The next day, Ms. Lu Lei Xiaoyuan and Xiao Rouwan boarded the plane.

After reversing the car, I finally got home.

No matter how enjoyable the journey is, fatigue will accumulate.

As soon as Ms. Xiaoyuan got home, she threw herself on the sofa, "Oh, it smells like home.

The little meatball was also very excited, running non-stop on the ground, and at the same time yelled "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

"Don't bark, little meatball!"

Lu Lei gently pulled the gadgets under his feet with his big feet.


The little thing is very smart, if he doesn't understand the words, he can understand the facial expressions and stop barking immediately.

on Lu Lei's feet,

It became a small pendant.

Puppies like Pomeranian actually have a big temper and are very jealous.

If you get angry when you are jealous, you are prone to heart disease.

Little Meatball probably won't get it, because he doesn't dare to get angry.

Lu Lei made a huge recliner,

Lie on it and play with your phone.

I've been very busy these past few days, and I haven't read much of the news. When I opened it, there was a large piece of @his news.

A local student from Inner Mongolia: "All the main culprits in the huge robbery case I mentioned earlier were caught. That's not important. What's important is that I heard that the most cunning boss fell into the hands of the Common people, and—— "

Jiang Shan: "And what? Hurry up, I'm still...Wow~"

Li Kun: "Half-talking, there is no ass hole in having a child."

Li Chunyang: "Yes."

A local student from Inner Mongolia: "According to my big brother who works in the inspection bureau, that common man's surname is Lu!!!"

Jiang Shan, Li Kun, Li Chunyang, Bai Hewan and twenty other classmates: "Hmm, eh? Hmm!!"

@@@ Lu Lei, "Brother Lei, tell the truth, is it you!!"

"You're so awesome, you're doing big things quietly behind our backs, aren't you?"

"Although I think it's unbelievable, I always feel like I'm a minister of reason!"

Lu Lei edited the message with a big hand:

"It's not me from 617, as to why my surname is Lu!"

"Maybe it's because he is a passing Kamen Rider.

Although everyone's Aite was three days ago, but Lu Lei responded to the message, and everyone responded immediately——

"It's very humorous, Brother Lei, just admit it, we are not outsiders!!"

"Traveling for seven days, I caught the principal culprit of a huge robbery, um, it's very reasonable!"

"Indeed, I also cooked twenty bowls of rice at home, which is no less than catching the main culprit~"


"Brother Lei, tell the truth, did you do anything else?"

Lu looked up at Ms. Xiaoyuan, and replied truthfully:

"arable land."

Niu, Niu, go to the Great Northern Wilderness and remember the bitterness and sweetness?"

"This vacation is really fast, and it's time to go to school again in a blink of an eye!"

"The buddies are all here, and the people in this dormitory haven't changed. 11

"Come, come, come!"

The day when we came back on October 1st was a day for exchanging hometown specialties with each other.

The dormitories are quite lively.

It's a pity that Lu Lei can't feel this atmosphere.

The group was very lively, and the assistant Xin Ziqiao also came out to join in the fun:

"Come back from the November holiday, and there will be another big holiday after that, but it will be winter vacation!"

"Everyone calm down as soon as possible and devote ourselves to studying (bjcb)."

"In addition, starting from next weekend, the school's job fair will start one after another. You can check the specific recruitment information by following the school's WeChat account. If you are interested, you can go and have a look, but don't delay the recruitment of seniors and seniors. "

"In addition, starting from next week, various freshman activities have been launched, such as basketball freshman cup and volleyball court team competition, because we have not yet selected class cadres."

"So for the time being, I will be in charge of connecting with the sports department. Let me ask, is there anyone in our class who is good at playing basketball?"

Lu Lei, who played this abacus, heard it at home.

The news that he is good at playing basketball has spread like wildfire, and no one in Yanda University knows that Lu Lei has a three-point line dunk.

The evaluation of Lu Lei is quite powerful.

For Lu Lei, basketball is not a hobby, but a specialty!!

As soon as Xin Ziqiao's message was sent,

The following news from Bai Hewan follows closely:

"Lu Lei is amazing!!"


What to do, there are traitors in the team.

Lu Lei responded to the message: "I don't know how to play, my skills are rough."

Xin Ziqiao: "It doesn't matter. The Freshman Cup is about participating in basketball activities. It is mainly to improve the cohesion of the class. I wonder if I can trouble Lu Lei to organize it and then connect with me?"

Lu Lei: "I can directly communicate with the sports department."

Xin Ziqiao: "...that's fine."

Xin Ziqiao: "One more thing, I am the head of the sophomore volleyball department. This time our school is relatively weak and urgently needs some strong freshman foreign aid. I wonder if there are any students in our class who can play volleyball?"


