Heading to Hell

037 What a broken standard

Zhou Cheng was too lazy to comment any further, so he continued: "Sixth place, Zheng Ruixing, 17 points."

"Ah." Zheng Ruixing held her head on the spot, "Is it so low..."

Zhou Cheng also shook his head and read:

"Zheng Ruixing is the most critical coagulant of the collective and has repeatedly played a role at critical moments.

"But the initial decision to operate on Han Chun was a huge, catastrophic mistake. This kind of overly fanatical collectivism could easily lead the entire team into the abyss.

"The teacher from the selection office believes that you are undoubtedly outstanding in terms of moral character, but your extreme dedication can easily be exploited by others and can easily cause collective disasters. This has become your biggest shortcoming.

"If you intend to become a top soldier, you can participate in the open selection after adjusting your mental state. This resume will be a good bonus."

Zheng Ruixing sighed repeatedly when he heard this. He really didn't know what he had done wrong.

"Fifth place, Cai Zhixin." Zhou Cheng continued.

This caused a burst of exclamation from the class.

"Wasn't he taken away?"

"Cai B has already violated the law, right?"

"Does this kind of person still have a rating?"

Zhou Cheng hurriedly pressed his hands and said:

"The grading by the teachers in the selection office is a separate process and is not affected by other things.

“After comprehensive consideration, Cai Zhixin’s score is 21, which is the recommended line.

"Although the idea of ​​tying his own hands was absurd at first, he quickly figured out the rules and repeatedly attacked the dangerous target Li Qingming.

“Especially during the voting session for good students and bad students, he made a call with the highest self-survival rate.

"Unfortunately, in the follow-up process, he tried to kill the cursed classmates, which directly triggered the fourth wave of panic. This is intolerable in terms of morality, law, and strategy.

"So even if his overall score reaches 21, the teacher from the selection office has included him in the blacklist for elite training.

"Regardless of the subsequent psychiatric diagnosis and judicial proceedings.

"This person will be permanently banned from entering the secret realm. Please rest assured, students."

Everyone felt a little more comfortable, but not completely comfortable.

"Hey, I never found Cai Bip so scary before..."

"I should also be on the blacklist... I also had the idea of ​​attacking my classmates..."

"Yeah...who is not a Cai Bip..."

Seeing that the scene was a little depressing, Zhou Cheng hurriedly raised his hand to persuade:

"Students don't have to blame themselves. Every moment in the secret realm, everyone's sanity is constantly being consumed. It's normal to lose control of your emotions. Being bewitched by Cai Zhixin is not a crime."

After seeing that his classmates were getting better, Zhou Chengcai continued:

"Then fourth place, classmate Ye Qian, has 54 points."

Suddenly, Ye Qian also showed an expression like "Is this all?"

Although it was already 30 points higher than the previous person, he was still not satisfied with the score.

Zhou Cheng smiled and read the comment:

"Ye Qian subjectively believed that he had the Noble Phantasm of Escape, so he did not use it immediately, but continued to wait for the opportunity in the secret realm. This is an acceptable strategy.

“In the subsequent process, he fought hard to stop Cai Zhixin’s extreme behavior, which was also a decision full of justice and execution ability.

"The problem lies in his indecision, and his decision-making will change due to emotional reasons, lacking comprehensive consideration and logical thinking.

"Of course, there must be hidden secrets here, but this also exposes Ye Qian's flaw of worrying about gains and losses and being easily trapped by love.

“In the secret realm, emotions are both a weakness and an armor.

"But when it comes to Ye Qian, it's basically just a weakness.

"Fortunately, he set the right policy at the beginning of the secret realm - to cooperate with Li Qingming.

"The so-called 'abandoning the car to save the handsome man' is the crux of this strategy. Protecting Li Qingming's continued survival at the expense of violating the rules is an extremely correct decision.

"Compared with Zheng Ruixing, such a sacrifice is obviously more valuable.

"To sum up, although Ye Qian is not outstanding in terms of strategy and intelligence, his excellent physical fitness and sense of justice still deserve a high score."

With such comments, everyone in the class burst into laughter.

"Haha, Master Ye thought he was Zhuge, but he was actually Zhang Fei!"

