Heading to Hell

028 Lying Man

The sea urchin head shed tears, raised his arms and stuffed it into his mouth. It took a lot of effort to grab a pure black square box the size of a cake box.

"Treasure...all the treasures..." He wanted to throw it out, but found that he had no strength, so he had to hold it up with difficulty, "To...the squad leader..."

Everyone immediately made way for Li Qingming to come and get it. In fact, even if the sea urchin head didn't say who owned the treasure, no one would dare to snatch it.

Li Qingming quickly walked forward dragging the bat, half-crouched, took the black box, and asked with a blank look on his face: "Is it over?"

"It's over...thank you everyone...thank you monitor...

"Teacher is...completely satisfied..."

As the sea urchin head spoke, the spiky hair began to evaporate little by little, the blackness of his eyes faded, and the looming black veins on his body gradually became lighter.

Together they turned into a black mist of light that belonged exclusively to the secret realm, floating evenly towards Li Qingming and Ji Xiaoxiang.

This is probably [tell everything you know and share the harvest].

At the same time, Li Qingming's attributes have also changed.

[Strength: 13→16


[Hatch value: 1%→3%]

Li Qingming didn't care about this at all. He only grabbed the shoulder of the sea urchin head and said: "Isn't this just the beginning? Don't die, I won't allow you to die! If you dare to die, I will kill you!"

"Ah..." Sea Urchin Tou said with his eyes crooked as he was dying, "He will not die... The Lord will not die... at least not in the way you understand..."

"Then can I see you again?"

"I have no energy... I can't think..." Hai Urchin was already very angry, but he still looked at Li Qingming reluctantly, "I will miss you... Monitor..."

"Me too, Urchin-head."

"Sea urchin head... sea urchin head... a bit... cute... and a bit rebellious... I like this name... why didn't you call it this earlier..."

"School rules do not allow nicknames."

"Ha...ha...this breaks the school rules..."

After saying this, the sea urchin head never responded again.

In other words, he is no longer a sea urchin head, he is more like Han Chun.

As the blackness receded, Han Chun's face reappeared, and he even coughed.

This made Li Qingming feel sick and threw him away on the spot.


Is this the end?

An inexplicable mania arose spontaneously.

Li Qingming's eyes became redder and redder, and his grip on the bat became tighter and tighter.

Something more, something more...

While searching, Cai Zhixin got up in a daze.

"Blood... so much blood... it hurts... what's going on..."

Li Qingming suddenly turned his head, his face full of excitement and solemnity.


I decided to kill him from the beginning.

Without any further thought, he dragged the stick forward.

"Ah?!" Cai Zhixin was so frightened that he kicked the ground and retreated wildly, "Brother...brother..."

"I have no blood relatives." Li Qingming looked down at him and slowly raised the bat, "No need."

But at this moment, she came again.

"Yeah!! Yeah yeah yeah!!"

Ji Xiaoxiang hugged Li Qingming's waist tightly from behind, and wrapped his legs around him, as skillfully as an old koala.

"It's over!!! It's over!!!" she shouted as loud as she could.

Li Qingming didn't want to pay attention to him and wanted to take another step forward.

But how to put it...

She is really heavy.

"Meow meow!!!" Ji Xiaoxiang shouted again, "No one is feeding meow meow!!"

At this moment, Miao Miao's lovely face appeared in front of Li Qingming.

There is also the orange fluff, the tickling feeling and the insatiable body...

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Finally, the bat was slowly lowered.

"If you let such a person back into society, someone must be responsible." Li Qingming glanced at Cai Zhixin who was curled up on the ground and said, "It doesn't matter, it won't be me anyway."

"Ah!" Ji Xiaoxiang dared to open his eyes, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay, let go." Li Qingming said a little uncomfortable, "You are indeed very heavy."

"This...isn't it because I ate too much chocolate..." Ji Xiaoxiang dared to let go.

The last suspense in the entire classroom finally came to an end.

This time, it’s the real aftermath.

But no one cried or shouted.

Everyone was surprisingly calm.

In the gradually fading dark fog and the gradually brightening sunshine, everyone relaxed and comforted each other without saying a word.

As the blackness faded, those who fell recovered their consciousness one by one, and once again survived the disaster, hugging and crying with the people around them.

Even Han Chun opened his eyes, tilted his head to look at his watch in surprise, and raised his hand to touch it.

As for Li Qingming, he didn't care.

There is nothing worth caring about here anymore.

He tore off his school uniform, which was still on the ground, then picked up his own black box of treasures, put the necessary things into his schoolbag, and slung the schoolbag over his shoulder.

"Are you leaving..." Ji Xiaoxiang looked at this series of actions and asked blankly, "Aren't you waiting for rescue?"

"Go to the toilet." Li Qingming took out his pocket watch and took a look. "It's time to go to the toilet for the first time in the afternoon."

After saying that, he acted as if nothing had happened, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out with his chest slightly held.

But Ji Xiaoxiang knew that he was lying.

Looking at the black figure that was about to pass by him, she couldn't help but grab his clothes and asked in a neither-too-loud nor-soft voice:

"Does it still count?"

Li Qingming was stunned for a moment, but soon turned his head and tapped gently.

"Don't worry."

"You will only die before me."

Ji Xiaoxiang finally showed a silly smile again.

This time it was the truth.


14:16:52, in the command tent.

"The secret realm... the secret realm is being lifted! It is expected to completely dissipate in 3 minutes! ! "The technician suddenly burst into tears and jumped up, "Everyone survived! Repeat! Everyone survived! ! "

After a sudden silence.

The whole audience was excited!

"Quick! ! ! Medical treatment! ! Quick! ! "

"Let's go too! ! ! "

"That bastard pioneer...did he do it after all?"

"Who cares, arrest him first! "

Amid screams and tears, both the agency staff and the school staff rushed out uncontrollably.

Zhou Cheng still had doubts, and grabbed the technician's shoulder and asked: "Did the scout kill the master?"

"Not really." The technician pointed at the screen and said, "The radiation is slowly weakening, which proves that the master left peacefully. They have probably completed the secret realm goal."

"Ah." Zhou Cheng sat back down.

He was lucky to have survived.

After a few seconds, he looked around and said, "Bai Zhou... This class is really not simple... Hey? Where are the people?"

"He went out a long time ago. He took Nakata and Irina out before I announced it. They should have gone to catch someone." The technician sighed as he looked at the screen, "Director Bai was involved in the development of this secret realm AI algorithm. She knows the meaning of data fluctuations better than anyone else. "

"Oh... forget it..." Zhou Cheng was completely exhausted at this point, leaning back on the chair and rubbing his forehead, "This feels like... my blood pressure is 170... give me the emergency antihypertensive medicine first... in my coat... quickly..."

"Hey hey! Director Zhou, don't die first!"

"Just because of your mouth, I'll die too!"

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