I almost read Lu Lei's ID card.

Although the basketball volleyball is not the three major balls, the audience of volleyball is really small, and the level of competition of the college team is also average.

Really, as long as you are tall and have strong jumping ability, you can play the No. 1 position with a little practice.

There is no need for spikes or anything.

The force is big enough, just drop it down and you're done.

Skill is based on strength.

As long as there is enough power, it is skill.

The academy team has been eyeing Lu Lei for a long time!

But Lu Lei is unwilling, the reason is very simple, he doesn't like it.

unlike basketball,

Lu Lei really likes basketball, and basketball and chickens are always his pursuit in this life.

If you can't find a reason to play volleyball,

Then it can only be out of the sense of honor to the department,

Lu Lei's concept of the collective has always been vague, "He Song is related to himself.

Lu Lei does not respond to messages in the group,

Xin Ziqiao directly sent a voice chat, and didn't want to answer it at first, but somehow remembered the tenderness that day.

Still clicked, Xin Ziqiao's flat voice soon came from the opposite side:

"Lu Lei, can you help me with the volleyball team?"

"The senior of the junior year is going to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and now I urgently need a strong one!"

"The competition is about to start, I don't want our academy to be at the bottom!"

"Help, please?"

Xin Ziqiao's action is really like a senior sister asking for a strong freshman to join the team for the sake of the department.

The seniors that Lu Lei met before were also like this, very enthusiastic.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Then I won't go to training, I'll just be blind!"

The voice over there fluctuated slightly, "Okay, as long as you can come to the competition!"

After the phone hung up, Lu Lei thought about it.

The freshman cup of basketball is an internal competition of Guanghua College, and it is a competition between each class and each class.

The volleyball match mentioned by Xin Ziqiao was played by all departments of Yanda University.

It seems the latter is more important.

If time conflicts, Lu Lei will still choose the former, basketball and chicken cannot be abandoned.

After agreeing, Lu Lei suddenly had palpitations, feeling like he had fallen into Xin Ziqiao's trap again.

But the men's volleyball team should have nothing to do with her as a woman, right?

forget about it.

Lu Lei shed a spit and a nail, and he did what he promised.


The little fairy who had slept for an hour and a half was resurrected and took her head out from the corner of the sofa.

Fluttering hair, blushing face, looking at Lu Lei in a daze:

"emmm boss | what time is it?"

"Three o'clock." Lu Lei looked at the time.

"Ah, then I'll broadcast the live broadcast first, and then cook for you at five o'clock!"

Ms. Madoka rubbed her eyes and regained consciousness.

"Still broadcasting?" Lu Lei was a little surprised.

"Yeah, when I asked for leave, I agreed to live broadcast at 3 o'clock today, and I'm going!"

"Just broadcast it for two hours and then download it!"

Ms. Madoka tidied up her grooming a little, but it wasn't really necessary.

No one loves wearing a mask.

"I'll cook for you at five o'clock, Boss, if you need anything else, just call me!"

Ms. Xiaoyuan opened the door to live broadcast, indicating that Lu can come in at any time.

To be honest, Ms. Xiaoyuan is really dedicated to her job, and she will never be late for the broadcast.

Even a part-time job is very important.

Lu thought if he wanted to give her a thumbs up, now that he had the equity of Wuyou Media, it was very easy to give her a thumbs up.

But time seems to be hard to grasp,

Now Ms. Xiaoyuan not only stays with her day and night, but also works like a nanny. She can cook, wash clothes and tidy up the house every day.

Even though Lu Lei paid for hourly workers,

She can still do it.

I love to be clean.

This is a hassle.

If you really focus on the live broadcast, then it is impossible to broadcast only one hour a day.

this matter,

It can only be considered when recruiting two employees in the future.

when dinner is over,

Bai Hewan sent another message: "I'm at school!"

Lu Lei: "Well, I see."

Wan Wan: "Big brother, tomorrow I will bring you bacon, dried tofu, beef jerky, rice cracker candies, sliced ​​peaches, duck..."

Lu Lei: "Why did you bring me so many things?"

Wanwan: "It feels like you haven't eaten it, it's no trouble, just a box can fit it!"

Lu Lei: "But I didn't buy anything for you."

Wanwan: "Oh!"

Lu Lei: "I bought it, I bought you some kumiss, didn't you really want to drink at the last work party, drinking this kumiss is good for your health, the alcohol content is still low, you can try it!

Wanwan: "Really, hehe~ big brother loves you~mua~"

Lu Lei: "Not me!"

Wanwan: "Hey, I can't leave your show

Lu Lei: "Amitabha!"

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