Heading to Hell

001 Discharged from hospital! (1/2)

At first, the black domain was like the asphalt of death oozing out of hell, or the blood of demons dripping out of thin air.

It descended on the world without any rules, swallowing everything within reach, and even light could not escape.

But just when the whole world was worried about it, a piece of black domain disappeared silently.

As the fog dissipated, the first survivor saw the light of day again.

In the camera, there was no trace of decadence on his scorched face, but he raised the treasure in his hand with a fanatical look.

When people saw the transcendent creation clearly, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that the black domain was not asphalt, but oil.

It was not death, but gold!

But from the description of the survivors, it seemed that there was a demon king dominating there.

But this was harmless and even exciting.

"Satan? How many divisions does he have?"

With this crazy statement from the leader of the northern border, human exploration of the black domain was fully launched.

In the following twenty years, legends competed to appear, and the world's disputes changed dramatically.

Today, order has stabilized and life has returned to normal.

The Black Domain has also long had a new name - Secret Realm.

For the new generation of young people, Secret Realm has long become a part of the world. It is not only an earthquake and tsunami that cannot be avoided, but also a beautiful gift from nature from time to time.

It's just that this feast is not available to most people, only professionals are qualified to enjoy it.

And those professionals.

Those greedy and wise adventurers.

Those cunning and great pioneers.

Those reckless men, gamblers and warriors.

The most worthy idol, the most despised power.

They have only one name from beginning to end -


21 years after the Secret Realm was opened, March 17, afternoon.

[49 minutes and 33 seconds from the outbreak of the β1-2103257 Secret Realm. ]

Xinhai Beiyu Middle School ushered in the most pleasant moment of the day.

In the corridor of the high school, boys and girls walked out of the classroom after lunch, some rushed down the stairs, and some leaned lazily against the window.

Like every lunch break, boys argued about topics that were never right or wrong, and girls shared gossip that never had any results.

As for those who cherish their youth, under the teasing of the warm breeze of early spring, they had already frowned without showing any expression, or blushed and wanted to refuse but also welcomed.

Everything was like a slow-motion youth movie, exuding a ray of happiness in the plainness.

But suddenly there was a moment.

Like some devil passing through, the breath of spring began to extinguish along the corridor, and all the colors became dim.

The boys and girls stopped talking at the same time, looking at the center of the corridor with an extremely complicated look, watching a slender boy coming, passing, and then walking away.

The boy was wearing a tight black shirt, black uniform pants and black leather boots.

He had a simple side-parted hairstyle, and underneath it were a pair of eyes that looked down on everything and had no warmth.

The eyes didn't look at anyone, and the boy didn't care about anything. He just put his hands in his trouser pockets, slightly hunched his chest, and walked forward at a steady pace, like a wandering ghost.

Of course, he is not a ghost. He is Li Qingming, Li Qingming from Class 3 and 4 of Senior High School.

But more people call him Hannibal in private.

Yes, the high-IQ pervert in the movie.

If there is such a cold, gorgeous, cruel and well-planned criminal in reality, then Li Qingming must be his young version.

Everyone believes that, from the little white rabbit that died tragically in the breeding farm to the campus celebrity who dropped out of school for no reason.

From the urban legend of the beautiful boy at the crossroads to the dean of the school who was admitted to the mental hospital.

All of them are the work of Li Qingming!

It's just that no evidence of the crime has been found yet.

Why are you so sure?

Just take a look at him and you will know. Isn't his indifference to humans clear enough?

And everyone knows that his schoolbag is full of strange things that are on the verge of contraband.

As for the "Elementary Mysterious Creatures Illustrated Book" he submitted to the Art Festival, it even made the most energetic art teacher depressed.

Not to mention his constant verbal violence and incomprehensible top grades in all subjects.

In short, his every temperament and every expression indicates that he is a budding criminal master who should be in charge of Arkham Asylum. It is not impossible for him to go straight to Azkaban if he follows the right person. What virtue and ability does Beiyu Middle School have to accommodate him?

It is also for this reason that whenever Li Qingming passes by, it will arouse the instinctive vigilance of the people around him.

It's just that those people dare not talk about him, nor can they ignore him. They can only peek at him until he walks away before they dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

And Li Qingming himself actually enjoys his current social status.

For him, collective is a verb that describes the process of mental abuse of the majority by the minority, which is full of discipline, assimilation and strangulation.

During this period, each unique soul will be polished into the appearance of the majority. At that time, they will suddenly become the elders and discipline their former peers.

This is obviously the most horrific atrocity in the world, but most people are accustomed to it and think that it is normal to integrate into the group. Those isolated people have problems and deserve to be bullied.

Of course, they can think so.

Li Qingming never cares what others think, unless someone is really desperate to bully him.

But unfortunately, he waited for three years and failed to get what he wanted. This group of people even have to avoid hard bones when fighting against dissidents.

