Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 207: It's hard to send charcoal in the snow

"Miss Lin, are you kidding me? Cooperating with Wanding? Now that you and Mr. Chu are not in Wanding, what can you do for Wanding and Longye to cooperate?"

Assistant Liu's tone was even more rude on the other end, as if he was going to hang up my call.

At this time, I hurriedly said: "Assistant Liu. You also said that Lord Long is not in a good mood now. I think Lord Long wants to see me too, right? After all, this matter has made Lord Long so shameless. Would you like to find a place back? If Ding Ye stimulates Lord Long from time to time, Assistant Liu’s life will be difficult.”

The contradiction between Lord Long and Lord Ding, I have already experienced it last time.

With Lord Ding’s character, he would certainly not let go of any chance to taunt Lord Long. What's more, when Chu Xingzhi gave the project to Master Long last time, I heard that Master Long went to Master Ding to show off his power. Now that the project is broken, why would Master Ding not laugh at Master Long?

Although Lord Long couldn't do anything to Lord Ding, it was inevitable that he would not let his temper vent on his subordinates.

I waited for a few seconds, and there was silence in the handset.

As long as Assistant Liu doesn't hang up, this is a good thing for me.

This shows that Assistant Liu hesitated, at least part of what I said was on his mind.

"Assistant Liu, if you are worried that Lord Long will blame you for arranging me to meet with Lord Long, you can accidentally reveal Lord Long's whereabouts. I will make a chance encounter with Lord Long, how about?"

I guess that Assistant Liu didn't dare to agree to it. I am afraid that part of the reason was because I was worried that Lord Long would blame him. I took the responsibility to solve his worries, which should make him determined.

Sure enough, when I finished speaking, Assistant Liu finally said: "Miss Lin, you said it yourself. At 8 o'clock this evening, Lord Long will be in the box of Wangjiang Tower. I will send you the box number afterwards. I can’t guarantee the safety of Miss Lin at that time."

Lord Long's temper is a bit irritable, he will definitely be furious when he sees me.

I know the meaning of Assistant Liu's words, a hanging heart finally stabilized: "Of course."

After hanging up the phone, I returned to Qin Ge's apartment.

Qin Ge is not at home, it seems that he should have gone out with Wang Moshan.

I sat on the sofa, thinking about how I should speak when I see Long Ye at night. This time, I was taking a risk.

I was not confident enough to persuade Lord Long. After all, I was responsible for Lord Long in this matter.

When I was getting ready to say something tonight, my cell phone rang and it was Fu Zhensheng's call.

I looked at the number on the screen of the phone, and I hesitated.

When hesitated, the phone's ringtone suddenly stopped. Then, a text message was sent.

When I clicked it, it was still Fu Zhensheng.

The content of the message is very brief.

He already knew about my resignation, and he was not surprised at all, he just wanted me to be happy. In addition, he added, Chu Xingzhi is not as simple as I thought, let me be more careful.

I finally chose to delete this text message. Chu Xing knew it was not easy, and Fu Zhensheng might not be easy either.

At last it was the time Assistant Liu said. He sent the box number as scheduled. I changed my clothes and took a taxi to the Wangjiang Building.

When I arrived in the box mentioned by Assistant Liu, my luck was not bad, and Lord Long was alone in the box.

Long Ye loves food, so he usually takes a day out every month to try new dishes in Wangjiang Tower.

I guess he was alone today because he came to try new dishes.

When I opened the door to enter, Long Ye was feasting. After seeing me coming, Lord Long immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand, his expression a little unhappy.

"How did you come?"

After Long Ye finished speaking, when I was about to let his subordinates in, I hurriedly said: "Long Ye, I am here to make amends today."


Long Ye snorted coldly: "Miss Lin, you have made me miserable. I didn't get any benefits, but I made a commotion."

"Long Ye, I know this matter is exhausting you, and it hurts your face, but Long Ye doesn't want to get back face?"

I know that Lord Long is very dissatisfied with me now, but I still have to trouble him for what I want to do.

"The last time I made you a little girl pit me and I fell a big somersault, I still dare to believe what you said?"

The unpleasant color on Long Ye's face became stronger, and he stood up directly, as if he was planning to leave.

I walked quickly to him: "Long Lord, I know what happened last time, which hurt you. You should have heard of the reason why President Chu left Wanding. From the President Chu you know, really Is that kind of person?"

"Even if he really wants to fill his pockets, how could he make such a stupid mistake?"

At least, the legal person and other materials handled by that leather bag company cannot be Chu Xingzhi.

"So what? Now that he has left Wanding, Lin Xi, I might as well say that if Chu Xingzhi is not the general manager of Wanding, then he is worthless in my eyes."

"I don't even need to stay here and listen to you talking nonsense."

Long Ye was very straightforward. Indeed, the current Chu Xingzhi could not bring him any benefit in his eyes.

"But Lord Long, are you so willing to be laughed at by Lord Ding? I know that President Chu is no longer in Wanding now, but Lord Long has ever thought that once President Chu can wash away those unnecessary charges, you can be regarded as helping President Chu. A big job, at the same time, you can exhale and raise your eyebrows in front of Lord Ding, why not do it?"

"It's easy to icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow. Lord Long, are you willing to make the icing on the cake or to give charcoal in the snow?"

"Mr. Chu is a human being, you have also dealt with, you should know that all this is only temporary."

Before I came, these rhetoric had been in my mind a few times.

Originally, I only had to tell the story that Long Ye's subordinates saved people from Wan Dong, and Long Ye would definitely nod quickly and agree.

However, this matter cannot be revealed yet.

Because when he was in Beicheng before, Lord Long's men only knew that they were helping to save people, but they didn't even know Wan Dong.

In the past few years, Wan Dong has rarely appeared in front of the media, and at the banquet, when I brought those into the venue, I had already missed the time to introduce Wan Dong.

After the accident, we sent Wan Dong to the hospital as soon as possible. Those people didn't have time to figure out Wan Dong's identity.

Even when the news reported, Wan Dong's identity was concealed. After all, Shenghua is a listed company, and Wan Dong's physical condition directly affects the company's stock price.

The look on Long Ye's face was a bit hesitant, as if he was considering my proposal.

"Does Long Ye really intend to be laughed at by Ding Ye?"

Looking at what Long Ye looked like, I knew that I should burn another fire. At least, let Long Ye make up his mind.

This is also the only radical method I can use at the moment.

(9:20 Wednesday)

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