About ten minutes,

Lu Lei and Bai Hewan arrived at the gate of Yenching University,

Parking is ready to be registered.

Not surprisingly, two security guards at the door stood not far away tremblingly,

Want to stop but dare not stop.

A murderous person like Lu Lei would have to hide 30 meters away when seen on the street.

After all, this is not playing in the NBA. Titans with a height of more than two meters cannot be seen everywhere in life.

Besides, this titan has a villainous face,

There are 4 large characters directly engraved on the top of the head, strangers should not come near!

The reason why the two security guards didn't run away was out of responsibility, and secondly, there was a cute and cute Bai Hewan next to Lu Lei.

Invisibly neutralized Lu Lei's aura.

Lu Lei stared intently, for this kind of Common people who worked hard, he always respected them and didn't want to scare them.

The scene was a little stalemate.

One side does not dare to step forward, and the other side does not want to step forward.

At this time, the clever Bai Hewan stretched out his small hand and looked at Lu Lei, "Big brother, notice!"

Lu Lei's eyes brightened slightly,

That's right, he doesn't have to step forward, he can be replaced by Bai Hewan.

The cheap sister I picked up on the road is still a bit useful.

Bai Hewan took the two notices, walked straight forward, and smiled at the two security guards, "Uncle, this is the admission notice for me and my big brother, and here is our ID card. We are freshmen who came to report today, let us go in!"


Uncle Security is over fifty years old, this is the most outrageous thing he has ever heard in his life.

I took the admission notice and read it carefully, compared it with the ID card, and then looked at Lu Lei.

The notice is real, the ID card cannot be faked, and the person really looks like this.

But there are new students who grow up like this?

Another security guard took it over to confirm, and the two security guards stared wide-eyed, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

In general, individuals vary greatly.

I have been a security guard at Yenching University for so many years, and I have seen all kinds of freshmen.

For example, young and mature, although they are freshmen, they are older than their father.

For example, male and female are indistinguishable, a girl with long hair has a rough voice when she speaks.

For example, there is no distinction between humans and animals.

However, I have never seen one who looks like a gangster! !

To say that this person did not bear a few lives,

Uncle security didn't believe it.

What kind of soil has bred such a hero?

"Can we go in?" Bai Hewan's voice was soft and soft, very nice.

This is the new life! !

Bai Hewan, who was harmless to humans and animals, made the two uncles feel a little relieved, and they were no longer so nervous.

One of them replied with a look of embarrassment: "You can go in, but your motorcycle has to be parked outside. Except for teachers and related working partners, no one is allowed to drive or ride a motorcycle in the school!"

"Ah, so..."

Bai Hewan frowned, "But we have a lot of luggage, and we're already late. I don't know if the senior who greeted us is still there. I just talked on the phone on the way, and she seemed a little impatient..."

"Uncle, let's go in on a motorcycle!"

"Just once, please..."

The parking place is far from the school gate.

Yenching University is still very big, and when I rushed to the reporting place on foot, there was no one who could not get off within 20 minutes.

The two security guards glanced at each other, a little embarrassed.

Their child is also Bai Hewan's age, just as cute and lovable.

But rules are rules, and they have to follow them.

Frankly speaking, if it weren't for the fact that Bai Hewan was really beautiful and cute, and there was a gangster not far away.

The two security guards never talked so much with Bai Hewan.

Still want to ride a motorcycle into campus?

It's the other way around!

Saying one more word is insulting the dignity of being a security guard.

"Student, there is no way!"

"Just park your motorcycles outside!"

The other party was very persistent, Baihe saw this lately, so he stopped pushing.

It's a waste of time to stay.


Turning around and walking towards Lu Lei, a sports car stopped in front of him.

The window rolled down, revealing a rather handsome face.

Zhou Shijie saw Bai Hewan at the school gate from a long distance away,

Just looking at the back looks good.

This is simply amazing to see the front!

Is this a new school girl? She's too tender! !

In vain it feels like it can pinch the water.

Simply delicious.

To put it simply, he fell in love with the school girl in front of him at first sight.

"Is it a new school girl?" Zhou Shijie tried to be as polite as possible, "The reporting time has passed at this point, have you encountered any problems?"

While speaking, he looked up and down the girl in front of him,

He doesn't feel as tall as 1.7 meters.

Well proportioned, with long legs and a thin waist.

Standing with her height of 1.8 meters, she definitely looks like a man and woman, quite a match.

Looking at this figure, the flexibility is definitely good.

In some ways, absolutely satisfying!

Bai Hewan was the best at observing words and expressions. Although the person in front of him looked very polite, his eyes revealed his intentions.

"Not a nice guy."

After making a definition, Bai Hewan let out an "oh", turned his head and walked back.

A little polite, but not much.

Seeing this, Zhou Shijie got out of the car anxiously and said, "Sister, I'm also from this school. I'm a junior in the Department of Civil Engineering. If you have any questions, you can contact me. Brother Xue is not talented. He is the president of the student union of this school. There are many... ..”

I haven't finished talking yet.

I saw a shadow pressing on me,

"Is there something wrong?"

Lu Lei's voice was like thunder, and it exploded directly in Zhou Shijie's ears.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

Damn! ! !

What is this! ! !

I'm super!

save me save me save me! !

Such a glance of thousands of years,

Zhou Shijie was immediately stunned,

The brain frantically sends a signal to the body: "Run!"

Directly, he half-turned on the spot, pulled the car door, stepped on the accelerator,

A set of movements is smooth and flowing, which can be said to have broken through the limits of the body.

"Uncle Li, open the door quickly!!!"

An urgent voice sounded at the school gate,

When you see this voice, you know it's urgent.

Kind of like holding a shit in the morning and having a roommate with acne marks in the bathroom.

The security guard pushes the button,

The school gate opened, and Porsche used its excellent starting speed to rush into the school gate.

At this speed, it seems that even Porsche feels that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.



Bai Hewan frowned, and said to the security guard very puzzled:

"Huh? Isn't he a student?"

"Didn't you say that no one is allowed to drive or ride a motorcycle in the school except teachers and related work partners?"

"Then what does that mean?"

The mouth is muttering, and the cute person is quite cute even when he is angry.

The security guard was questioned. Yes, the security office stipulates that no one is allowed to drive or ride a motorcycle into the school except teachers and related work partners.

But rules are dead, people are alive.

When I entered the school gate, I recognized the motor vehicle campus access card issued by the security office, but I didn't recognize anyone.

In other words, as long as there is a channel relationship and a motor vehicle campus pass is issued, even students can enter.

To put it another way: those who have nothing to do are not allowed to drive or ride a motorcycle into it.

The guard fell silent,

Bai Hewan was out of breath and wanted to go forward to argue, but was grabbed by Lu Lei.

Then a steady and powerful voice sounded:

"Let me do it!"

"I'm good at this."

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