Perhaps this sophisticated education system has already castrated their bloodiness.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming has walked to the door of the psychological counseling room and knocked gently.

"Please come in." A young female voice answered.

Li Qingming pushed the door and entered the room.

This is the smallest office in the school, with only an old desk and a moldy brown cloth sofa.

A young female teacher with a sloppy ponytail and thick glasses was sitting at the table, looking down at a short video about insomnia. It seemed that she had to swallow the saliva of this marketing account before performing her duties.

After a while, she finished watching the video, sighed unconsciously, and then turned her chair to look at Li Qingming.

Li Qingming was also looking straight at her.

"..." The psychology teacher froze for a moment, straightened his glasses and then spoke, "You are... Li Qingming, right? Your class teacher Han asked me to have a good chat with you, preferably before the afternoon class."

"I don't have that much time." Li Qingming quickly replied, "I'm going to the bathroom in 13 minutes, and then I'm going to take a nap."

"Ah, this..." The teacher frowned slightly, "Your teacher Han is also doing this for your own good. He thinks your psychological problems are already very serious, and I need a comprehensive assessment here. If you refuse, I can only ask a professional psychiatrist to intervene."

"I've been to the hospital and I'm completely healthy." Li Qingming raised his hand and pointed outward, "The report is in my schoolbag."

"Ah?" The teacher said in surprise, "Do you bring a mental examination report to school every day?"



"Because this place is full of teachers who confuse personality with disease, are stereotyped, ignorant, and tireless."

"...Are you, mocking me?"

"It depends on you."

"..."Teacher After a pause, he came to his senses and said with a relieved look, "Student Li Qingming, I can see that you have a strong personality, but I have been asked to understand your situation. Why don't you sit down first and take the time to chat for a while, which will be considered as a job for your teacher Han."

Li Qingming nodded and walked to the sofa, chose a part that could be exposed to the sun and sat down. He took out a silver pocket watch from his left pocket and gently wiped the dial and said, "We still have 12 minutes."

"Ah..." The teacher sighed and put out paper and pen, "Is it necessary to be so precise when going to the toilet?"

"It is impossible to be absolutely precise, but we must pursue precision." Li Qingming answered seriously, "Once you give up the management of the biological clock, the error will become larger and larger, and eventually the entire endocrine system will fall into erosion."

"Hehe." The teacher shook his head and snorted while recording, "Everyone goes to the toilet when they feel like it, and no one has erosion."

"Are you insomniac?" Li Qingming asked suddenly.


"That's erosion."

"...Your definition of erosion is too broad."

"So I don't suffer from insomnia."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"You must be kidding..."

"The average time to fall asleep is 7 seconds, as recorded by an instrument."

"...Impossible!" The teacher put down her pen and glared at him.

Li Qingming just yawned, like a black cat that was sunburned.

Seeing him so calm, the teacher was inclined to believe it.

So she changed the subject and asked politely, "Do you have any special skills? I have been suffering from insomnia recently..."

"I know."

"How do you know?"

"Acne, short videos, vascular dark circles, excessive oil and dandruff."

"You!" The teacher's lips twitched, and she subconsciously stared at Li Qingming and looked at him hard.

Only then did she realize that the man's skin was so smooth and white that she couldn't even find a pimple mark.

The whole face was as exquisite and stylish as a classical sculpture, without a trace of bloat or imperfection.

The only imperfection that could be seen was the very light stubble, which looked fine and fluffy. I really wanted to rub it, but I wondered if it would prick my hand...

Seeing the psychology teacher staring at him so hard, Li Qingming also commented casually: "You always deny me at the first opportunity, this is a typical inferiority complex."

"How could I?" The teacher stared back angrily, "When did I deny you?"

Li Qingming did not reply.


After a short silence, the teacher adjusted his glasses again and said, "Even if I deny you, what does this have to do with inferiority complex?"

"I'm too lazy to analyze." Li Qingming took out his pocket watch again, "There are less than 10 minutes left."

"10 minutes is enough!" The teacher pulled the chair forward and said, "You analyze me now. If the analysis is good, I will give you a completely healthy report, so that your teacher Han can't embarrass you."

"Embarrass me?" Li Qingming seemed to be interested, and asked with a slight expression, "So Han Chun asked me to come to you, not to care about my mental health, but to deliberately embarrass me?"

"Ah, this... I said I spit when I was excited..."

"Then just spit."

"This... Oh, forget it..." The teacher sighed and said, "He asked me to talk to you for an hour and try to put antisocial, psychopathic and other tendencies into the report. I guess he is looking for a reason to persuade you to quit..."

"That's all." Li Qingming suddenly felt bored, "The way he looked at me from the beginning of the morning reading was not right, and I thought he was going to murder me."

"Ah????" The psychology teacher trembled on the spot, "You... are too jumping!"

"No, this is far more logical than you think." Li Qingming nodded and said, "Just imagine, if I accidentally 'suicide' in the toilet a few minutes later, someone would be considered to have caused it. ?”

