Heading to Hell

069 Change your fate

Hearing this, Zou Jie in the distance also reacted, leaving Shen Liqi behind and staggering forward, staring straight at the two entangled bodies.

At this time, the male corpse still ignored the surrounding scouts and only wanted to climb onto the female corpse.

To be precise, it was to get into the heart of the female corpse...

Everyone clearly saw that right there, at the heart of the female corpse, although most of it was blocked by the male corpse's body, a small black hole-like edge was still exposed, and there seemed to be flowing ink inside.

The space seemed to have been scratched off, showing a faint rhythm of light and shadow.

All the scouts knew it.

This is the unique color of the entrance to the secret realm.

"It's actually true... Am I worthy of this?" Zou Jie was stunned on the spot, leaning against the wall like he was exhausted, wiping his sweat and nodding with Shen Liqi, "Zi Rui is right, there is another... secret realm..."

Shen Liqi also looked over like a madman, looking at the light and shadow and covering her mouth and said: "What do you mean? Aren't we in the secret realm? Why is there an entrance?"

"Don't you understand this?! Haha, hahahahaha!!!" Hu Zirui laughed wildly, turned to Shen Liqi with a big side part, and laughed wildly with saliva flying, "Stupid!!! That's the second level of the secret realm! The secret realm in the secret realm!! I said the master shouldn't be so weak!!! Hahaha! The luck of a lifetime is really all today hahahaha!!!"

Suddenly, he turned around and yelled: "Let go!! Old thing!!!"

Everyone realized that Zhao Xin was taking the opportunity to pick up the boomerang again.

Da... Dada...

The boomerang fell to the ground.

"What did you call me..." Zhao Xin looked at Hu Zirui in a daze.

"Enough, fucking enough!" Hu Zirui pointed at Zhao Xin and swung the crowbar, "I finally got a double secret realm!! I finally got a chance to trigger a secret realm mutation! God has given me this opportunity, why the hell won't you let me change my fate!!"

"Don't get excited, Zirui... Listen to me... Fate is set, it can't be changed..." Zhao Xin trembled and pressed his hands, saying word by word, "Even if there is any opportunity in there, it won't be ours, we are so unlucky that we can't afford it. Don't think about any secret realm mutation, we just clean up the master, end the secret realm, and live in peace. Isn't it good to live a stable life... Although my little house is a little shabby, it will be yours in the future... So, I promise you that I will let Li Qi move in when we go back, okay? "

"Who the hell wants this shabby house! If I want to live a stable life, why the hell would I be a vanguard! ! "Hu Zirui retorted on the spot, "I know you have no ideals, but I still have! ! Card strength card strength card strength! ! Card your fucking card! ! I want to become stronger! ! I want a role! ! I came to Xinhai to change my fate! Not to accept my fate! ! "

Just when he was about to lose control.

Bang! !

A thick arm guard blocked Hu Zirui's crowbar.

"Zi Rui, don't talk to Uncle Xin like that." Zou Jie straightened his helmet with a sullen face, "Without Uncle Xin, we would have died long ago."

"???" Hu Zi Rui opened his mouth wide and stared at him, "You are a loser, you are talking?! I asked you to come here to hang out with me, why are you standing with the old guy!"

"I said, don't talk to Master like that!" Zou Jie actually glared back, "You usually bully me and steal my treasure monsters, but today I won't let you say anything!"

"Where's your fucking brain?" Hu Zi Rui raised the crowbar again, pointing at Zhao Xin, "The old guy just treats us like dogs. He can't fight anymore, so he found two young thugs to take him to the secret realm. Do you really treat him as your father? Now that we are about to turn over, of course he won't allow it! He has been an old loser for a long time! We will definitely win after entering!"

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"Fuck you! You don't know what's going on inside!" Zhao Xin pushed Zou Jie away, and pointed at the female corpse with red eyes, half cursing and half persuading, "It may be level 5 or even level 6. If it's a killing type, we still have a chance, but what about the rule type? You are such a pig brain, and you still want to deal with rules?!"

"Okay! Tell the truth, right!!" Hu Zirui also stepped forward and stared at Zhao Xin's face, "I am a pig brain?? But you give me a chance to use my brain?! You take me to a rule-type secret place? I haven't been there, why do you say I can't do it! Yes Which old thing didn't let me go! Which old thing delayed my growth? "

"I won't let you die! I've only been to the rules class twice in my life, and 4 people died! The fucking rules class is not for people to play! ! " Zhao Xin said here, almost crying and pointing at Li Qingming and Yin Li, "I admit that kind of people have a chance, but we don't!"

"Ah! ! I don't understand! ! " Hu Zirui's eyes were red, and he stared at Li Qingming hatefully, "What's different about him? How is he better than me back then?"

"He...he..." Zhao Xin wanted to say "How is he not better than you", but couldn't bear to speak.

In silence.


Li Qingming clapped his hands.

"Shut up, I'm getting annoyed.

"The Secret Realm Law" has already judged the current situation.

"Do you want to hear the official solution?"

Everyone looked at each other with extremely complicated expressions, and then nodded to Li Qingming one after another.

Li Qingming then began to teach the law in a persuasive manner:

"Article 39 of the Secret Realm Law states that if a sudden change in the secret realm can be triggered actively, the team leader should organize an open vote. A 2/3 vote will trigger the change. Otherwise, the secret realm should be cleared normally.

"The following are the details of the crime, which are roughly these few articles-

"It is a felony to trigger a sudden change without notifying the team leader.

"For the sake of safety, it is not a crime to conceal the opportunity to trigger a sudden change in the secret realm from teammates.

"But after other team members know about it, forcibly clearing the master to avoid sudden change is a misdemeanor.

"As for the situation just now, I, Yin Li and Zhao Xin discovered the entrance to the second level of the secret realm at the same time.

"But Zhao Xin refused to discuss with us, trying to avoid sudden change and directly eliminate the master to complete the secret realm."

"So it is obvious that he was the first to commit the crime, and Yin Li and I were actually preventing the crime."

"Therefore, Zhao Xin has obviously been derelict in his duty, and we don't have to listen to his command anymore.

"At the same time, according to the law, we must now vote immediately to decide whether to trigger a sudden change in the secret realm.

"Then there is no doubt..."

Li Qingming said and raised his right hand.

"I vote for triggering."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Li nodded crisply: "I vote for triggering too."

Hu Zirui followed suit and raised his hand: "Three votes."

"I object." Zhao Xin said hoarsely.

"Like Uncle Xin, I disagree with triggering." Zou Jie said and Zhao Xin nodded solemnly.

Finally, everyone looked at Shen Liqi.

"I still... don't quite understand..." She pressed her waist blankly and said, "Someone explain it to me..."

Li Qingming couldn't help but look disgusted.

Democracy is great.

Let the idiot who has no idea of ​​the situation decide everything.

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