Heading to Hell

041 A poor aunt

Unfortunately, on this Friday evening, Class 3 and Class 4 had to accept the fact that they would be dragged away from class.

However, everyone's cell phones were taken away again, and each was invited to an independent classroom to begin a new round of psychological counseling and sign a stricter confidentiality agreement.

The previous one is still valid, but what happened after Han Chun returned to the classroom is prohibited from being disclosed to anyone.

On the other side, investigators had to work overtime to conduct a dismantling inspection of the classrooms of Class 3 and Class 4.

Han Chun's body and belongings were quickly sent to a testing agency.

As for Li Qingming, he was dragged directly to the principal's office by Zhou Cheng and Bai Zhou.

As soon as the door closed, Zhou Cheng slumped down on the chair.

After he rubbed his forehead to relieve himself for a long time, he looked at Li Qingming feebly: "I don't blame you, but you let the others go first. Wouldn't it be good for us to resolve this matter with Han Chun privately?"

"There may be Han Chun's accomplices in the class." Li Qingming said while fiddling with the water gun.

"What?!" Zhou Cheng stood up in shock, "It's not over yet?!"

Bai Zhou was also slightly startled, but quickly called out a name: "Zheng Ruixing?"

Zhou Cheng opened his mouth in shock and tried to recall Zheng Ruixing's information.

Indeed, this squad leader has always had an inexplicable fanaticism...

Although his quality is mediocre, he works hard in every aspect.

Like a flamboyant drama actor, trying to gain the audience's attention.

Combined with the fact that he insisted on saving Han Chun, this guess was simply too reasonable.


"It's a pity that he didn't know anything about it." Li Qingming held the water gun and aimed it around. "I have been paying attention to the performance of Han Chun and the other people in the class. It is true that no one knew about it, otherwise this toy gun would have been taken away long ago. ”

"We will investigate this." Zhou Cheng wiped his sweat and sat down again. "The trouble now is that Han Chun's confession is absolutely confidential, but the scope of exposure is so large that it may be difficult to control the confidentiality agreement."

"It's not as troublesome as you think." Bai Zhou sat down on the principal's desk with some difficulty and said with gestures, "Rumors about the secret realm have been flying all over the sky, such as divine punishment from heaven, and cultists using themselves as matchmakers to give birth to masters is one of them. Today It's nothing more than adding new spice to the old rumors. If it doesn't work, let Nakata watch them sign the agreement. After signing, hold their hands and say, "You don't want to, but your mother is okay."

In this section, she deliberately imitated Nakata's accent, using a plain Qingqing accent.

"Ahem." This made Li Qingming smile.

"You're still laughing!" Zhou Cheng said angrily, "Why didn't you report Han Chun's situation! Why did you take matters into your own hands?"

"..." Li Qingming's expression turned silently, and he nodded with Zhou Cheng, "This is the third time you have deliberately offended. Director, you are on the blacklist."


"Ahhh!" Bai Zhou quickly jumped on the table, "Are you an adolescent boy? Fat fly, please forgive me!"

"No... what is the blacklist? Want to assassinate me? Are high school students so awesome now?"

In order to confirm his point of view, Li Qingming also imitated Nakata's accent and said seriously: "You don't want to, your daughter, something is wrong."

"?? How do you know I'm a daughter?!" Zhou Cheng covered his head in shock and said to Bai Zhou as if he was complaining, "This kid is serious! He is already planning. I say this kind of person should be detained first. !”

"Oops, I'm kidding you! There's a generation gap between you. You can't even understand the high school students' jokes!" Bai Zhou pushed Zhou Cheng back with one hand, then pointed back at Li Qingming and said, " Don’t you think about it, would everyone have survived without Li Qingming? Wouldn’t Han Chun still be at large without Li Qingming?”

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"Hmph..." Zhou Cheng turned around angrily, "Blacklist, right? Li Qingming is also on my blacklist, so I won't pay attention to him!"

The director also set an example seriously. It was as if Li Qingming was not present, and he discussed with Bai Zhou as if no one else was around: "What do you think about actively detonating a secret realm?"

"Pure nonsense." Bai Tian wiped his sweat, sat on the table again, and shook his legs lightly, "This involves the most cutting-edge technology and the most basic science. There is no alliance or any company that can Touching on its corners, if this kind of technology really exists, it must be the most valuable and most deterrent technology on the planet, and it will never fall into the hands of people like Han Chun, let alone. It’s impossible to be so squandered and exposed.”

"Same feeling." Zhou Cheng nodded, "In comparison, he is more likely to successfully predict the outbreak of the secret realm."

"This is indeed within the imagination of existing technology." Bai Zhou gestured and said, "Perhaps a certain organization has mastered some parameters, manufactured some equipment, and can observe something in advance, and for some reason it was revealed to Han Chun... …That’s a bit ridiculous, but that’s all it is.”

"Yes, this is the most likely guess, but I personally prefer that this is a coincidence. Han Chun delusionally thought that he could detonate the secret realm, and happened to hit the explosion period of the secret realm." Zhou Cheng said and turned to look at the fiddling. Li Qingming, who was holding a toy gun, stopped talking and pushed Bai Zhou angrily, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to him, you tell me!"

Bai Zhou had no choice but to sigh, smiled and walked to Li Qingming's side, took his arm and coaxed: "Promise Auntie, don't tell anyone about this."


"Li Qingming!" Zhou Cheng stood up angrily, "Today, just one day! I will find at least 7 reasons to detain you! Even the fucking serial killers are not so efficient!"

"I can keep it to myself, but I have to participate in the investigation." Li Qingming didn't look at Zhou Cheng, but only said to Bai Zhou, "I am now both an intern and the initiator of this case. According to the agency's procedures, I should be the executive supervisor of this project, but I am too lazy to care so much, just give me the right to know."

Bai Zhou then looked at Zhou Cheng: "Fat fly?"

"Wait, I'm thinking..." Zhou Cheng scratched his head hard, thought for a minute and said, "Patrol team intern, temporary position, no level, only managed by Bai Zhou, only authorized for intelligence on this case."

"Qingming?" Bai Zhou turned to look at Li Qingming again.

"Oh." Li Qingming stood up, "I'm hungry, let's go home."

"You!" Zhou Cheng was so angry that he wanted to stand up again, "At least say thank you, Director! I'm your boss now!"

"Hey, hey, hey, let him go, let him go..." Bai Zhou hurriedly turned back and pressed Zhou Cheng down, "Leave it to me... Director, you know me, I'm best at dealing with little boys."

"Let him leave the treasure to me!" Zhou Cheng shouted, "Every item of Han Chun must be strictly inspected! This is non-negotiable."

"Okay, okay." Bai Zhou hurriedly turned back and ran to Li Qingming, smiling and touching the toy gun in Li Qingming's hand: "I'll return this first, and then I'll return it to you after the inspection. Isn't it just a toy gun? Auntie will get you a better one later..."

"It must be a long-range treasure, at least two stars." Li Qingming said.

"One and a half stars... Two stars is a bit too expensive... Wait until you grow up..."

"I don't want to hang out with you anymore, you poor auntie."

"Ah, two stars!"

"Here." Li Qingming handed over the gun and left.

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