Notification: After our full efforts, seven main suspects including Zhang Mouqiang and Li Mou, the main culprits of the 8.19 mega-robbery case, have been arrested. Notify the police immediately!

"Sly Rabbit Three Caves, this robber boss is too treacherous!"

"Even his closest subordinates have been cheated!"

"It's hard to handle now, the clues are all broken!"

The Inspection Bureau is still on full alert, because Li Moushan, the main robbery culprit, has not yet been captured.

night of october 4th,

After three days of stop and go,

Lu Lei and Ms. Xiaoyuan finally drove out of the grassland area,

The root river is about to come.

Genhe belongs to Bell City, Hulun, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and is connected to Mohe County, Heilongjiang in the north, which is the junction of the two places.

Arrived at Genhe,

Even if you leave Inner Mongolia and enter Heilongjiang.

At the same time, the Genhe River is located in the hinterland of the Greater Khingan Mountains,

The birch forest corridor that Lu Lei and Ms. Xiaoyuan most want to go is also on this road.

"Boss, enjoy the night!"

Ms. Xiaoyuan hung on Lu Lei like an octopus,

It's seven o'clock in the evening, but it's already dark.

Only the faint lights of the village not far away could be seen.


Lu Lei looked at the village not far away. Many houses were covered in darkness. This is the case in the north. The young people have left, only the old people are left.

The old man went to bed early and usually went to bed after dark.

Ms. Xiaoyuan knew that Lu Lei was from the Northeast, so she took the initiative to start a conversation: "Boss, I'm going to the Northeast soon, teach me a few Northeast dialects, so I can communicate with the locals."


Lu Lei's eyes moved slightly, thinking he was fine anyway, so he casually said a few words.

"Da Bidou: It describes a very large plastic bag. When you go to the supermarket to buy something, you can tell the cashier and give me a price.

"Yeah!" Ms. Madoka wrote it down.

Lu Lei continued:

"The more you live, the more you spin, it describes people getting younger and younger. People in the Northeast like others to praise you for being young. When you meet older grandpas and aunts, you say: You really live and spin!

Ms. Madoka nodded frantically, indicating to continue.

"der: describe a person who is optimistic, who will face everything with a smile, when you meet those young guys, you praise them for looking at you der!

Ms. Madoka was very interested.

"Two uprights are used to describe people with high fighting spirit, both front and back are full of righteousness. When you meet an upright and youthful little big brother, you will say: You really have two uprights!"

"Boss, continue!"

"That's it, you learn these few first!" Lu Lei said with a smile.

"337 Mmmmmmm!"

Ms. Xiaoyuan nodded, and decided to give it a try first, "Boss, do you think I can learn the accent!"


"Boss, a der like me must live more and more, right?" Ms. Xiaoyuan put on a flattering expression.

"Yes, it's too spicy!" Lu Lei rolled forward and backward with a smile.

Ms. Madoka is as happy as she is smiling,

Smart subordinates must know how to play dumb to make the boss happy.

Just as the two of them were rolling happily on the bed, the alarm device in the car suddenly sounded

【Warning: Someone is approaching, number of people: 1, weapon: pistol!】

Hearing the siren, the two immediately sat up.

looking out the window,

I saw a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance in herdsmen's clothes, walking towards them.

Looks like a Common villager,

But the system's alerts are impossible to go wrong.

The two people immediately stared closely, and Ms. Xiaoyuan sensed the clue, and said: "Boss, this person's facial features are very similar to Li Moushan who was not arrested, is it possible that it is him?


Lu Lei's complexion remained unchanged, and he was carrying a gun, which is enough to explain everything.

As for why the two of them were being targeted, it was probably because of their own car.

Too rich.

"Boss, how do you pay back?"

Ms. Madoka was a little flustered, but just a little.

"It's okay, call the police first!"

Lu Lei directly called the police and explained the situation in a few words.

The police attaches great importance to Li Moushan, and will firmly grasp any information. After receiving a call from the road, he immediately communicated with the relevant unit nearby and sent someone to come.

It takes about ten minutes.

After the communication, Lu Lei looked at Li Moushan who was getting closer and closer, and made up his mind.

"Look at what he's doing, act accordingly, and stabilize him first if possible!"

Lu Lei communicated with Ms. Xiaoyuan.

Two people just hide in the car,

There is no danger.

Li Moushan's small pistol couldn't get in this black-tech RV at all.

