Heading to Hell

031 The next round is armor-piercing

In front of Beiyu Middle School.

Ten seconds after the rescue team entered the scene, good news finally reached here.

The moment they heard the words "all members survived", all the family members hugged and cried, regardless of who they were hugging.

"It's okay...it's okay...it's okay..."

"Wuwuwu...how can it be so good...I don't believe it..."

"I thought what the pioneer wearing a hat said was true, and the agency gave up on them...wuwuwu..."

"So, the children...are they qualified as pioneers?"

"Why do you think so far! Ensure your mental health first!"

"Yes, yes, yes...health...health is the most important."

Amid these surprised cries, Zhou Cheng, who had just barely stabilized his blood pressure, walked out of the school gate.

Family members and reporters naturally rushed forward.

After Zhou Cheng nodded to everyone, he spoke directly to the camera:

"Please rest assured that the children have completed the cleanup of the secret realm on their own and all survived.

"The medical team has entered the scene for rescue. The latest news is that except for the head teacher who was seriously injured and one classmate who was slightly injured, all the others are fine!"

Suddenly, applause and crying sounded.

After calming down a little, Zhou Cheng continued to speak:

"The rescue situation is very serious this time. Only low-level pioneers who meet special standards can enter, and there is only space for one.

"The pioneer who just instigated the emotions was indeed the first to arrive, but his rescue success rate was very limited, and if he failed, the consequences would be devastating.

"Therefore, after fully weighing the pros and cons, our bureau decided to keep the troops in place and summon the pioneers with a higher success rate to enter.

"Just a few minutes ago, we waited for the excellent pioneers with a success rate of up to 93%.

"But the students in Class 3 and 4 of Senior High School completed the secret realm on their own before he entered.

"This is a miraculous self-rescue, and it is also the secret realm with the highest survival rate for ordinary people that I have ever experienced.

"This is a happy result, but for the Security Bureau, the work is far from over.

"On the basis of ensuring the health of the students, in accordance with the provisions of the fifth edition of the Secret Realm Law, everything about β1-2103257 is temporarily confidential. Our bureau will conduct investigations, evidence collection and psychological counseling as soon as possible.

"The vanguard selection team will also enter the venue to rate and recommend the performance of the students.

"Family members are also requested to rest in the tent over there and wait for the results of the investigation.

"It is expected that the students will be able to leave the school in three hours at the earliest.

"Then, I will also participate in the investigation."

"Director! Director!!" A parent asked eagerly, "With this performance, can they be directly issued with the qualification certificate of the pioneer?"

"It depends on the situation." Zhou Cheng replied, "We need to understand what happened inside and evaluate everyone's performance. If there are exceptional candidates, we do not rule out the possibility of recommending them to the pioneer academy or directly issuing them with the qualification of the pioneer."

"Director Zhou!" A pre-arranged reporter asked, "Someone has already found out that the first rescue pioneer had a history of drug abuse and he is also a gambler. May I ask if this information was also used to ban him from participating in the rescue?"

"Of course." Zhou Cheng answered steadily, "The algorithm can only give cold probabilities. It does not understand people's personalities, nor can it determine the ups and downs of performance. These are all for us to weigh ourselves. I admit that I was indeed under a lot of pressure at the time. Fortunately, the final result proved that our decision was correct."

"Director, Director, is it possible for my son to enter the Peak Academy? He has several certificates for sports competitions! Is this a plus?"

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He didn't care about Zhou Cheng. He waved goodbye and turned back to school, still muttering something.

"I just survived and I got a free pass. Damn it..."

At this moment when everyone in and out of Beiyu Middle School was happy.

On the first floor of the main teaching building, a dark shadow climbed out of the window of the men's toilet.

As Li Qingming expected, there was only a temporary isolation board at this angle, and the guards went to the classroom to rescue.

Next, he only needed to climb over another wall to escape quietly.

Then try to avoid the camera and find a place to hide. After the incident is settled, wait for an opportunity to flee to the Northland where the security is worse, first take root as a black soldier at the grassroots level, and carry out some solid and stable criminal activities.

Then keep making steady progress, wait until there are not many groups left and enough territory occupied, and then come back to kidnap Waimawei.

Well, that's about it.

Although the route planning is clear, Li Qingming actually doesn't like this dark road.

It's not because of danger or morality, but because the high-quality secret realm resources are in the hands of government agencies and enterprises. Only their talents are qualified to enter the high-level secret realms. The underworld organizations can only pick up what they miss and do some rotten business.

For Li Qingming, who is at the right age, entering the Pioneer Academy is undoubtedly the best way to enjoy the high-quality secret realms, and it is almost the only way.

But after attacking the official rescuers, he really doesn't believe that the bright world can still accommodate him.

As for those classmates, they should be rushing to report and accuse them now.

Now think about it, what they said is right.

I will escape into darkness sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming no longer has any doubts, tightened his schoolbag and prepared to climb over the wall.

But just when he bent his knees and exerted force.


Something brushed past his ear.


The partition in front of him shook, and a wisp of burnt smoke emanated.

Li Qingming clearly saw that there was a clear bullet hole on the partition at the same height as his eyes.

Then, a woman's voice came from the toilet behind him.

"The next round is an armor-piercing bullet." She said.

Li Qingming showed no emotion, just turned his back and looked at the bullet hole and said, "Do you think I'm an amateur? There are no armor-piercing bullets of this caliber."

"Look up." The woman sneered.

Li Qingming looked up.

It turned out that just above his head, a man in sunglasses holding a rifle was leaning out half of his body, aiming at him in a difficult macho posture.

The hand was very steady, an expert.

The gun was also a high-end version of the machine gun.

There was no escape.

Li Qingming then threw down his schoolbag, raised his hand and turned around, looking at the woman in plaster in the toilet, and said indifferently:

"Is there something wrong, auntie."

"Ah..." The man in sunglasses upstairs trembled, "Brave..."

Bai Zhou's originally delicate face also trembled, as if he really aged a few years.

"You have guts, Li Qingming." She couldn't help but pull the trigger slightly, "I'll give you another chance, say hello again."

"I know what you are thinking, but I swear I won't say those two words." Li Qingming said expressionlessly.

"Why, have you been hurt by a big sister before?" Bai Zhou smiled disdainfully.

"This is private."

"Who cares about you." Bai Zhou squinted his eyes and said, "I'll count to three and say hello again."

Li Qingming didn't answer.

"Okay - 3 - 2 - 1 -" Bai Zhou suddenly widened his eyes, "Bang!"

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