Heading to Hell

Kowtowing to ask for two weeks leave

Bang, bang, bang!

I'm very sorry for asking for such a long leave suddenly.

Just treat it as an annual leave.

Actually, I wanted to ask for a longer leave a long time ago. I was tired all the time, and my heart and brain were numb. But I didn't dare to do it because I was afraid of being scolded, losing grades, disappointing readers, and being scolded by the editor (even if I didn't ask for leave, she would scold me).

What I'm more afraid of is that I'm a lazy guy. If I take a few more days off, I won't know what will happen next...

Until my good friend Du Tingbei comforted me and said, "Mr. Mushroom, writing a book is a gradual and long-term process. If you push yourself too hard, your inspiration will only dry up faster. Isn't this a loss for all readers? As a Lv5 author, how can you do such a thing?"

Du Gong will live forever, thank you Du Gong.

In fact, the exhaustion has already appeared, and everyone can see that the story is heading towards the end.

I'm very sorry that many lines and pits were closed too hastily, and I also regret this...

So, let's make some adjustments.

Try to give a complete ending that you won't regret.

Promise a longer deadline.

We will resume updating before August 26.

Apologies again.

Thanks again for your support!

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