Heading to Hell

011 Why are you standing upside down...

"I told you to keep your voice down. It's just that you're out of the treasure. What's the point of shouting?" Ye Qian thought that Li Qingming was shocked by his hidden talent. He immediately turned to look at the crowd and confirmed that they didn't notice this side before raising his hand to comfort him. "The reason why the pioneers can survive in the secret realm is all because of the secret power and treasure. For ordinary people, whether they can survive is just a probability. The difference between the best and the stupidest people is not big. I advise you to follow me quickly."

"No, get out of here." Li Qingming panted and shook the saw sword. "This is the second warning."

"Hey, don't be reserved... Listen to my last sentence." Ye Qian took a half step back, forced a smile, and persuaded in a low voice:

"For those who don't have a treasure, the next secret realm is like roulette. Everyone is less than 2%.

"But I admit that you still have something. You barely meet my employment standards.

"After you get out, I can sponsor you to go to the pioneer academy and give you the corporate contract you are looking for.

"When you have a treasure and secret power, it won't be too late to challenge the secret realm again.

"My plan is very grand, I'll tell you in detail later... Hey, at least look at me, don't let your attention wander to such a big thing!"

Indeed, Li Qingming was no longer interested in Ye Qian at this time, and his eyes had already been cast on Han Chun.

"Get away from me." Li Qingming waved his hand and said, "It's coming."

Ye Qian stared blankly and turned to look at Han Chun.


Han Chun's stomach has become much bigger.

If it was a fist before, it is now a bowling ball.


"Ah!!!" The girl with glasses in the front row screamed, "It's moving!!!"

The people in front of the stage stopped arguing and looked at Han Chun.

It was visible to the naked eye that the bulging thing was slowly moving up...

From the stomach to the chest, from the chest to the neck...

When it hit the throat...


Han Chun's hand suddenly pulled out of his mouth, and the blood and gastric juice slapped on the ground!

The bulge rushed through the throat and reached the brain.

Instantly, his eyes that had already rolled up were filled with black!

Each of his hairs stood up straight like needles, like a crazy hedgehog.

The people in the room had no strength to scream, and half of them sat down on the spot.

And Han Chun's eyes had gradually turned dark black, without a trace of white in his eyes.

At the same time, his needle-like hairs also gathered into clusters of spikes.

At this moment, his entire head was like a... giant sea urchin...

Then, starting with this "sea urchin head", the black undercurrent flowed along the visible arteries to the whole body.

It was not enough to extend to the fingertips, and even dyed the nails black, giving birth to black and sharp claws.

Finally, he made a low and hoarse sound that did not belong to this world.

"Uh... a little difficult..."

In this groan that tore his vocal cords, he pressed his palms on the ground, his feet off the ground, and like a gymnast, he used his arms to support his body at a constant speed without shaking, until... he was upside down?

He just stood upside down!

After being stable, the upside-down sea urchin head twisted mechanically, moving its dark eyes to scan the surroundings.

After looking back and forth for a long time, he made a confused sound:

"Why are you standing upside down...

"Oh... I made a mistake...

"Here are the joints... Here are the joints... There are so many..."

It took a lot of effort for him to stand up. He was like a toddler alien, and every movement was full of magic, like a mechanical dance performed by touching the switch.

At the same time, in the shaking and twisting, his mumbling became more and more fluent.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"There is still something wrong...

"Well... the mouth is different from yours...

"Wait a minute..."

He said, pulling up the torn skin at the corner of his mouth, carefully showing his black fingertips, and gently scratching the wound.

With an unbearable hissing sound, two charred arcs appeared, and the welding of the corners of the mouth was completed.

He also smiled generously.

"Okay, now we are...completely consistent!

"Don't move... let me feel it!"

After that, he shook his head like an epileptic, twitching and scanning everyone.

"School... classmates...

"I... teacher... um... um...

"Very good... very good topic...

"Goal - determined.

"Rules - effective.

"And you-you-"

At this point, he suddenly stopped his epilepsy, raised his arms, and said excitedly:

"Satisfy me, satisfy me!"

Then, he turned around, walked to the podium with a devilish mechanical step, raised his right hand seriously, showed his black sharp nails and said:

"A new day has begun for Class 3 and 4 of Senior High School!

"Today's first class is..."

He lowered his head and looked at the class schedule on the table.

"It's morning reading... It seems that I have nothing to do...

"Then I'll go out and wait for 10 minutes..."

After that, he turned around with some disappointment, swung his arms left and right, and walked to the door with a click, and easily opened the door that others couldn't break open.

"Oh, right."

He suddenly turned his head again and tried to raise the corners of his mouth.

"The teacher hopes that you will use these 10 minutes to choose your best friends and sit at the same table.

“In the rest of my campus life, tell me everything you know and share your gains.

"As for those lonely classmates, the teacher doesn't like them.


"Oh, why did my mouth get cracked again? I'm so rude..."

After he finished speaking, he picked up his cracked face and closed the door gently.

And indoors.

There is only dead silence.


Even the most ignorant people have realized this.

This is a rules-based secret realm.

He is the master here.


Ring ring ring——

The school bell of Beiyu Middle School rang on time.

The teaching building was already empty.

As for the space where Class 3 and 4 were located, it had turned into a thick black ink.

To be precise, it was an irregular, flat ellipsoid, like a sunspot in Go.

Miraculously, the chess piece just landed in this classroom without swallowing up an extra person.

The surface of the chess piece does not reflect any visible light, so in theory it should be as dead as a black hole.

But when people stare at it, they can always feel a faint rhythm, like the pulse of life and the breath of the soul.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate it now.

At this moment, the teaching building is already an absolutely restricted area, and the staff have already erected wall panels to completely isolate the place.

A black tent was also set up in front of the building door. Technicians from the Secret Security Bureau had arrived with equipment, including the woman wearing a plaster cast and her two subordinates.

In addition, there were several school personnel in the tent, as well as a middle-aged man wearing a baseball cap who was wiping a baseball bat.

There was no dialogue between them, they just waited silently, waiting for the technician to arrange the equipment, and waiting for the specific parameters of the secret realm to be displayed on the monitoring screen.

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