He Was So Fierce That He Was Mistaken For A Loan Professional

097 The Missing Xin Ziqiao, Secretly Doing Big Things

After returning to Beijing,

The heat of the road continued to rise and eventually stabilized.

In the end, Lu Lei got 5 million popularity points, which were converted into 5 million points.

He took a look at these points, and if they were converted into skills.

Such as singing skills Great Sage, cooking skills Great Sage, weapon mastering Great Sage...etc.

At least that would make him a pentathlon.

As for buying black technology, dozens of aircraft are not a problem.

At present, these points are already rich enough.

It is already the same as his wealth.

Can't spend anymore.

So, even though netizens begged hard,

Lu Lei still has no plans to do another episode of the show.

At least one program a month, or longer, as agreed before.

Hunger marketing is sometimes a good solution.

at the same time,

Entering November, the busy study life of college students is coming.

Not only to cope with midterm exams,

Also prepare for the upcoming CET-4 and CET-6 exams.

like some aspiring students,

Also prepare for various subject competitions!

Disciplinary competitions have a great impact on research guarantees, scholarships, and employment!

Bai Hewan was very concerned about this kind of matter.

According to her introduction,

Lu Lei also learned a little bit.

There are many competitions,

There are a few very gold content.

For example, the Huaguo "Internet +" College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the 19th Challenge Cup National College Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, the Challenge Cup Huaguo College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, and the ACM-ICPC International College Student Programming Competition!

All college students pay attention to these.

There are also some national college student mathematical modeling competitions, electronic design competitions, mechanical innovation design competitions, and advertising art competitions. These are the related majors that are more enthusiastic.

Bai Hewan knew that his level was not enough, so he did not blindly participate in the competition.

spend time in the library,

Study professional courses carefully every day, prepare for the exam carefully, and improve yourself bit by bit.

So is Lu Lei.

Time passed by in a hurry, and soon the midterm exam was over, and the CET-4 and CET-6 exams were over.

The whole school is very concerned about Lu Lei's results,

They were not disappointed.

Lu Lei scored above 95 in all subjects, and scored 686 in the CET-4.

The whole school was in an uproar——

"No, does he really learn?"

"Obviously he can rely on his appearance, but he wants to move!

"This mother's national scholarship is gone!"

"He scored 696 in the fourth level? Wang Defa, is there really anyone who can get such a high score?"


Remarks like this keep ringing in the school, and the grades of the fourth grade have only two functions, one is to find a job.

The second is that there will be a comparison standard for IELTS and TOEFL in the future.

You must know that for the fourth level, the society and the school default to 425 points for passing.

Therefore, if the company has no special requirements, Lu Lei has already met the recruitment standards of a normal company.

In addition, if the National English Level 4 and 6 scores are compared with TOEFL and IELTS, if the English Level 4 reaches the middle score line of 500, the TOEFL score can basically reach 70; if the upper-middle score reaches 600 points, the TOEFL score can basically reach 90-100 point. If the score of CET-4 is 580 or above, IELTS can basically reach 6.5 points!

This is considered a relatively high score internationally.

696 points, can already explain,

In all English-language exams that universities will encounter.

Lu Lei is more than capable.

Baihe night 686 is not bad.

All other exams are even better than Lu Lei,

Due to the more thorough and more diligent review, they are all close to full marks.

At noon this day, the cafeteria.

After being fed for a semester, Bai Hewan showed signs of gaining weight a little bit.

This fat refers to having flesh on the arms.

She is too thin.

At the same time, the baby fat on her cheeks, which has not faded away, also shows signs of disappearing soon.

While Lu Lei was going to buy other meals, she skillfully put the dishes she didn't like on Lu Lei's plate.

"Picky eater again?" Lu Lei came back and found out, frowning slightly.

"Big brother, help me eliminate it!"

Bai Hewan clasped his hands together and put his hands on his lips, only showing a smile, and said softly.

"...Okay!" Lu Lei couldn't help her either.

Chatting while eating, because the two of them are together every day, most of the topics they talk about are the types of questions they encounter.

Or some ridiculous stalks from my favorite online teachers!