Adapt first and then.

Outside, Li Changshan didn't know that he had been discovered.

He never expected that Yuanran would be found here after he escaped from the encirclement of the police for two days.

Because of the various previous designs.

There is not much money left in Li Changshan's pocket.

You need money to do anything, and as long as you have enough money, you can escape from the deadly situation.

He knew very well that he was in the limelight now, and it was not very far from the place where the crime was committed.

So you can't commit crimes against the wind and make big ones.

It's boring to play small games.

I thought it would be a stalemate, but I didn't expect him to see this big fish today.

He knew about this route, there is no such double-decker bus at all, and it will never stop at the entrance of the village.

The only possibility is that,

This is a privately owned motorhome converted from a coach.

Kidnapping individuals is definitely much less risky than robbing gold stores and banks.

Those who can travel in this kind of RV must be very rich.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he went to the village to steal the clothes of a herdsman, thinking of coming to find out the wind.

After observing the bus closely, the doors have been modified and strengthened, and the glass of the bus is suspected to be bulletproof glass.

This convinced him even more,

The people inside must be very rich.

Of course, this undoubtedly became an obstacle for him to force his way in.

After roughly observing for a week, he pretended to be angry and shouted:

"Whose car is this!!"

"Crushed all the ground in my house, what about people?"

"come out!!"

Li Changshan set his attention to 12 points, looked around, and observed the bus in front of him.

Soon, someone inside used a loudspeaker to make a sound:

"Hi Uncle!"

"My father isn't here. He went to town and won't be back until half an hour later!"

The voice sounds soft and waxy, very young, about twelve or thirteen years old.

a little girl

Li Changshan guessed vaguely, but he did not let go of his guard. He put his right hand in his pocket and held the gun all the time.

He was just about to continue testing,

Another female voice in her twenties or thirties appeared, her voice sounded very hurried and a little flustered, "Little Yuanyuan, don't talk nonsense, Dad is coming soon."

stopped for a moment,

Her voice sounded again:

"Uncle outside, my father will be back soon. If there is anything specific, you can talk about it after he comes back. You go back first!"

A little girl, a sister, and a father were not in the car.

Li Changshan roughly guessed.

According to the little girl's narration, the rich father should have gone out to do some errands, and he will be back in about half an hour.

The older sister is a little wary, but not much.

If I can catch these two inside within half an hour, it will be easy.

He pretended to be in a hurry,

"One said half an hour, the other said I'll be right back, how long will it take!!"

"I do not care."

"If you don't move out of my land within five minutes, I will call the police!"

The phrase call the police worked.

Soon, the female voice from before sounded again: "Don't call the police, we are not bad people, my father just didn't know this is your land, when he comes back, he will definitely compensate you!!"

"I don't want your compensation!"

"I want my land!"

"Get your broken car out for me!!"

Li Changshan completely behaved as an uneducated and single-minded herdsman.

He picked up a rock, and he was about to smash it!

The soft and sticky little girl's voice sounded again: "Don't hit our car Uncle, woo, my dad is really coming back soon, we also want to move your car [but my sister and I can't drive it]

Li Changshan was still flushed and his veins were bulging, "I don't care, either you move the car away, or I will call the police, I will call the police!!! Call the police and hurry up!!"

A helpless and irritable female voice came from inside: "Then call the police!"

Li Changshan suddenly seemed to be choked by the throat, and was speechless for a while.

Immediately the expression on his face changed (bjbg)

A complex expression of embarrassment, stubbornness and anger leaked out,

It seems that the rage just now was just for higher compensation.

"Don't think I'm afraid to call the police!"

"You tell me first, how much compensation can you give?" Li Changshan asked.

"Thirty thousand?" A tentative voice came from inside.

"Thirty thousand?!"

Li Changshan immediately acted as if he had never seen money before, "Okay, 330,000, you give me 30,000, and I'll leave right away!"


The female voice inside breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll open the small window on the main door and throw the money out, and you'll leave when you get it!"

"Good good!"

Li Changshan readily agreed.

He quickly moved to the front of the small window, with an expression of impatiently waiting for the money,

actually ready,

As soon as the window opened, he stretched out his arm and grabbed the girl inside, pointing his gun at it, forcing the little girl to open the door.

he looked excited,

Soon the voice came from inside again, "I'll give you money, and you go!"

"Okay, okay!" Li Changshan was very impatient, and he really couldn't wait.

In the next second, the window swished open.

