Heading to Hell

078 The fun part is here

Hu Zirui's face was covered with sweat at this time. He only shook his head in panic while holding his bleeding fingers, and did not even dare to look at Xiong Xuan.

Xiong Xuan then nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Shen Liqi who was standing aside, and sighed a little guiltily.

"You don't have a kidney source here yet. I'm afraid it's hard to wait for a formal way. Think of a way yourself."

When Shen Liqi heard this, she just nodded tremblingly and didn't dare to say more.

Yin Li placed her medicine box, lunch box and medical records on the bedside as usual.

Then came Zou Jie.

Although Zou Jie was lying down the whole time, he still saw some of it. At this time, he was so frightened that his sphincter trembled wildly.

Xiong Xuan also smiled when he saw his twerk, patted him gently and told him: "You must not eat spicy food, you must know how to take care of yourself."

"Yes, yes..." Zou Jie responded repeatedly.

But as soon as he agreed, he saw the transparent plastic lunch box that Yin Li put down for him.

It's full of red oil, it seems like...

Fucking Maoxuewang? !

Zou Jie wanted to ask, but quickly covered his mouth.

Hu Zirui is in front of him, so he better not be a good boy.

The next one is Chen Xuejian.

When Xiong Xuan walked to her bedside, she was already kneeling on the bed, leaning towards Xiong Xuan.

Xiong Xuan only raised his glasses, leaned over and asked, "Do you think I still love you?"

"Love." Chen Xuejian shrank and raised his head in fear.

"Alas." Xiong Xuan sighed and said to Yin Li, "I'm resistant again. Let's change the medicine."

"But we only have one kind of medicine, Doctor Xiong." Yin Li said as she put down Chen Xuejian's three-piece suit.

"Then let's eat together first." Xiong Xuan shook his head, then walked to Li Qingming's bedside and asked, "What about you, how are you feeling? Can you talk now?"

Li Qingming avoided his gaze and stared out the window.

"It's not getting better." Xiong Xuan then turned to Yin Li and said, "Give him more strength."

Yin Li then gave Li Qingming two boxes of medicine, as well as a lunch box and medical records.

When she passed by to put things away, Li Qingming paid close attention to her, wanting to see if she showed any signs of waking up, and maybe they could make eye contact or something.

But she was wearing a blindfold and couldn't see anything.

And she had no intention of communicating with Li Qingming. After putting down the three-piece suit, she chased Xiong Xuan with the cart and left the ward with him.

As soon as the door is closed, the morning rounds are over.

Only then did the patients in the room dare to look at each other.

"What the hell kind of hospital is this..." Hu Zirui opened his hands full of plasma, stared at his wounds and trembled, "We...how did we get in?...Who still remembers how we got in?"

Everyone thought for a moment, then shook their heads.

"Can not remember……"

"Yeah, why did you move in..."

"Remember nothing."


Li Qingming observed them silently, feeling happy and alert.

Jing Zhe, who had been hungry for a long time, finally waited for his food.

Fear energy is continuously pouring out of these four people.

Great, that's where their value lies.

But at the same time, Li Qingming also had to be wary of them waking up.

Indeed, they will fully accept the initial settings given by the master.

But the black tentacles, the inexplicable punishment, and the pulled nails were obviously new plots and were not part of the presuppositions they had been taught.

How could such a terrifying scene suddenly appear without making people suspicious?

To wake up, they are going to wake up.

However, Li Qingming still underestimated them.

"This... this must be a dream!" Shen Liqi pinched her face hard, "Wake up, wake up!"

This behavior inspired Zou Jie. He raised his right hand on the spot and slapped his butt hard.

"Oh my god!!! Ahhhhh..."

After wailing for a long time, Zou Jie turned his head back with tears in his eyes: "It's not a dream. It's impossible to be in pain for so long..."

"Then how do you explain this??" Hu Zirui raised his right hand, showed his bloody fingers, and choked with a runny nose, "You all saw it just now, those things coming out of his eyes..."

"Yes, you can see it." Zhao Xin was obviously calmer. Although there was a lot of sweat on his head, his voice did not tremble at all. He just turned around and looked at the handsome man and woman by the window, " Aren't you two scared?"

Li Qingming couldn't answer, so he could only pick up his medical records coyly and avoid socializing.

Chen Xuejian silently opened the pill box and swallowed the pills in one gulp without looking at them.

Then he hugged his knees and retracted to the head of the bed, and unexpectedly said:

“I don’t even remember why I came here.

