He Was So Fierce That He Was Mistaken For A Loan Professional

071 The Most Beautiful Arctic Village, Visit The Reindeer Park

Mohe Arctic Village,

Lu Lei and Ms. Xiaoyuan finally arrived here at 6:00 pm,

it's getting dark.

The place where Lu Lei parked is not far from the Arctic Village.

You can see the brightly lit Arctic Village.

North Pole Village is located at 533330″ north latitude and 1222027.14 east longitude, which is the crown of the golden rooster on the territory of China.

It is the northernmost place in China!

There is a very popular song called Mohe Ballroom.

"I've never seen a village where the aurora appears!"

"I haven't seen or seen anyone!"

"Fireworks in the middle of the night!"

Lu Lei knows this song, and it has to be said that the Mohe Aurora is mentioned in this song.

Attracted countless tourists.

But, anyone with a little knowledge of geography knows that.

Mohe is in the weak aurora area, and the possibility of seeing the aurora is pitifully small.

Instead of expecting to see the aurora,

It's better to expect to get rich,

The latter is more likely.

Ms. Madoka doesn't have such high demands, so it doesn't matter if she can't see Aurora.

It's enough to see a snow.

Ms. Madoka put her head out of the window tentatively, and then put it back again.

This time and again, frost hung on the glasses.

"Boss, it's so cold here!" Madam Xiaoyuan wiped her glasses casually.

"Yeah!" Lu Lei nodded, feeling the toughness of the little cold wind just now when he opened the window.

"Wear more when you go out later."

"Yeah okay!" Ms. Madoka nodded, "Then I'll go find the shit out of the coat!"

Today is the first day of arrival, so let's simply visit the Arctic Village first.

This is a small village,

You can walk around in twenty "one twenty" minutes.

half an hour later,

Lu Lei got out of the car with Ms. Xiaoyuan, who was tightly wrapped up. The latter was fully armed. In addition to a thick woolen coat, she also wore a wine-red scarf, a reindeer-style hat, and a woolen adventure Gloves.

And Lu Lei is still XXXXXxxxxxxxxI's jacket.

"Boss, can I give you my scarf?" Ms. Xiaoyuan felt cold when she looked at Lu.

"No need!" Lu Lei stretched out his hand to reject Ms. Xiaoyuan's kindness, "It's not cold, and... this scarf is very cute for you to wear, but it's a bit too much for me.

....good. "Ms. Xiaoyuan thought it was indeed the case.

Own scarf for the boss?

Probably a Red collar, right?


Bring your own collar,

Can't let the boss take it,

That's really a bit too much.

"Boss, then I'll walk with you on my arm, keep warm!"

As Ms. Xiaoyuan said, she wrapped her arms around Lu Lei's thick arms, and pressed her face against it.


Lu Lei doesn't seem to be wearing any heat preservation measures.

But in fact, I brought a very warm bear pendant.

The two walked towards the village,

The Arctic Village is a famous scenic spot, so the commercial measures are well done.

The hardening and lighting of the roads are in place,

The Arctic Village at night is a world of lights.

"Boss, shall we go to the post office to check in?" Queen Xiaoyuan had stars in her eyes.

The post office in Arctic Village is very famous, just like the railway station in Aershan, it is very exquisite.

This post office is also known as the most beautiful post office in China and the northernmost post office.


Lu Lei has no objections.

Stretch out your hand and stop an old man from the side of the road to ask for directions (bushi

Lord torture

"My lord, does the post office go all the way along this road?"

...Ah yes yes yes!"

The uncle's eyes are normal, and he feels that there is a talking wall in front of him.

It should be a tourist, not sure if you have a look first.

"This is, it's called Xingai Street. The Post Office, Hotel, Bank, Supply and Marketing Cooperative are all here!"

"Walk along Xingai Street. There is a large area of ​​private houses called Laogai Street. There are houses made of yellow mud and Mukelen houses. If you like Northeast culture, you can go there. !"

"There is a small intersection over there, called Xiaogai Street, and that's where our locals live!"

"Okay, thank you sir!"

This is obviously an old guide.

very skilled.

The village is not big and not long.

We arrived at the old street post office that the uncle mentioned, and the green plaque reads the northernmost post office in Huaguo!

