Heading to Hell

084 Yo (Thanks to the leader, the pure Mi Wan)

Li Qingming looked at Chen Xuejian in confusion.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but now Chen Xuejian is not so skinny, and his skin is much plumper.

Even the big eye sockets are hydrated.

This is...

that's too regretful.

"This broken flower is not worth giving up my sincerity." Li Qingming squatted down, stretched out his right hand, and gently held up the no longer withered skull face with his palm, "I can praise others, but only when I sincerely You only speak when you want to do so. False praise is just sweet wine to numb those with low self-esteem. You don’t need it, you are good enough.”

When Chen Xue saw Ru holding her face, she completely fell into dementia.

Li Qingming used his feeling tentacles very despicably.

[Strength: 34+]

Sure enough, she was already stronger than she could feel.

In this long contact, Chen Xuejian finally responded, but he did not push Li Qingming away. He just tilted his head timidly: "I know... you... just let go..."

"Oh." Li Qingming let go and stood up, "You eat slowly, I'll go for a walk."

"Do we have to go out?" Chen Xuejian buried his head and said softly, "No matter what you think...it's only safe in the ward."

"Yeah, safe makes me sick."

"You..." Chen Xuejian turned around and said loudly, "Forget it if you don't listen. Don't shout if something happens to you!"

"I'll try my best, but you can shout if something happens." Li Qingming said and nuzzled at the others, "They might hurt you if I leave. Remember to shout louder if you want my help."

"I do not need!"

"Oh." Li Qingming tightened his bag and said, "Your face is a little cold, eat the ice cream slowly."

"I want you to take care of..." Chen Xuejian turned her head and ignored him.

Seeing her twisting around heartlessly, Li Qingming felt a little disappointed.

This is a rare occasion for him to take the initiative to socialize and care about others.

But why does the other party seem so disgusted and always makes rude remarks?

Maybe he looks down on me...

After all, she is such a cool secret creature, how could she have a crush on an ordinary human being like me?

After such a short period of sourness in adolescence, Li Qingming left the ward without any nostalgia.

At this time, the other four patients looked at each other.

Master, it turns out he is the master.

But even so, didn't he still not get the little red flower?

Thinking of this, Hu Zirui seemed to have seen some opportunity, so he came over with a smile, knelt on one knee at the head of Chen Xuejian's bed, nodded vigorously and said: "Xuejian, you look much better, you are so beautiful."

Chen Xuejian only pulled the quilt and ignored him.

"Oh...you should tell me what you want me to do." Hu Zirui scratched his head and said, "Isn't it Xiong Jing? What can I do to please you?"

"I won't give it to you even if I eat the flowers. Go away."

"...Fuck you." Hu Zirui cursed secretly, then stood up and left, "You're a stinking lunatic, I'm too lazy to hang you up."

Next to him, Zou Jie came over with the attitude of casting a wide net: "Sister Xuejian, I have muscles, look at my biceps!"

"Go away, you are the second most annoying person."

"...Ah, at least it's not number one, thank you very much."

This scene actually relaxed the atmosphere a bit, and everyone opened their lunch boxes one after another.

"Hey, the food is good today." Zhao Xin grabbed the duck neck and took a bite, and then started to analyze it, "Xue Jian, you can actually give this flower to Zou Jie. In that case, Zou Jie and Hu Zirui will be tied First, Li Qingming and I were tied for last place. Neither Qingming nor I had a demerit, and it was just our first shave, so it doesn’t matter.”

"Oh, that won't work!" Hu Zirui stood up on the spot, "Isn't there no reward for being tied for first place? I'm even trying to get a treasure! Chen Xue saw you and was about to tear the flower apart! Don't give it to anyone!"

"Oh, give it!" Zou Jie begged, "Sister Xuejian, you are the kindest! You don't want anyone to be disabled, right?"

Chen Xue was so annoyed that she shrank into the quilt.

"You guys are really stupid."

On Li Qingming's side, as soon as he left the ward, he was greeted by a faceless female doctor with long hair.

"Excuse me." Li Qingming raised his hand and said awkwardly, "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course." The female doctor stopped immediately, turned around stiffly and said, "Mr. Li Qingming, please trust your eloquence. No medical nurse can refuse your inquiry, except the attending doctor."

