Heading to Hell

071 Filial piety

In front of Nanyu Hospital, in a temporary tent.

Bai Zhou looked at Xiong Xuan, whose eyes were red and choked several times, and she couldn't help but feel distressed.

Young people are always like this, relying on sincerity and devotion without knowing the depth, until they are covered with bruises.

"You didn't do anything wrong, don't blame yourself." Bai Zhou comforted while pushing the black tea that he should have drunk to him, "I also sympathize with mental patients, but because I have seen too many of them in recent years, I have seen them inevitably fall into the abyss again and again, so I have no choice but to choose to be numb. Some people cannot be saved. This is part of the natural cycle and the notes that cannot be escaped in the evolution of laws. What we can do is to stay away from them, don't look at them, don't listen to them, and try to let them complete their lives freely and harmlessly."

"Thank you..." Xiong Xuan took the black tea paper cup, warmed her hands and sighed embarrassedly, "Most of her past medical records were written by me. The early stage was relatively detailed, and then I collapsed myself, so I just wrote them carelessly. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Bai Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, "In fact, the investigation about you can end here, But I'm afraid of any emergencies, so I have to trouble you to sit here for an hour. I may need to ask you for Chen Xuejian's information in the meantime. I'm very sorry. "

"It's okay, it's all work." Xiong Xuan took a sip of tea and forced a smile, "This can be regarded as atonement, whether it's to Chen Xuejian or my professional ethics."

"I said you didn't do anything wrong." Bai Zhou stood up, "You rest here first, I'll go out to deal with something else."

"That... Sorry, let me say a few more words." Xiong Xuan looked at the plaster and said, "Although I'm not an orthopedic doctor, judging from the texture of this plaster and bandage, you seem to need to change the medicine. It's been tied for a month, right?"

"This?" Bai Zhou laughed and knocked on the plaster, "I rely on this to cheat work injury subsidies, and warn you not to talk too much."

"Aha... Sorry." Xiong Xuan knocked his head and smiled foolishly.

Bai Zhou also shook his head and smiled: "You even believe this, you really studied yourself to death."


Bai Zhou waved his hand and left the tent, just in time to see Zhou Cheng riding a small electric bike.

"Lululu--" Bai Zhou waved his hand in a friendly manner, "Fat fly, this way."

"Beep beep beep!" Zhou Cheng honked the electric bike horn and cursed from a distance, "It's okay to yell in private! You have some sense!"

"Hey, aren't we all working overtime? Sacrifice you so that everyone can relax a little." Bai Zhou smiled and stepped forward, "Besides, everyone knows your title, there's nothing to be shy about."

"Know shit! You spread it to me!" Zhou Cheng got off the bike angrily, put up the bike and threw the key to the clerk who came to greet him, "I rode more than ten kilometers in a row, help me find a place to charge."


Zhou Cheng didn't wait for the clerk to agree, and walked quickly to Bai Zhou and pointed at the tent: "What did the attending doctor say?"

"Typical paranoia." Bai Zhou spread his arms and said, "We can only hope that Li Qingming will leave Chen Xuejian with an intact body. I hope we can find some clues after the autopsy."

"Oh, it's troublesome..." Zhou Cheng also turned to look at the entrance of the secret realm and said, "Chen Xuejian, Han Chun, two people, two secret realms, and they are communicating... This is fucking... I can't help but think about it..."

"Yeah." Bai Zhou tapped his chin and said, "Maybe there is really some technology to detonate the secret realm, senior."

"Why are you pretending to be innocent here..." Zhou Cheng cursed, "Anyway, make the worst assumption first. I have read the information of this team. The level of those four people is too low. They may destroy all the clues. As for Li Qingming and Yin Li, they are not good men and women..."

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"So we need to send someone in." Bai Zhou said hurriedly, "We have to tell them to pay attention to things related to Chen Xuejian, and strive to complete the secret realm with the least amount of damage."

"But this secret realm has less than 10 strength spaces, who can get in?"


"Are you crazy?" Zhou Cheng tapped her plaster heavily, "I won't stop you from committing suicide, but wearing this into the secret realm, do you think Xinhai's secret realm is too small and not good enough?"

"Yes, then how is your father's health recently?"

"??? Isn't this turn too abrupt?"

"Isn't the old man a soldier? Now is the time to devote himself to the alliance. You can help the old man and give him a medal later. It's also filial piety."

"Get out of here as far as you can How far!" Zhou Cheng cursed while taking out his cell phone. After a quick glance, his brows softened. "The investigation of Chen Xuejian's residence has yielded some results. We found several handwritten diaries."

"!" Bai Zhou was overjoyed. "I'll ask Irina to get them now!"

"Get them?" Zhou Cheng frowned. "Send them back to the bureau for backup first, and then hand them over to the decryption experts."

"No, no, we are racing against time now." Bai Zhou pointed to the tent and said, "Besides, Chen Xuejian's attending physician is here. It's easier with him."

"But just using the evidence like this...this is not in line with the process."

"If you want to get more credit points, don't go through the process!"

"Alas...I'll trust you again."

"Haha, what a fat fly. What about your father?"

"Go in and die now!"



α2-2103218 Secret Realm.

The morning music rang again. It was already the third day in the hospital, and still no new monsters appeared.

In the underground morgue, with the pair of desperate mandarin ducks as the center, the six people were divided into three groups.

Li Qingming and Yin Li were closest to the corpse, almost squatting at the foot of the corpse to examine the female corpse. At the same time, they also guarded against Zhao Xin forcibly killing the master and ending the secret realm.

Zhao Xin and Zou Jie leaned against the refrigerator, lowered their heads and said nothing, their minds seemed to be empty.

Hu Zirui pulled Shen Liqi and tirelessly preached the treasure of destiny.

"Listen to me, once the secret realm mutates, its strength will increase by at least 2 levels. Once you enter, it will still be a level 4 secret realm.

"What is the concept of level 4 secret realm? The starting price is 2.5 million!

"In other words, as long as we trigger the mutation, we will get the guaranteed 2.5 million.

"As for what the average income is, who among you knows?"

"Around 3.3 million." Yin Li wiped the mechanical crossbow with an energy block and said, "The killing category is relatively stable, while the rules category fluctuates greatly."

"Did you hear that, we got 3.3 million!" Hu Zirui gestured vigorously to Shen Liqi and said, "And our agreement said that Li Qingming and Yin Li are just two tax reducers, and the excess profits only belong to the four of us. In other words, Each of us has a base of 1 million. If we are lucky, we will have wealth and freedom in this life!"

Shen Liqi was inevitably a little moved when she heard this, but she didn't dare to believe Hu Zirui, so she had to turn to Zhao Xin again: "Uncle Xin, is this really the case?"

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