Heading to Hell

018 The winner is here!

At this time, more people dared to open their eyes after hearing the twisted laughter of the sea urchin head.

Although it's hard to count, there were probably a dozen more people lost this round.

Among them were the well-known couple and several people who had conflicts, but there were still a few very normal people who also suffered tragic accidents. The two most harmless two-dimensional people were also among them. I really can’t imagine that they violated it. What's taboo? It can't be because of playing original... two-dimensional games, right?

As for Zhang Qingyi, almost no one noticed her extreme behavior.

There was no time to observe further, as the sea urchin head spoke again.

"Speed ​​up the progress...Speed ​​up the progress...

"Next is the lunch break... um... 20 minutes...

"When class comes again...the teacher wants you to select the best students and the worst students.

“The teacher will respect the collective opinion, give the former a precious phantom, and the latter a punishment.

"Well, see you in the afternoon.

"Ring ring... ring ring..."

Perhaps it was because he sprayed too much in one breath, but the sea urchin head was obviously struggling to ring the bell and pace this time.


As the door slammed again, everyone let out a sigh of relief and fell into a numb exhaustion.

No one spoke.

I don’t have the energy to speak, nor the emotion to speak.

So what if I have to live with the disaster again.

Half the people had fallen.

Falling down for no reason.

No matter if we continue, there will always be a lesson that will be taken away by that monster, and in the end we will enjoy it together...

At this moment, most people's rationality has long been consumed by fear and exhaustion, and they have no brains to think about any rules anymore.

Just be careful with your words and actions, and just don’t do anything...

Don’t do anything…

Don’t do anything…

After two minutes of silence, someone suddenly struck the table.

"I figured it out!" Cai Zhixin roared, "Everyone, listen to me! Our victory is at hand!!"

Accompanied by his exciting voice, everyone in the class was also awakened and looked around to listen to his speech.

Cai Zhixin panted heavily, shook his sweat angrily and looked around:

"Why haven't we been able to resist the master all this time? Why can't even Li Qingming resist the master?

"Because of the Noble Phantasm!

“In the secret realm, only secret energy and precious phantoms can cause effective damage to monsters!

"But just now, did you hear it?

“The good students chosen by voting will receive the Noble Phantasm.

“The Juggernaut also said his energy was declining.


"A powerful treasure, a weak master!

"The opportunity has come, it has come!

"Vote for me as a good student, and I will use the Noble Phantasm awarded by the Lord to destroy it!

"If you understand, nod and agree to me!"

There was silence in the room.

Everyone understood, but no one nodded in agreement.

Just because Cai Zhixin is a little too fanatical now, it is really difficult to hand over the power of life and death to such a person.

Cai Zhixin himself seemed to feel the suspicion of his classmates, and pointed at the class monitor Zheng Ruixing with his eyes wide open.

“If you don’t believe me, you can, but you should believe him, right?

"Let's wait and don't split the votes. Good students vote unanimously for Zheng Ruixing!

"Is he okay? He must be thinking about the collective interests, right?"

After listening to Cai Zhixin's excellent logic, everyone showed some conviction.

Indeed, Zheng Ruixing's performance has proven his fearless collective spirit. No one is more worthy of the Noble Phantasm than him.

Seeing many people nodding in agreement, Cai Zhixin's confidence suddenly surged, and then he turned around magnificently, glanced at the corner with a sinister smile: "As for the bad student vote... praise the Lord, it gave us the only chance to get rid of Li Qingming. "

Everyone felt numb all over.

The little emotion and commotion that had been somewhat forgotten was also brought out.

Yes, there is no telling what will happen later. Li Qingming is likely to harm others.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Isn't this the best strategy to get rid of him easily through the master's rules?

There has to be a bad student anyway...

You can't go wrong choosing him.

It's just justice to get rid of him, right?

This is all for the collective, right...

Anyway, he is Li Qingming. Even if such a person is eliminated, he will not be charged afterwards.

While these emotions were brewing one after another.

"I object!" Zheng Ruixing stood up and looked around angrily, "So far, Li Qingming has played a positive role in the secret realm. It can even be said that he is leading us forward. Don't target him anymore!"

"But who knows what's behind it?" Cai Zhixin turned around even more angrily, salivating and saying to everyone:

"Everyone, have you forgotten who brought this secret realm?

"Have you forgotten Li Qingming's hostile statement just now?

"Have you forgotten how he treated us over the past two years or so?

"Ask yourself, if there are competition rules later, will Li Qingming be soft on us?

"So do you understand? He forced us to do this, and he is responsible for all this!

"To say the least, you have to vote for a bad student no matter what. Who else deserves to be called a 'bad student' besides him?"

"You can abstain." Zheng Ruixing interrupted sharply and pleaded with everyone, "The teacher didn't say you can't abstain. As long as everyone doesn't vote for bad students, then there will be no bad students!"

"Don't listen to him, don't listen!" Cai Zhixin rushed to say like crazy, "Even if we don't vote for bad students, Li Qingming will definitely vote for him! When the time comes, he will be given free kills! All listen to me , don’t split the votes! The good students vote for Zheng Ruixing, and the bad students vote for Li Qingming!”

"Cai Zhixin!" Zheng Ruixing said angrily, "The master has given us a collective chance, why can't you give Li Qingming a chance?"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Li Qingming: "Qingming, you can vote for good students as you please, and abstain from bad students. Is that okay?"

"No." Li Qingming said without hesitation, "I am the good student and Cai Zhixin is the bad student. I will only vote this way."

Everyone was stunned for a while.

Our stupid squad leader has laid the groundwork for you to this point, don’t you even bother to lie to others?

"Hahahaha!!" Cai Zhixin even slapped the table and laughed wildly, "Did you hear it? Everyone heard it, right? Li Qingming is a lunatic. What he hates most is the collective. He wishes we all died! So bad students unanimously vote for Li Qingming. That’s right! Don’t hesitate!”

Zheng Ruixing did not give up. He just stared at Li Qingming and gritted his teeth and asked, "Can't you even lie to someone?"

"It's not impossible, it's impossible." Li Qingming looked around in confusion, "This is it, but you still don't know the rules?"

Everyone was stunned again.

Has he figured out the rules? ?

Damn it, why is it him!

No... I should say it was indeed him...

This is trouble... He will never tell others the rules...

Just when everyone is in despair.

"School rules." Li Qingming said nonchalantly, "School rules require me to treat others with integrity. If I lie, I will become a bad student."

Suddenly, the whole audience tensed up and stood up like rabbits that had smelled tiger urine.



"What? What did he just say?"

"School rules? Secret realm rules are school rules?!"

"So simple?"

Just like the clouds parting and the sun finally clearing up, the scary atmosphere was suddenly swept away.

Everyone looked at the dormant people.

Someone is not wearing school uniform...

Someone said something bad...

Someone is wearing jewelry...

Someone... must have done something illegal anyway...

School rules, school rules.

Use it to differentiate between good students and bad students…

It's too obvious, it's too obvious!

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