Heading to Hell

$055 Ordinary

On Zhao Xin's side, seeing that Li Qingming hadn't spoken for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you understand everything? Is it okay?"


"Okay, it's okay if you understand it. Some newcomers can't wrap their heads around it, so I have to work hard. That's the case with my apprentice. I explained it to him for a long time and still couldn't figure it out." Zhao Xin said and clicked again without knowing it. He took a cigarette, took a deep breath and smiled, "This is also a good opportunity for you. Go in and fight against the creatures in the secret realm. Fight with your own hands and feel the pressure and danger. Your strength and inspiration will always improve. Just you. The level is the fastest to level up. Of course I don’t want to level up now. If I level up again, I won’t be able to enter the level 2 secret realm. I can only go to level 3. The auction price and risk will be much higher, but I don’t want to. That ability."

Li Qingming felt a little disdainful, but he still tried his best to hold back his disdain.

This kind of "stuck strength" behavior can be regarded as a standard veteran's gameplay.

This kind of low-end elite soldiers will try to avoid increasing their strength and only hold very low-quality Noble Phantasms, just to keep their secret realm access level as low as possible, so as to pursue low-risk and low-difficulty tasks within the scope allowed by the rules. Low yield.

This kind of behavior is just like an adult who deliberately repeats a grade to compete in a middle school football league. It is both shameless and boring.

But for Li Qingming now, it might not be a bad thing.

"Since you want to lose strength, can you leave all the monsters to me?" Li Qingming asked with interest.

"Ah, this...I saw your Noble Phantasm. It's quite useful, but how strong is it?"

"Self-test is around 16."

"That's a bit difficult..." Zhao Xin rubbed her chin and said, "If the secret realm creatures line up and come to fight with you every minute, then you may be able to withstand it. But the actual situation will be very complicated. They usually They appear in groups, and they will hide in the environment and attack suddenly, not to mention the master. You have to know that the master of the murderous secret realm will not reason with you. My disciple and I will cooperate with each other at 30 strength. After so many years, there is a high probability that you will not be injured. You can do it yourself. If you encounter the master, you will be dead if you can’t call anyone out!”

"Well... I understand your worries. After all, I am so ordinary." Li Qingming thought, "Then you will accompany me the whole time and let me deal with the monsters as much as possible? I am in a hurry to increase my strength. What do you want? Card level, it’s just right for everyone to get what they need.”

"Well...my apprentice and I have the right card strength, but it's hard to say for the other three. Let's discuss it when the time comes." Zhao Xin turned his head and said seriously, "Anyway, after entering the secret realm, before I nod, you Don't move around. I lead the team and never want anything to happen to my teammates. No one has died in eight years. I have my own risk standards. No matter what your personality is, you must obey my orders when you enter the secret realm."


"That's it." Zhao Xin breathed a sigh of relief, threw away the cigarette butt and asked, "Any more questions?"

"There are many, but I'm too lazy to ask."

"Haha, just ask, it's okay anyway."

"I'm a little annoyed." Li Qingming silently took out the earplugs, "I'm going to take a look at the floor plan of the hospital. Do you mind if we keep silent now?"

"Hey, you still know how to do your homework and inspect the environment in advance?" Zhao Xin joked, "It's a good thing to take it seriously, but there is nothing new in this little secret killing place. Just go in and clean it up."

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Li Qingming raised his hand to indicate that he didn't want to talk anymore.

"Sure, take your time and see, my apprentice also had this kind of virtue back then."

Zhao Xin said with a helpless smile, facing the wind outside the window, and lit up a cigarette again without knowing it.

"It's ordinary... I really fucking believe it haha..."

At night, in an old residential building on the edge of the city, the security bureau staff had completed a thorough investigation of Han Chun's residence and were leaving one after another.

The only ones who were still stuck in this room and refused to leave were the patrol trio.

To be precise, it's time to call the investigative trio.

Thanks to what happened yesterday, the level 15 patrol officer climbed up one level at the speed of light during the day, and with the help of Zhou Cheng, he completed the transfer and became a level 14 investigator.

At this time, the investigator was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living room, with his right elbow resting on the cast of his left hand and his chin propped up in a daze.

"Team leader, the test center has come out with the results." Irina knelt down at the right time to report, "There were no suspicious points in Han Chun's autopsy and his belongings. Nothing was found in this house, but a few more were found in the classroom. The blades, steel wires and strange ink... should all be hidden by Li Qingming. No matter how you think about it... Li Qingming is the one who is more harmful to the safety of the city. How about arresting him? "

"Pffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrck"" whereabouts about Han Chun's background investigation?" Bai Zhou opened his mouth in frustration.

Irina operated the tablet and responded: "The police have sent a report. Han Chun is not married, has no friends, and has not contacted his relatives for several years. He is on the line at two o'clock every day. In addition to often reading secret information and cultural products, in addition to working with Except for related necessary communication, there is no online chat. I occasionally go to the secret community forum and join several discussion groups for secret lovers, but I have never spoken. I can be called a model citizen. "

"Model is bullshit. A real model citizen must often watch some pornographic things, or curse the government in private. Someone like him who is too clean is simply a criminal." Bai Zhou scratched his head and said, "Besides, he clearly has a smuggling artifact. Why don't you investigate further with such clear clues?"

"There is a special department responsible for smuggling. As for other aspects... except for us, those who know the inside story are inclined to believe that the so-called "Han Chun detonated the secret realm" is a complete coincidence." Irina put down the tablet and sighed, "After all, predicting secret realms, detonating secret realms, etc., even if they really exist, should be very high-end and very dangerous technology. It should not appear in Han Chun's hands. It's like someone invented nuclear weapons and lent them to the children at the village entrance to fight. It's hard to imagine which organization would be so wasteful."

"It's a cult, or a terrorist organization." Bai Zhou said casually.

"They can't possibly have the technology."

"Maybe it's not technology?" Bai Zhou gestured, "They accidentally dug up an ancient spell and organized a summoning ceremony or something."

"Team leader... do you believe this?"

"I'd rather believe this than coincidence." Bai Zhou snorted and shook his head, "Han Chun thought that a secret realm would break out in the classroom at noon yesterday, and then it happened to break out? How big is the heart of people who believe in such coincidences? I think they want to get off work early because they don't want to bother."

"Speaking of this." Irina looked back at Nakata Hideo who was guarding the door, "We should get off work too."

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