Li Changshan was about to move his right hand,

I saw a thick long arm attacking him at a terrifying speed,

Immediately afterwards,

He was grabbed by the neck without any resistance.

A great force came,


I don't know where it broke.

The situation changed too quickly, he wanted to reach out for the gun in his pocket, and then another arm stretched out,

directly clenched the arm he wanted to reach out,

"Kacha Kacha"

This time the voice was no longer so clear.

As breathing becomes more difficult,

His will gradually dissipated...

Before fainting, he saw a huge head protruding from the window,

That looks, even more like a robber than him...

There is also a blurry woman who can't see her face poking out from behind...

"Aren't you surprised~" Loli's voice came from her mouth.

"No surprise~"

It's still her, it's Yu Jieyin...

Boss, you won't die, right?" Madam Xiaoyuan asked Li Changshan, who was limp on the ground.

"have no idea."

Lu Lei is not a doctor either, but he just managed to control the force, "It doesn't matter if he is dead or not, this is the main criminal in a major case, and he is still holding a gun, even if we kill him by mistake, it's fine!

"Oh!" Ms. Madoka nodded.

She didn't know why she wasn't afraid, maybe it was because Lu Lei was there.

At this time, a large group of police cars suddenly appeared from a distance, and quickly approached——

I saw three people under the bus,

One of the main criminals has a proper appearance and can't escape!

The overall situation has been decided, about 30 inspectors got off the bus quickly,

surrounded by people,

They were so nervous that they couldn't get any more nervous. One of them pointed a gun at Lu Fu and shouted:

"Don't move, you are already surrounded by us!!"


Ms. Xiaoyuan was speechless, she was a good person but was pointed at by a gun, she said angrily: "Please, this is Li Moushan, the main criminal, we are enthusiastic people who called you, you take the gun

Pointing at good people?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at it calmly, and there was indeed a person lying on the ground.

It looks very close to Li Moushan in figure.

They did receive a call to the police.

But this one in front of me,

Isn't it really a gangster?!

They calmed down and knew they might be wrong...

The captain on the side reacted quickly, "Put the gun down!!"

Hearing this, everyone slowly lowered their guns.

The captain took a step forward and quickly apologized to the angry woman and the expressionless gangster:

"Sorry sorry!"

"We've been busy grabbing this Li Changshan for a while, which made everyone panic-stricken. Maybe we were scared just now. I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry!!"

He had no face to look up.

Thirty or so inspectors were frightened by a face and looked at it seriously. Is it a weapon that they raised?

That was throwing his face on the ground.


Lu Lei waved his hand and pointed to the people on the ground, "Look, is this Li Changshan!"

"Okay, Doctor Wang, Ji

"Go and see."

A doctor and two policemen stepped forward and carefully observed the front and back.

That's right Captain: Li Changshan!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was in an uproar——

They arrested Li Changshan, who had been invisible for half a month, and was caught in such a dramatic way?

Another doctor said:

"Leader, the current situation of the suspect: After observing that the hyoid bone fracture pierced the respiratory tract, causing difficulty in breathing, the comminuted fracture of the right arm and shoulder, the situation is critical, and he needs to be sent to the hospital immediately


"Okay, go!" the captain said, and a group of people immediately took action.

He turned to look at the two of them, "Sorry, it's just a matter of routine, we still need you to record a record, and at the same time, I will award you bonuses for the convenience of the follow-up!"

"Okay." Lu Lei was very cooperative.



"He crushed Li Changshan's arm with his bare hands?"


"He's a freshman?"


"He acted like that nearly sixty times?!"

All the inspectors were shocked after hearing this.

"Hmm." The captain also found it incredible.

"It seems... quite acceptable, it's the kind of thing that looks can do."

A young policeman said weakly.

When everyone thought about it, it was indeed incredible to grow up like that.

It seemed reasonable to do something unthinkable.

Someone sighed:

"Fortunately, he is a good person. It would be terrible if he became a gangster!"

"Yeah, I don't know if I will dare to face him when I grow up like him?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The captain was very dissatisfied with the words of these young people who lowered their status, "You are inspectors are inspectors, Li Changshan was arrested for half a month and he didn't reflect on himself, and now he was caught by the citizens of Common

, are you ashamed?"

After a lot of scolding, everyone who scolded couldn't lift their heads.

Many things are true,

But they disagree with one thing——

So can the riding horse be a Common citizen?

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