It's hard to imagine that a gangster and a soft girl would talk about this every day.

But it makes sense when you think about it.

All things aside, they're freshmen at Common who just started college.

Bai Hewan was still eating something, suddenly remembered something, and muttered:

"Senior sister is amazing——"

"Huh?" Lu Lei paused with his chopsticks.

Since I came back from the last show, I haven't seen Xin Ziqiao for a long time.

It seems that the fight with Ms. Madoka has hurt her vitality and needs healing.

Or hit the south wall and know how to turn around?

I don't know the way,

I don't even bother to ask why.

Get to the bottom of it,

That's what boys in love do.

As for Lu Lei,

Excuse me.

Putting on your pants makes you face blind.

but don't say yet,

Although the days without Xin Ziqiao were stable, they still felt a little less exciting.

Bai Hewan took a sip of the soup, put down his food, and finished what he hadn't said just now:

"I only found out after chatting some time ago!"

"Sisters are going to participate in Huaguo's "Internet +" College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition!"

"It's still the captain!"

"She told me to join in and have fun, and didn't let me tell others!"

"I really thought she would join in casually, for fear that everyone would be full of expectations for her, which would bring pressure on her!"


"I watched the live broadcast today, and guess what!!"

"Sister has won the championship!!!"

"Is this called casual play?"

Bai Hewan was very excited, just like she won the championship.

It feels like my favorite e-sports team has won the championship.

Seeing Lu Lei did not respond.

She thought that Lu Lei didn't understand, so she quickly popularized the gold content of this genus:

"This game!!"

"Since its official launch in March this year, it has received great attention and enthusiastic response from the whole society!"

According to the report, a total of 2,241 participating colleges and universities, 370,000 teams signed up, and 1.5 million students participated. In addition, this competition set up an international track for the first time

116 university teams from 25 countries and regions including the United States, Canada, Britain, Japan, and Australia signed up for the competition!!"

"Senior can advance to the finals from so many teams, I feel very good!"

"I didn't expect that after a day of competition, she led the team to the gold medal!"

"After two more days of competition, she won the championship!!"

"Big brother, can you imagine this feeling?"

"It's like your big brother telling you he's running a small business outside."

"It turns out that he is the boss of Wanda!!"

Rou gave a thumbs up sincerely, "It's really amazing!"

Just stunned, just didn't expect it.

Because Xin Ziqiao's impression of him has not been very good.

At least not positively 027 up!

But now the image is completely reversed,

Looking at Xin Ziqiao from an objective point of view, aside from his convenient appearance, he is the captain of the volleyball team arranged by the school.

In terms of academics, those who can be tutors have grade requirements.

Now in terms of innovative practice, it is at the forefront of all college students in the country.

Without a school belle, you can be a school girl just by showing off.

Xin Ziqiao is worthy of the school's name.

"so amazing!"

Bai Hewan smashed the steamed buns with his chopsticks and was extremely envious, "Senior sister should now have a matchmaking meeting with investment institutions for participating projects. I don't know how much investment you will get. I think it should be several tens of millions, right?"

"Almost!" Lu Lei also took out his mobile phone to check the news.

Posted two days ago,

Among the teams that have been eliminated from the finals,

Already 16 projects have reached investment intentions, with an intended investment of 155 million yuan and a total valuation of 1.37667 billion yuan.

Those who can win the championship are naturally not bad.

There is no doubt that once the news of the championship spread.

Xin Ziqiao will become a star figure in the university.

This celebrity is not the same as before.

In the past, many people might have thought that Xin Ziqiao would rely on her face to get close to the king of the top class in the future.

Life without food and clothing.

But now I find that even by herself, she is completely the top type of person in this university.

It will also be great.

When the two of them walked towards the study room after dinner.

The phone rang suddenly, and if it rang at the same time, it meant that it was class information.

Lu Lei clicked to check, and it turned out to be Xin Ziqiao who had disappeared for a long time

"I haven't been in school for a while, do you miss me? @Everyone"

"My sister has earned money!"

"Go back and invite everyone to shop and eat! Man Han Banquet.jpg".

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