Heading to Hell

007 To be honest, I haven't been this relaxed for a long time.

After confirming his relationship with Ji Xiaoxiang, Li Qingming stopped talking, put his hands in his pockets, leaned on the back of the chair with his legs crossed, and observed the people around him slowly.

Thank God, they finally gave up the idea of ​​breaking through the door and escaping.

As the scene became quiet again, Han Chun became the focus again.

At this time, he was lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, his body had become stiff, and his posture was still like a snail man, his eyes had already rolled back and his hands were still stuck in his throat.

As for his face, no one dared to look closely.

The rest of the people retreated to the wall and naturally gathered into several groups. Some people bowed their heads and sobbed, some looked around vigilantly, and more people were still trying to open their phones.

After more than ten seconds of silence, someone finally couldn't bear it and spoke.

"Don't try, the electronic equipment in the secret realm is ineffective..."

"Is Lao Han...dead..."

"Why is he...is this a secret realm where people go crazy randomly..."

"Who can help me tie my hands...I don't want to end up like this..."

Hearing this, Cai Zhixin, who was leaning against the wall in a daze, suddenly glared and excitedly rubbed his big middle-parted hair: "I understand, brothers! This is a rule-based secret realm! The rule is to tie your hands! Otherwise, we will all dig our own throats!"

After saying that, he leaned over to untie his shoelaces, but he was shaking so much that he couldn't pull them out of his hands after several attempts.

After everyone looked at each other, the whole place was boiling.


"Help me tie them!"

"Tie me first!"

"How can you tie me when you're tied up!"

At this point, many people rushed to untie their shoelaces, and some turned to search for more rope-like objects.

But there were also many people who did not move.

Tying hands is obviously too stupid, and even if you have a little brain left, you shouldn't be so desperate to try.

Seeing that no one noticed this side, Ji Xiaoxiang became a little bolder. He gently tapped Li Qingming and suggested very considerately: "Um... do you want to tie me up too?"

"Don't do that, it's too amateurish." Li Qingming put his hands in his pockets and casually swept his eyes across the scene, "These people will do all the stupid things. If there are really any rules, we can just observe their end."

"Don't share your strategy with them? Will the survival rate be higher?"

"No, no, no, they are part of the strategy. I need them to step on mines and attract monsters. If there is really something troublesome, they can also be meat shields and baits, or even weapons, and they can be pulled out as spinal swords or something." Li Qingming said and pointed to the people around him, "Remember these people who are eager to tie their own hands. They are completely controlled by emotions. They have no bottom line and no brains. When needed, you can use their herd mentality, and there is no need to be soft-hearted when sacrificing."

"Wow! It's really professional!" Ji Xiaoxiang covered his mouth and exclaimed, " Have you been here before?"

"No, but I do have a sense of belonging at home." Li Qingming looked up and took a long breath, "To be honest, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time."

"Now that you mention it... I relaxed without realizing it!" Ji Xiaoxiang tapped his chin and said, "It's amazing. I usually only dare to relax when I go home at night and am alone..."

"...It's bad." Li Qingming's expression suddenly tightened, "If I go home late, Meow Meow will be hungry."

"Does your family allow pets?"

"My room is quite spacious, and Meow Meow won't run around."

"That's great... My family is small and poor, and I have a lot of hairdressing cards... Woohoo... I can eat so much even though I am a parasite..."

"You always emphasize eating, are you implying that I have the responsibility to provide food?"

"Ahhhh!! That's not what I meant at all. I got carried away and said too much... I'm sorry for burdening you, sorry, sorry..."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

While Li Qingming and Ji Xiaoxiang were chatting, Ye Qian and Zhang Qingyi, who were sitting by the window in the back row, were in a stagnation for a long time.

Ye Qian always sat at the table. Although his white shirt was soaked and his brain had been down for a long time, his idol temperament was still intact. Even his frightened eyes had a contemplative meaning.

Perhaps this is the power of being handsome.

As for Zhang Qingyi, who was sitting in front of him, after her eyes wandered for a long time, she finally couldn't help but turn around and slapped Ye Qian's desk, saying in a low voice: "Take me away..."

After being slapped like this, Ye Qian shuddered and was pulled back to reality.

"I've said it before, I haven't gotten rid of the treasure." He panted and answered as steadily as possible.

"Yes, isn't your uncle a director of a large company... He must have many treasures. Shouldn't he leave one for his closest nephew to save his life?"

"You think too much." Ye Qian laughed casually, "Uncle has sixteen nephews and eighteen nieces. He probably doesn't even remember my name."

"So... you really don't have a treasure?" Zhang Qingyi asked reluctantly.

"If I had, I would have left long ago." Ye Qian shook his head heavily.

"…………Ahhhhhh... Damn it!!!!" Zhang Qingyi suddenly became furious, staring around, and without surprise, stared at Li Qingming, pointing at him and shouting on the spot, "Okay! This man has finally waited for this day, we are all going to be killed by him!"

As if she had awakened him, the squad leader Zheng Ruixing, who had been kneeling alone next to Han Chun, suddenly turned his head and glared at Li Qingming with red eyes.

"Li Qingming, can't you go out and show off your power again... Why do you have to hurt us?"

Accompanied by this question, everyone also looked towards the corner near the door.

Unlike the rejection and fear of Li Qingming in the past.

Now, they only have resentment and resentment in their eyes.

There must be a reason for all this.

Someone must be responsible for bad things!

Li Qingming! It can only be Li Qingming!

It's all him, it's all because of him!

Now the secret realm has finally landed on the head of the person who desires it most!

Why is this person here!

Why didn't Han Chun drive him away earlier! !

Facing the resentful eyes of the audience, Li Qingming thought for a long time before answering.

"I don't understand." He said expressionlessly.

"What's so incomprehensible about this? Have you forgotten it in such a short time?" Zheng Ruixing looked at Li Qingming blankly, his voice becoming weaker and weaker, "Just now, at the moment when the black domain erupted, you turned back and said 'really?' Why... why did you come back... you were about to leave... why did you come back... you led this black domain, right? Otherwise, what were you surprised about at that time?"

"Other things." Li Qingming felt bored after hearing this, "It doesn't matter."

"What's not important? It's important!" Zheng Ruixing turned to look at Han Chun, wiping his tears and choking, "Also, when Old Han was struggling just now, you never took your eyes off him, and even now you are admiring him... Are you so happy that he is like this? After living together for so long, don't you have even a trace of compassion and shame?"

"Enough, I'm too lazy to explain to an outsider." Li Qingming raised his hand indifferently, indicating that he could shut up.

Seeing his contemptuous hand raising, everyone seemed to be humiliated, the anger in their hearts was completely ignited, and they roared out one after another.

"You're the only one who knows?! Why don't you do something?"

"What secret realm expert! You're no better than Cai Zhixin when you're in trouble!"

"You're just pretending! You're so scared that you can't even stand up?"

"Speak up! Why don't you speak? Are you scared now?"

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