Heading to Hell

053 Perfect Disguise

The next morning, Li Qingming woke up on time like every Saturday before and started a fulfilling day.

For him, going to school from Monday to Friday was pure torture that he had to endure. Only on weekends could he be considered alive and had a large amount of time for business training.

The first item of training was the mental gymnastics during breakfast - reading the news backwards.

There was no challenge in reading word by word backwards. Today, we will start to train to read syllable by syllable backwards, just like playing a tape backwards.

The next step was the breath-holding training after the meal. First, use a special breathing method to store air in the body, and then bury the head in a basin of water for as long as possible to cope with the suffocating environment and underwater secrets.

After refreshing the mind in this way, the highlight, the secret realm drill, came on stage.

The theme of this week is role-playing.

Li Qingming's training method is to find a story at random, preset himself as a certain role in it, analyze his motives and goals, and formulate strategies within his ability, whether assassination or deception, in short, to achieve the goal by any means.

In this type of training, he often completely immerses himself, learning the language of the character, pretending to be the character's personality, and making the character's expression.

After all, he cannot let the readers find out that they have traveled into this story, and he must deduce it in a reasonable way without irritating people.

This also leads to this training often causing brain overload and premature overdraft of energy in the body.

It is also a good time to have an empty-headed lunch at this time, without thinking about anything, just eating, and he can't hear anything boring the two mothers say.

Then he has to go to the toilet on time at 12:45 and take a nap at 13:00.

Although it is only 15 minutes of sleep, it is like the halftime break in a football game. It is an essential and highly efficient supplement, enough to keep you energetic for the whole afternoon.

After waking up, it is a series of physical training.

Conventional muscle group and aerobic training are essential, but not the key.

The key is to train reaction and explosive power.

Because he hates going to places like boxing gyms, Li Qingming usually uses interactive games to complete this process.

Thanks to the company's development of a series of motion capture devices such as "fingers", "headbands" and "foot rings", Li Qingming can use various software and simulation games in the room to perform fighting, shooting, driving and other types of training.

Of course, these wearable products are not necessarily healthy. After all, they have the word "set", and mechanical feedback and temperature changes can be customized.

Therefore, these peripherals related to sets must not be bought second-hand, absolutely.

After such a series of physical exercises, it is almost time to go home from school.

Usually Li Qingming would end the day's training with a sprint along the river, but since there was fun tonight, he chose to save his energy and hold it in until the evening.

In order to ensure that he was still in the best condition at that time, Li Qingming also needed to use meditation to wash away the impurities in his mind, and then take a 15-minute overtime sleep to refuel his body.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

The dinner was also postponed for an hour. The meal was mainly composed of crude fiber and slow-digesting ingredients to ensure that he was energetic even near midnight.

After dusk, it was finally time to reorganize the equipment.

First, check the paralysis nozzle and sea urchin headgear in the secondary stomach. Both of them are precious black goods that no one knows about. They should be kept as treasures at the bottom of the box as much as possible. Don't use them if you can.

Next, repair the durability of the baseball bat.

This kind of low-end treasure is easy to maintain. You just need to wipe it evenly with energy blocks, like applying lubricating oil. Even an amateur can do it easily.

However, this process is still a bit distressing. After all, the baseball bat only has 3 points of durability when you get it. It consumes more than ten grams of energy blocks to be intact. The maintenance cost is comparable to that of a luxury car.

Li Qingming can't help but re-examine the state of the baseball bat.

[Treasure: Baseball Bat

[Category: Melee Weapon

[Quality: ★

[Durability: 20/20

[Description: A practical entry-level treasure that can exert an attack effect that matches your strength. It can directly attack the enemy and hit its objects to cause indirect damage. The disadvantage is that the durability is consumed quickly. If you swing too hard, it will be damaged without you noticing. Please use it with restraint and pay attention to maintenance. 】

Li Qingming will certainly restrain himself and will never abuse it like the man in the hat.

But apart from anything else, he is quite accurate in hitting the ball.

Thinking so, Li Qingming stuffed a dozen baseballs purchased online into his backpack.

Then, there were only some small items left for home travel.

So, Li Qingming carefully put the hook rope, gas mask and homemade diving plug-in, several industrial blades, small bottles of unknown liquid, small bags of unknown powder, anesthetics disguised as chocolate bars, laxatives disguised as chocolate bars, mini blow darts disguised as chocolate bars, and original chocolate bars into the backpack one by one, filling all the space perfectly, as skilled as a housewife.

This has nothing to do with obsessive-compulsive disorder, but mainly because space management and storage order are too important. It is very troublesome to confuse the laxative chocolate bar with the blow dart chocolate bar.

After a series of preparations, Li Qingming finally changed his clothes and stood in front of the mirror in the entrance.

Unlike his fully armed state, he chose a casual style that was common on the street. He only put on a very ordinary black sweater over a black shirt, and kept a low profile so that he could be caught off guard and attacked suddenly.

Li Qingming admired his perfect disguise and nodded silently.

Being so ordinary, it should be difficult to be noticed. He would undoubtedly be the least noticeable one among the six people tonight, and would be less disturbed and take the initiative in the black-eating-black game.


Too low-key, too perfect.


Weekend entertainment venue.

Set off.

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