Lu Lei felt that the appearance was not much different from ordinary post offices.

But bring the word most north.

The grade is inexplicably higher.

Take pictures to commemorate.

"Boss, let's take a stroll, this small village is so beautiful~"

After seeing the post office, Ms. Madoka was a little bit unsatisfied.

The two of them walked to the old street that the uncle said, and the old street was where the local villagers were.

What the uncle said is true,

The woodcut and corrugated house is indeed full of charm,

With a variety of colored lights.

Even in this place where the teeth are frozen, it feels inexplicably warm.


"If... it snows here.

"Every wooden house is covered with a thick layer of snow, and every household has small lights, plus the warm kang, isn't it really comfortable."

Lu Lei nodded, "It's about the same. It's best to add a blood sausage stewed sauerkraut."


"Hehehe~" Ms. Madoka smiled.

"Boss, run back, it's too cold!"

After strolling around for a while, Ms. Xiaoyuan was so cold that she exposed a little bit of her little face.

It's all frozen.

Lu Lei nodded slightly,

The two trotted back.

There are many tourists on the road, and seeing this scene, I was immediately numb——

"My darling, has the black bear come out of the mountain?"

"Hurry up and catch up with me. If you catch up with me, I'll let you hehehe. Is that what you mean?"

"Oh my god, that girl looks so beautiful, how did you catch me!!"

"I was chased like this, and I was chased in two steps. Look, the titan has already picked up the girl!"

"My God, why is that girl so giegie happy?"

"I realized that women can't be chased, but they can definitely be snatched."

The two of them returned to the RV, and the air conditioner and heating continued to flow.

quite warm.

Put on a quilt and drink warm hot water.

On the viewing platform on the second floor of the caravan, you can see the brightly lit Arctic Village through the glass.

Comfortable and warm.

"Boss, what are those people doing?" Ms. Xiaoyuan pointed to a group of people with knives, forks and sticks not far away.

"Fishing." Lu Lei replied.

"Fishing? Oh oh!" Ms. Madoka nodded, trying to imagine their fishing methods.

but failed.

"Boss, tell me about quilt!" Madam Xiaoyuan asked curiously.

"On the opposite side is the country of Maozi, and the river between the two countries is called Heilongjiang!"

Lu Lei really knew about fishing. He pointed and continued, "The weather in Antarctic Village of Mohe is too cold, and the river doesn't freeze for a few months in a year. Now the ice surface is frozen, so To catch fish you need to chip away at the ice!"

"I know seven fishing methods."

"I think they have few people and not many tools."

"It is estimated that it is a personal fishing to sell!"

"It's that simple!"

"First use an iron chisel to dig a hole with a diameter of about one meter in the frozen lake, and then use a net bag to clean up the broken ice in the hole, then deploy the net and lower the pole!"

"Finally, the fish is shot out and put into a fish pond for later use!"

"Fishing nets are called "hangzi" in Northeast dialect. The meshes of "hangzi" are divided into five types according to the size of the mesh, which can catch fish of different sizes from 1 to 5 catties. "hangzi" can also be made according to the height Fish at different depths, such as the upper middle layer and the bottom layer, were salvaged separately."

Ms. Madoka nodded, revealing the original expression.

"Boss, have you ever caught fish?" Ms. Madoka wanted to ask.

If ordinary young people,

That really hasn't been fixed.

If this is asked by a girl, specify Lu Qi.

But because of curiosity, Lu Lei actually caught it:

"This kind of fishing scene is average, I have participated in underwater large-scale fishing!

"Large-drawing net is a kind of ground-drawing fishing gear, generally 900 meters long and 12 meters wide. The net is launched from the eye of the ice, and is dragged on the ice by manpower, animal power or mechanical force, so that the pole under the ice drives the waterline and the net to move forward. 11

"Surrounding a school of fish in subglacial water with nets, the fish are caught in the net.

"The net needs more than 100 people to pull the net manually, more than 40 people to win the net with animal-drawn horse wheels, and now only more than 20 people to use machinery. Generally, after the river is closed every year, the ice will be cut down to block fish, and the ice will be cut next to the shore. Take it by mouth!"

Ms. Madoka tried her best to form that picture in her head.