“But I came a few days before you.

“At that time, there were six patients here.

“One of them recovered and was discharged, while the other two were sent to the operating room for violating medical advice and receiving four demerits.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

“The penalty for the first demerit is hair or fingernails.

“The second time was to choose one of the four hands and feet.

“The third time is an area unique to men and women.

“The fourth time I don’t know, I just know they were taken to the operating room and never came back.

“Because I couldn’t recover, I continued to be hospitalized for another course of treatment.

“Previous patients said this was a secret place and we were involved.

"I don't understand it half-heartedly. Anyway, just follow the rules and complete the treatment.

"The medical records have been sent out, and the doctor's orders are on them. You can read them yourself."

Several people looked at each other and then grabbed the medical records on the bed like crazy.

This made Li Qingming feel excited again.

He didn't wake up yet?

He accepted everything and rushed to read the rules?

It seems that the hypnosis of the master is deeper than expected. They have completely forgotten that they are vanguards and only think that they are ordinary people who are involved in the secret realm.

Very good, I am looking forward to their performance more and more.

At this point, Li Qingming also unfolded his medical records.

This medical record was actually handwritten, and the handwriting was rare and neat and beautiful.

[Patient: Li Qingming

[Diagnosis: Autism

[Symptoms: Unable to speak

[Condition for recovery: Get the love of a patient.

[Public medical advice:

[1. Take at least one pill a day, and a new lunch box will be replaced during the rounds every day. Do not waste meals.

[2. Please wait in the ward during the rounds. Please do not question the medical staff, let alone hurt the medical staff.

[3. It is forbidden to leave the 5th floor inpatient department and deliberately damage the facilities in the hospital.

[4. No illegal acts are allowed in the ward.

[Personal doctor's instructions:

[1. No writing allowed. If you want to communicate with others, just speak up.

[2. Believe in your eloquence. No medical staff can refuse your inquiry, except the attending physician. ]

Seeing this, Li Qingming was inevitably a little bored.

If this is a rule-based secret realm, then the rules and goals are simply given for nothing, and there is no fun in exploring.

Fortunately, it is a role-playing type.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming's eyes widened slightly.


So the fun is here.

The master generously tells you the rules of the secret realm and lets you immerse yourself in it.

In this way, you will never be aware of the role-playing hidden behind it!

Just as Li Qingming suddenly realized, Hu Zirui also slammed the table.

"I see, this is a secret realm with rules!" Hu Zirui glared at his fellow patients like the sun had cleared the clouds, "We have been drawn into the secret realm, that Xiong Xuan is the master here, he made the rules!"

"Ah!" Shen Liqi screamed, threw herself on Hu Zirui's bed, grabbed his arm and cried, "Brother Zirui... I'm scared..."

"What are you afraid of, I'm here." Hu Zirui wiped his nose and nodded confidently, "It's clearly written in the medical record, the doctor's orders are the rules of the secret realm, and the conditions for recovery are the goals of the secret realm."

"Brother Zirui is so amazing, he figured it out in an instant!" Shen Li Qi nodded repeatedly and said, "With you leading the team, we will definitely survive."

"Hehe, just listen to my command, it's a small matter." Hu Zirui blew his bangs happily and said to Zhao Xin opposite, "What do you say, old Zhao, do you want to join my team?"

"Well..." Zhao Xin did not answer directly, but frowned deeply, scanned the surroundings and asked in a low voice, "What are your recovery conditions? Are our secret realm goals the same?"

"Let me take a look." Zou Jie picked up the medical record and read it, "My goal is..."

Just when he was about to say it, he slapped his mouth again.

At the same time.

The four people glared at the same time, pressed their medical records, and turned back in suffocation.

No one looked at each other anymore, and no one dared to look at each other.

The atmosphere changed instantly, and the whole ward seemed to be frozen, and no one said a word.

Seeing this sudden dark forest, Li Qingming was so excited that he wanted to applaud them.

Wonderful, very wonderful.

As expected of you, as expected of a role-playing secret realm.

Obviously, these four still haven't remembered their identities, and only think of themselves as...

ordinary people who encounter a secret realm!

But their pioneering foundation is still there, and they react quickly when they see the rules.

After Zhao Xin mentioned it, they immediately realized one thing-

Everyone's mission goal is different.

That means that the theme of this secret realm is not unity, but competition.

The six patients will fight each other, suspect each other, fight between blood and tears, and struggle in the abyss of human nature.

Looking forward to it, very much, Li Qingming began to look forward to it for the master.

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