

This is an open-book exam!

It's a test where you know the answers and then answer the questions,

It's a test where the teacher puts the answers into your hands.

But Lu had to answer a wrong answer—


Unexpectedly, Xin Ziqiao put on a teachable expression, "If the answer is correct, the reward—"

Reward your code!!

In Lu Lei's heart, there are ten thousand mud horses flying by,

What does this mean?

Not only open-book exams,

You don't see the answer yet, do you?

he was wrong,

This is an exam where 100 points are already marked upon seeing the name of the respondent.

The rewards seem to have been determined from the beginning.

Definitely not a serious reward.

Definitely a trap, waiting for Lu Lei to drill down.

Xu is similar to watching a movie alone, eating, this kind of opportunity to create intimate contact.

He will never let the relationship go any further.

"I "five seven three" don't want it!"

Lu Lei waved his hands and said, the stone that comes out of these words is hard to love.

Then, he even spoke loudly, so loud that people around could hear, "Senior sister, our affairs have all disappeared with this glass of wine. For the next four years, I will always regard you as a respectable person." of the guide!"

"Alright senior, don't drink any more!"

"You're all drunk."

"Go and take a rest!"

Hearing this in other people's ears, they would even praise the gangster for being so considerate.

In Xin Ziqiao's ears,

This means driving people away.

She didn't show any expression after listening, and said in a flat tone while holding the wine glass, "It's okay, we will talk about it another day!"

What a moving picture.

A glass of wine wipes away all grievances and enmities.

Only Zhou Shijie was eating peanuts, muttering in his mouth: "It's not right, it's not right"

Eat food and drink alcohol.

Young students are the most prone to temper, pouring beer down their stomachs desperately.

Emotions are contagious,

Emotional wine tables are fatal.

Soon the freshmen were getting quite a bit drunk.

Even some girls are dizzy.

Of course, Bai Hewan was not included among these girls. Although she really wanted to have a taste, she felt that Lu Lei should not let him.

Many boys even vomited directly in the restaurant.

Fortunately, today is a private room,

The store owner specially arranged service staff to clean up.

Clean up after spit, spray perfume.

Without letting bad smells into the air.

Lu Lei also drank a lot today,

Others may talk about the bottle when drinking, and eight bottles of ten bottles are considered awesome.

He is talking about boxes, ten boxes and eight boxes of drinking.

a little bit drunk,

Not a big problem.

It is estimated that there will be another 20 minutes, and the body will completely absorb and digest the alcohol.

Lu Lei first arranged for a few sober male students and a few girls to escort the large group back,

Although many people are dizzy, walking is not a problem.

More than 20 people walked together, not far from the school, so there was no major safety issue.

On his side, he is responsible for paying the shop owner the bill, and at the same time releasing the water.

drink too much,

It takes a few minutes to urinate once,

The shop owner's service today is very good, Lu Lei is not the kind of stingy person, he settled all the bills at the original price, and gave all the service staff who worked hard today a red envelope of 500 yuan,

The boss directly sent a 500 yuan red envelope in the group for everyone to grab.

No matter how much you grab or how little you grab, everyone is pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, one day he snatched a red envelope from the gangster.

Is this worth blowing for a lifetime?

Then Lu Lei went to the toilet to drain the water.

Should I say it or not.

The toilet used by the owner's house is really nice,


The space is still very large.

Looking at the traces, there should have been a washing machine next to it.

In order for Lu Lei to go to the toilet comfortably, the boss

Also deliberately moved out early.

Really considerate.

While peeing, the toilet door opened suddenly, and there was a familiar voice:

"It's time to award the rewards."

There are unexpected surprises in life,

People who should not be encountered in certain places,

and unexpected rewards.

People drink too much,

It's easy to think of your loved ones.

In this situation, Lu Lei thought of her grandma who had passed away again,

Grandma is not like grandpa who supported the Great Northern Wilderness,

She is a true northerner,

As we all know, northerners love to eat noodles, and noodles with dumplings are very popular.

Mantou, the head of pasta, is naturally the same.

Grandma is especially good at steaming white and big steamed buns.

Lu Jia was very puzzled when she was young, why the steamed buns steamed by grandma are so fluffy and delicious?

Faced with Lu Lei's problems, the amiable grandma taught Lu Lei hand in hand.

Grandma used to say:

But if you want the steamed buns to be beautiful, soft and delicious, not everyone can steam them. There are some people in life who don’t know how to steam steamed buns. The steamed steamed buns are deformed, collapsed, and even badly proofed, resulting in dead noodles, etc. There are all kinds of problems. ………………

In fact, only three steps are required.

It can ensure that the steamed buns are chewy and delicious, soft and not collapsed.

The first step is to wake up face to face.

This step is quite simple, that is, add the dead noodles to the water and stir until it becomes flocculent, then knead it into a dough with your hands, cover it with plastic wrap and proof it until it doubles in size.

Lu Lei doesn't know what wake-up noodles are, just keep kneading and kneading, why stop?

Grandma explained:

For dead dough, resting can make the moisture time in the dough more uniform.

reach a state of water balance.

It is also possible to further stretch the non-extensible gluten.

After repeated kneading of the dough, the gluten will be in a tense state and have great toughness.

After resting, the dough is relieved, the extensibility is also increased, and it can be shaped better.

After the dough is proofed, poke a hole with your hand, if the dough does not rebound, it means that it has been proofed.

second step,

Sprinkle another layer of dry flour, start pressing, exhaust, then stack and press again, and repeat stacking and pressing in this way.

In this way, the layers of steamed buns will be rich.

After kneading all the flour into the dough,

Knead the circle, knead the long strips, and pull down the examples of equal size.

Then knead the small doses into steamed buns, push the dough forward with the strength of your palm, and make it round after kneading.

In this way, the green body of 1 steamed bun is ready.

Put the steamed buns directly on the steaming tray, put them directly into the hot water pot, and proof them for the second time until the volume becomes obviously larger and looks chubby. Just hold it lightly 1.8 degrees in your hand, and that’s it.

Cover and steam over medium heat. After steaming, open the cover and release the air for a while, so that the steamed buns will not collapse. Cover and continue steaming for 10 minutes. After steaming, let it simmer for another 5 minutes, and take it out of the pan.

The steamed buns in this way rise very well, are very soft, have rich layers inside, and taste chewy.

The so-called practice brings true knowledge,

Lu Lei does what grandma says, but always encounters some problems——

For example, when he wakes up the dough, after the dough is proofed, if you poke a hole with your hand, the dough will spring back.

For example, because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder, he couldn't make the doses equal in size, so he didn't pick them up.

For example, when steaming on medium heat, I always mistakenly think that medium heat is thirty-seven degrees.

But Lu Lei found that,

The mantou steamed in this way is also white and round, fluffy and delicious.

Maybe it's because the things I make are delicious.

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