Hundreds of gentlemen were sweating on the ice, pulling a huge net that covered the sky.

Catch a fat and strong fish.

That picture is full of masculinity...

She asked curiously, "Boss, how many people were there in total?"

"Ah, I'm alone."

Lu Lei said truthfully.

Just know, just know.

This is awesome, let him pretend again.

"Then the boss's fish is delicious, right?" Ms. Xiaoyuan entered the northeast, drank the water here, and unconsciously acquired an accent.

Transliteration: old——good—time, right?

"Mmm, delicious!"

"Boss, let's eat fish quilts tomorrow, I'll treat you!" Ms. Xiaoyuan patted her chest generously.

"your treat?"

Lu Lei raised his eyebrows, "Do you know how much this fish costs?"


"There are two hundred and one catties, and the cheaper ones cost tens of dollars. The two of us can't afford a few thousand yuan for a meal!"

Lu Lei told the truth.

I thought Ms. Madoka would feel distressed.

But I didn't expect Ms. Xiaoyuan's face to be indifferent: "The boss is fine, I invited you!"

According to Ms. Madoka's values, things are not afraid of being expensive, but they must have their value.

It is extremely difficult to salvage such fish, and it is delicious, so it will definitely be more expensive.

In addition, it was the first time I came to Mohe, and it might also be the last time.

It's worth paying a little more remembering the taste.

Also, this is the hometown of the boss, and the boss specified that he likes to eat this fish.

This money has to be spent!

A smart subordinate must know how to work in the workplace, and be willing to give up.


A few thousand dollars is nothing to Lu Lei and Ms. Xiaoyuan.

Since Ms. Xiaoyuan wanted to spend money, Lu Lei didn't care too much.

"Then go to the reindeer park tomorrow and have fun?"


The two hit it off.

the next morning,

There are snowflakes in the sky.

"Wow~~" Madam Xiaoyuan was excited like a child.

Lu Lei's mood didn't fluctuate at all.

It's just snow, Sikong is used to it.

But luckily, it really snowed.

For Ms. Xiaoyuan, this is definitely something that money cannot buy.

Maybe for Ms. Xiaoyuan, this kind of "free whoring" is very happy.

Two people get dressed and head towards the reindeer park


to the door,

Under the expression of "I dare not stop you if you don't spend money" on the conductor's face,

I paid ten yuan for the ticket.

Tickets are cheap, but the food sold to the reindeer is expensive.

Three packs cost seventy yuan.

Ms. Madoka bought three packs.

When the two of them walked in, they discovered an embarrassing thing.

The reindeer in the reindeer park are not afraid of people at all, just like the dog licking, rubbing against the person who has food in his hands frantically.

That posture is not much different from "Swallow, 4.1 How can I live without you",

However, none of the reindeer dared to approach Lu Fu.

It seems that everything in the world is really human.

When they saw Lu Lei, they probably activated the memory of being hunted by ancient people in their genes.

"Boss..." Ms. Madoka winked at Lu.

"I understand Bai Ming understand!"

Lu Lei took two steps back before the group of snobs caught on.

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Ms. Xiaoyuan took the small bag and fed it, very happy.

After watching the reindeer, go to Shenlong Bay, the first bay of Longjiang, and Wusuli Shoal (the northernmost point) for a stroll.

Happy times always fly by quickly,

Ms. Xiaoyuan felt that because she always wanted to check in, it seemed a bit overwhelming.

Immediately expressed his loyalty, "Boss!!"

"Huh?" Lu Lei wondered, what is this serious attitude doing?

"I seem to be playing again, but I'm actually playing, looking for work experience!" Ms. Xiaoyuan said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Lu Lei still didn't understand.

"Boss, elk, bells, snowflakes, what can you think of?"

"What?" Lu Lei had a clue.

"Emmm, tonight's Christmas set!" Ms. Xiaoyuan couldn't hold back and said directly.


Lu Lei patted Ms. Xiaoyuan's head lightly with his hand, "What do you think about all day long?"

"emmmm..." Madam Madoka looked innocent.

"Go eat first!" Lu Lei's tone revealed helplessness.


Madam Madoka followed quickly.

There's nothing wrong with her, she's just trying to make her boss happy.

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