Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 110: Are you worried about me?

Seeing Lin Xue leave from my side, my heart was confused again.

Chu Xingzhi took me and Shen Ran out of Hong Kong, does he want to keep us?

All kinds of thoughts conflated in my mind, making me a little unable to think.

Finally, when I got off work in the afternoon, I saw Chu Xingzhi leave the company on time, so I packed up my things and followed.

Finally, I stopped him at the door of the company.

Because he is no longer the general manager of Wanding, he can no longer enjoy the treatment of the general manager. The original driver and vehicle were taken back by the company.

His legs have improved a lot, but he still has to lean on crutches.

I stopped a taxi for him, and after he got into the car, I followed him up.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes when he looked at me, as if he didn't expect me to do this.

"Go to Xiguan Road."

Without waiting for him to speak, I directly reported an address to the driver. Xiguan Road is the most prosperous street in Hong Kong City. That street is full of restaurants and cafes. More importantly, it is far enough away from Wanding that I don't have to worry about being met by my colleagues in the company.

The driver immediately drove in response, and Chu Xingzhi looked at me from start to finish without saying a word.

I was a little embarrassed by him, so I turned my head and looked out the car window to avoid embarrassment at the moment.

Fortunately, the driver was familiar with the road conditions and his car skills were good. After fifteen minutes, he stopped the car on Xiguan Road.

After paying the fare directly, I opened the door and got off with Chu Xingzhi. After choosing a relatively deserted restaurant, I took Chu Xingzhi and sat in the corner.

Along the way, he did not speak. He was so silent, but it made me feel a little embarrassed.

After sitting down with the waiter and ordering the food, I directly asked him: "Are you not worried at all? Dong Fu did this, it is possible that this is the opportunity to let you leave Wanding."

Chu Xingzhi also served as general manager for five years in Wanding, and cultivated his own confidant. If Fu Yuanjie really fired Chu Xingzhi immediately, it might cause a small turmoil in Wanding.

Fu Yuanjie was able to build the company from scratch to the size it is today and would not make any decisions lightly. Unless, he has been fully prepared.


He just responded indifferently, as if he didn't even listen to what I said.

I was a little anxious: "Aren't you worried? Or are you really planning to go to Shenghua?"

Shenghua is a strong competitor of Wanding. If Chu Xingzhi really goes to Shenghua, I am afraid Fu Yuanjie will be worried.

"Who told you I am going to Shenghua?"

He looked up at me, wondering if it was my illusion, and there was a smile in his eyes.


Before I finished speaking, he spoke again and interrupted me: "So you are caring about me?"

As soon as his words fell, my face flushed.

"No, I just care about my future. If you go, my future is uncertain."

I turned my head aside, afraid to look into his eyes. His eyes were too sharp, and he always felt that he could easily see my mind.

"Oh, I see."

His tone rose slightly, and I felt the heat on his face rise again, and I dared not look at him even more.

"Are you really not worried at all?"

In fact, I have been thinking about it all along the way. Chu Xingzhi may not be able to think of what I can think of, and even more than I thought.

Looking at his calm look now, I'm afraid he already has plans.

"Why should you worry?"

He asked me back, I don't know how to answer.

Obviously he is the one involved, but I am more concerned about this matter than him.

It seemed that I cared about him.

"Go to Beicheng with me, are you worried?"

When I was silent, he spoke again.

In fact, from knowing this until now, I haven't thought about the past Beicheng.

It seems that I have always worried about whether he will be dismissed by Dong Fu, and I have never considered myself.


If I go to Beicheng with him, I don't think I need to worry.

Chu Xingzhi has always given me a feeling that no matter what situation he encounters, he can easily solve it.

"Going to Beicheng does not mean that I am leaving Wanding."

He said lightly, this sentence made my heart calm down instantly.

It seems that Chu Xingzhi is already ready.

Perhaps, going to Beicheng was a good step for him.

"Um, let's eat the dishes, the dishes are here."

I saw the waiter walking towards us with the dishes, and I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to continue discussing this topic with him.

I am afraid that the discussion will continue, and he will continue to lead me to the topics I care about him.

Just as we were about to start the meal, the waiter suddenly said: "Two people, today we have an event in our restaurant. If you are a couple coming to our restaurant, you can enjoy a half price discount. But the only condition is that you need two people to take a picture. Stay on the photo wall in our restaurant."

Couple? Take pictures?

Just when I was about to refuse, Chu Xingzhi didn't know when he came to me, put his arm around my shoulder, and said to the waiter: "We are a couple, you can take a picture."

I turned my head to look at him with wide eyes, with disbelief in my eyes.

When did he and I become lovers?

He seemed to see my suspicious eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly lifted up: "I have been demoted and my salary has dropped a lot. Why can't I save it?"

I was speechless for an instant. Is he Chu Xingzhi the kind of person who pretends to be a couple with me to save dozens of dollars? I seriously suspect that this guy is definitely on purpose.

"Don't worry, I invite you!"

I stretched out his hand and turned his head to look at the waiter: "We are not lovers."

Chu Xingzhi moved quickly, and he held my shoulder again: "Well, we just quarreled."

"Don't worry, you two eat slowly, and you can enjoy discounts when you take pictures when you pay the bill."

The waiter's face immediately showed a clear look, and then quietly came to Chu Xingzhi's ear: "My girlfriend often has conflicts with me, women, just coax me."

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly in my ears. I looked at the waiter with a black line on my face, and it seemed that I was really unclear.

After the waiter left, I immediately sat opposite Chu Xingzhi: "If President Chu minds the dozens of dollars, I will pay the bill today, anyway, I brought you in."

"If I remember correctly, you still owe me money?"

He said coolly, which made me lose confidence in an instant.

Sure enough, arguing with him, the loser will always be me.

I buried my head in eating, and when I was almost finished, I looked up. As soon as I looked up, I met his eyes, the eyes of the two crossed, and my face was slightly hot.

He looked at me intently, and his dark eyes didn't blink at all. Such eyes made my heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

At this moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand towards my face. I thought he was going to hold my face, and when he was about to turn his head to hide, his fingertips stayed on my lips.

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