"He really thought he had the Noble Phantasm of Escape!"

"The expression of slapping the belt at that time was so awesome! I didn't understand how funny it was until I thought about it later, hahaha!"

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"This expression... seems to have broken up with Zhang Qingyi?"

"Okay! Mr. Ye has lost, and I am one step closer to that dream."

"Me too!"

Amidst the laughter of the group, Ye Qian scratched his head and leaned forward to talk to Zhang Qingyi in the front row: "It feels like our class is really back."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Qingyi smiled coldly, "I won't have to see them again after today."

Zhou Cheng also happened to read this and raised his hand.

"Third, Zhang Qingyi, 57 points."


There was a sudden exclamation in the class.

Why are you so high all of a sudden?

What did Zhang Qingyi do?

Didn't she fall down early?

Zhou Cheng explained this:

“‘Three different measures’ is the best strategy for those who encounter it announced by the agency after years of experience.

“But Zhang Qingyi was the only one who chose this strategy and tried to implement it.

"At the same time, if there are competitive rules, Li Qingming will win without a doubt, and Li Qingming has expressed hostility to everyone from the beginning.

"So Zhang Qingyi did the next best thing and called for a collective suppression of Li Qingming's strategy. Moreover, Li Qingming's strategy of displaying weapons and trying to use other people's hands to attack Han Chun has triggered unrestricted self-defense. conditions of.

"In addition, after learning that Ye Qian held the Noble Phantasm of Escape, she did not choose to announce the Noble Phantasm, but instead placed her hope on Ye Qian to complete the secret realm. This was also the right decision.

"To sum up, Zhang Qingyi is a resolute fighter with quick decision-making ability, but he left the game prematurely due to his limited strength and lack of team.

"I believe she will perform better after undergoing training and being in a team with professional division of labor."

Regarding this set of evaluations, the people in the class couldn't say anything, but they just felt that the selection office's standards were a bit tricky.

And Zhang Qingyi is obviously not easy to mess with now, so it's better not to criticize her wantonly.

After a brief stagnation, Zhou Cheng searched for a long time before finding the guy who was about to shrink into the table.

"Then second place, Ji Xiaoxiang, scored 83 points."

The class suddenly became lively again.


"so tall!"

"Little Jixiang deserves it!"

"Woo woo woo...thank you, little Jixiang..."

Amidst the applause and gratitude, Ji Xiaoxiang's face was about to explode.

She closed her eyes and grabbed the corner of the table. Thinking of the scene when she stood up and yelled at the whole audience, she just wanted to run over and die.

But Zhou Cheng did not let her go, but said in an unusually loud voice:

"Have insight into people's hearts, appease the team, be neither arrogant nor impetuous, and remain calm in times of crisis. Each of these qualities is only possessed by time-tested veteran soldiers, and they all point to the core character in the secret realm——


“We have reason to believe that if Ji Xiaoxiang is a cheerful person, under her leadership, the entire secret journey will be extremely smooth and even peaceful.

“But due to her overly reserved personality and fear of group expression, her performance was completely limited.

“Fortunately, she stepped forward at the critical moment and killed the fourth wave of panic.

“To sum up, as long as Ji Xiaoxiang can overcome her social anxiety, she will undoubtedly become an excellent guide.

"Looking forward to the day when she can don the role."

For this evaluation, the students all applauded.

"Come on, little Jixiang!"

"The great guide will sign it for me in advance!"

“I didn’t even add you as a private message friend, let’s wait and follow each other!”

To these people, Ji Xiaoxiang clearly has a bright future, as long as she solves her mental problems.

Li Qingming looked sad when he heard this.

So pitiful, the crooked ponytail is so pitiful.

Guide, a completely unnecessary role, a configuration that wastes the space of the secret realm.

The main secret energy is to soothe the soul, and by spreading chicken soup for the soul, the team will not go crazy so quickly.

I'm going to vomit just thinking about it. Is there any more useless or disgusting secret power in the world? It's more practical than this to speed up peeing by 20%.

At this moment, Zhou Cheng finally sighed.

"Finally, the first place, without a doubt, is Li Qingming, with 98 points."

Li Qingming snorted and turned his head.

What a broken standard.

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