"...Me?" The psychology teacher glared, "So your assumption is that Han Chun is going to fake your suicide and dump the dirty water on me? Let's not say what he is trying to do, let's just say that the school is like this There are so many people, how could he commit a crime?”

"The whole school knows my toilet time, and everyone will stay away from my exclusive cubicle." Li Qingming nodded excitedly.

"...This...is...such a sufficient environment for committing a crime!" The psychology teacher said with a look of enlightenment on his face, and struck with his fist, "He can indeed arrange the mechanism in the toilet in advance and trigger it on time when you go to the toilet, and you... ...I am also a mechanical geek. Even I have seen the design of the deadly mechanism you submitted to the science exhibition. It is so reasonable for someone like you to just take out a repeating crossbow or something like that!"

"Very good, you are smarter than you look." Li Qingming said with rare admiration, "This murder can be considered a case of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. If you want to exchange details, I am even willing to go to the toilet two minutes later."

"..." The psychology teacher shook on the spot three times before raising his eyes tremblingly: "I finally know...why everyone doesn't like you."

Li Qingming didn't reply, he just raised his head slightly and fiddled with his pocket watch, seemingly still immersed in this tailor-made murder case.

On the other side, the psychology teacher also had the passion to understand a student for the first time in his life.

Of course, more importantly, he wanted to reveal the selfishness of a pretender.

She couldn't help but pull her chair forward and asked tentatively: "But to be honest, are you acting too deliberately? For example... do you have to wear a black shirt?"

“Black makes me relax, and it is also the most common background color in secret places.”

"Are you going to the secret realm?"

"The secret realm will come to me at any time."

"But the probability of urban residents encountering a mysterious outbreak is less than five in a thousand."

"That's a high probability."

"Okay..." the teacher said and pointed to Li Qingming's trouser pockets, "Do I have to put my hands in my pockets?"

"My left hand is a watch, and my right hand is a weapon. Whether it's telling the time or killing monsters, I'm the fastest."

"...You! Do you have a weapon in your pocket?"

"Not yet, but I simulate this state all year round."

"...What about...the pocket watch? Can't you use a watch or mobile phone to check the time?"

"This is privacy."

"Okay, okay, what about the breast-holding posture?"

"This is the basic posture for starting and fighting. I have to be ready to surprise or be surprised at any time."

"But you're at school!"

"Isn't school a place to cultivate good habits?"

"Ah...you...I...what the hell..." the psychology teacher calmed down for a long time before asking solemnly, "So, your dream is to become a vanguard soldier?"

"I never dream." Li Qingming said as naturally as breathing, "But I will indeed become a vanguard soldier and eventually die in a secret place."

"...I understand." The teacher wiped his sweat anxiously, looked at Li Qingming carefully and said, "If you are really this kind of person, you must be having a hard time at school, right?"

"all the time."

"Then why do you still come to school..." the teacher said and knocked his head again, "Oh yes... the new regulations require high school graduates to pass the elite soldier qualification..."

Just as she was talking to herself, Li Qingming had already stood up: "Go to the toilet."

Only then did the psychology teacher react and quickly turned back to the desk and grabbed a pen: "Wait a minute, the key questions haven't been asked yet. We can't make a report now."

"Then ask quickly."

"Well, actually there is just one question." The teacher swallowed and asked slowly, "Are you sure you are not escaping? Maybe you are just afraid of social interaction and lack self-confidence, so you place your hope in another world."


"This is not an answer. I need an explanation." The psychology teacher asked, "The secret realm is full of suspicion and despair. The survival rate of ordinary people is less than 2%. There is also a master who dominates and tortures everything. Wake up, Li Qingming, it’s a hell!”

"No, this is hell."


Li Qingming had to shake his head and looked back indifferently:

"This world is never worth cherishing."

"My kind are even less worthy of empathy."

"The air in hell is far fresher than here."

"A zombie who refuses to welcome you is better than all the beauties in the world."

"In addition, there are upgrades and treasures there."

"Not to mention the weird rules and exciting performances."

“So, I’m not going to hell, I’m going home.

“This is hell.

"Do you understand?"

Looking at the light but determined Li Qingming.

The psychology teacher nodded on the spot and waved his pen——

"Discharged! Oh no...healthy!"

She wrote furiously and said: "If you use correctness as the standard for your thinking, then you are obviously very wrong, and you may be tied to the binding bed; but if you use self-consistency as the standard, Li Qingming, you will be like this The healthiest one in the school, I wish you go to hell soon... Oh no, I hope you become a top soldier soon!"

When she raised her head excitedly and expected a response.

But all I saw was a door that was gradually closing.

Instead she smiled.


You never cared about this comment.

You never cared about me either.

Strange, why am I laughing?

I became the one who was cured?

What is this? Fighting poison with poison in psychology?

Got it! I got the topic for the paper!

Haha, I succeeded!

This crappy school can no longer accommodate me!

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