Heading to Hell

051 Secret Realm No. 1

After [Identity], look down for the information on the top soldiers.

[Achievements] is a digital representation of past secret realm exploration achievements, the most intuitive reflection of the experience of a top soldier, and an important basis for status promotion.

After that, [Strength], [Inspiration], [Character], [Class], and [Secret Power] are certified by the Vanguard Management Office. If you want to display these values, you need to go through regular testing.

The registration and deregistration of [Noble Phantasm] is more free. The vanguard can complete it independently through the Internet. Each Noble Phantasm has its unique ID. The same Noble Phantasm can only appear in the name of one person at the same time.

For example, this baseball bat was temporarily loaned to the hat man from someone's name, and then the hat man gave it to Li Qingming.

There may be some unclear things here, but there are too many such things, and the agency does not have time to find them out one by one. They mainly ensure that the circulation chain is traceable. If there are disputes, they will handle them themselves. If they can't, they can't sue. .

Finally, there is [Secret Realm Access Level], which is the core and most important information.

If you compare a secret realm to a level or dungeon in a game, it is obvious that it is a one-time use and is gone after you finish it.

But there are tens of thousands of people who are eager to "upgrade and play treasure" here.

Considering that the secret realm is very dangerous, if everyone can freely choose the secret realm, then high-level guys will inevitably choose to grind low-level copies infinitely. Who doesn’t want to easily obtain safe and reliable benefits?

Therefore, low-intensity secret realms will always be in a situation where there are too many monks and too few people.

If this is left unchecked, the resources in the secret realm will eventually be monopolized by a very small number of strong people, and young people will have no room for growth.

In order to solve this problem, after many years of exploration, the agency has formulated a complete plan.

First of all, at the legal level, it is stipulated that the development rights and distribution rights of all secret realms naturally belong to the agency. Anyone who discovers a secret realm must report it as soon as possible. If it is discovered earlier than the Security Bureau, there will even be a bonus.

Any smuggling is illegal and the sentencing is equivalent to robbery.

On this basis, the agency will use half of the secret realm to cultivate elite soldiers. The loot produced during the exploration process will nominally belong to the alliance and needs to be handed over before distribution, but there is a lot of room for actual operation.

The remaining half of the secret land will be auctioned to the public, just like the auction of oil exploration rights.

Of course, there is no need for the alliance to do this. It can completely monopolize the resources of the secret realm.

But after years of exploration, agencies have to admit that when it comes to pursuing efficiency, companies will always be much better than agencies.

The same secret resources, under the development of enterprises, can often obtain several times the value of the organization, and cultivate more powerful elite soldiers.

If there was only one alliance in the world, this value would not matter.

However, several major alliances are still competing. If you do not give full play to the efficiency of your company, you will soon be far behind your opponents.

Therefore, it is a helpless move to put half of the secret realm into a public auction, which is not a bad plan.

There is no doubt that most of these secret places will be snapped up by companies.

At the same time, due to the intense competition among enterprises, the auction prices are also consistent with the output of the secret realm, and the agency is able to obtain a large amount of funds to maintain the expenses of the secret realm business.

But this measure alone is not enough, and it still cannot prevent high-level elite soldiers from frantically clearing low-level secret realms.

Therefore, [Secret Realm Access Level] came into being.

Each top soldier needs to be tested regularly, and combined with his past performance, an access range is mandatory to ensure that every exploration of the secret realm is efficient, challenging, and conducive to talent cultivation.

At the same time, this also ensures that lunatics will not die.

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Li Qingming didn't like this restriction, but he had to admit its rationality.

Without this provision, the top few high-intensity elite soldiers would inevitably monopolize the low-level secret realms and use brutal methods to destroy those masters with different styles, just to increase their strength which is insignificant to them.

That is not only a waste of resources, but also a blasphemy against art.

However, in the early stages of the outbreak of the secret realm, all alliances actually used this strategy. They all unanimously fed countless secret realms to a few people, hoping to cultivate demigod-like existences.

But the actual effect is very poor. The greater the span between the strength of the vanguard and the strength of the secret realm, the less improvement will be obtained. What's more, the master has not been satisfied at all and has been finished before he can understand the situation. The treasures flowing out will naturally Too few.

On the contrary, if these resources are invested dispersedly, it will be enough to recruit several characters who are as good as a single top soldier. In this way, the strength of a team of several people will be far greater than that of a single top soldier.

So to this day, all alliances have set [secret realm access levels].

As for those high-level secret realms, Monk and Porridge are basically balanced.

After all, the higher you go, the fewer people there are, and the casualty rate will suddenly increase.

As for those top secret realms, it is a narrow escape for everyone.

Further up, near the top, are those super secret realms that have not been able to be cleared for several years, or even more than ten years, and even the legendary elite soldiers dare not set foot in them easily.

Further up.

Finally, at the tip of the pyramid closest to heaven or hell, is the final place where no one has survived for 21 years——

Secret Realm No. 1.

Duo duo--

Just thinking of this number made Li Qingming tremble with excitement.

To die there.

Must die there.


To survive?

Want to clear out Secret Realm No. 1?

No, no, no...

That's much scarier than death.

If even Secret Realm No. 1 can't kill me...

Who else can kill me?

What else in the world can excite me?

My life will be without all challenges.

Lost all excitement.

Like a zombie with its brain castrated.

Died in boredom and numbness.


I would rather be stabbed to death by a sea urchin a few hours ago.

[You are really perverted, Mr. Li Qingming. ]

'Thank you. '

[The process originally guessed that you would say "get out". ]

'No, I discovered your potential. You can't break free from me, can't resist me, can't refuse me, can't die or break down, this is great. 'Li Qingming conveyed his thoughts comfortably, "I will instill all the most twisted and evil thoughts into you, speak ill of you, humiliate you, bully you, train you, until you become...'

[Dear Mr. Li Qingming, the process promises not to offend you again, and never disturb you again.

[May you live a happy life, smile often, and enter the No. 1 secret realm as soon as possible.]

[The process will go away.]

Li Qingming still expected the process to resist, but it was really boring to give in so easily.

It's not that he really wants to do anything, but for something like this "dialogue AI", it's enough to complete the work, and it can't be allowed to do unnecessary things. If you find something wrong, you must stop it immediately, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

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