"Yes." Li Qingming asked directly, "Do you have any little red flowers?"


"How to get it."

“My flowers will go to the man who has the better rap, but at least two men must be competing together.”

"...Forget it, goodbye."

The female doctor then turned around and moved forward, continuing her own route.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Li Qingming walked a few steps quickly and stopped a faceless female nurse with a bun.

"Excuse me, how can I give you your little red flower?"

The female nurse with a round head replied bluntly: "My flower will be given to the man who can do more push-ups in 30 seconds, but at least two men must compete in the same field."

"I know, thank you." Li Qingming was a little annoyed, so he had to find another nurse, "How can I get the little red flower?"

"My red flower will be given to the most handsome man, but at least two...well...it seems unnecessary." The nurse said, taking out the small red flower from her pocket and handing it over, "Here."

"Thank you, that's very reasonable." Li Qingming accepted it as expected, then took a long breath and scanned the entire inpatient department.

The ruthless flower-picking operation began.

"My flowers will go to the man who looks the smartest, to."

"My prize will be given to the man who can answer my knowledge questions, but at least two men must answer them together."

"My flowers will be given to the man with the curvier buttocks, yes."

(Li Qingming: Wait, shouldn’t this be Zou Jie?)

"It's you, here."

(Li Qingming:...)

After two minutes of this, Li Qingming had finished asking around and put three small red flowers into his pocket.

By the way, he also collected more information.

Except for Yin Li and Xiong Xuan, there are a total of 9 doctors and nurses here, all of whom are faceless secret realm creatures. 6 of them are women. Li Qingming has already received 3 of them, and 3 more need to be shared with other men. Competition cannot be achieved by one person.

Without even thinking, Li Qingming opened the door of the ward and waved to Zou Jie: "Come here."

Zou Jie was first surprised, then happy. Without asking why, he raised his head and drank up his winter melon soup, then wiped his mouth and ran out of the ward.

Entering the corridor, he inevitably panicked.

This was his first time out of the ward, and he was a little scared when he saw the faceless doctors walking back and forth.

"These are all monsters..." He then shrank behind Li Qingming and said sweetly, "Brother Li, you have to protect me..."

"They are friendly and will not take the initiative to attack." Li Qingming ordered, "From now on, don't do anything, don't say anything, just stand by my side. I will give you the flowers after you are done. I promise You’re not at the bottom.”

"Ah!" Zou Jie clapped his head happily, "Sure! I can just stand, right?"

"You're already talking nonsense, shut up."

"Hmm!" Zou Jie slapped his mouth hard and made an "OK" gesture.

Li Qingming took a few steps with him and found the long-haired female doctor at the beginning.

"The two of us will compete in rap. Are you willing to witness it?" Li Qingming asked.

"Please." The female doctor immediately turned around, squatted on the ground, and held her chin stiffly with both hands, trying to look like a girl.

Li Qingming also sighed deeply, gritted his teeth and raised his hands to pose like a rapper:

"Hey, I'm sick~

“EveryDay~Don’t stop taking medicine~

"Who, who can heal my heart~

"Oh no, don't sentence me to death~


Sing this.

For the second time in his life, he was ashamed.

Not only him, but the entire corridor was embarrassed, especially Yin Li, who was in front of the nurse's desk. Her head was obviously buried, and her feet were rubbing against each other uncontrollably, as if they were trying to drill through the ground.

But Zou Jie was different. He was a professional top soldier. He didn't laugh the whole time, and he also restrained himself from insulting Li Qingming. He just held it in, sullen and twerking on the spot.

However, the female doctor squatting on the ground was more stable and turned to Zou Jie to wait for his performance.

Zou Jie covered his mouth and turned to Li Qingming.

Li Qingming nodded: "Say."

"Huh?" Zou Jie said.

"Okay, his performance is over." Li Qingming nodded to the faceless female doctor, "Our rap ring is over. Let's announce the results. There is no suspense, right?"

"Yes." The female doctor stood up, neatly took out the small red flower from her white coat, and handed it to Zou Jie: "You win, here it is."

"??????" Li Qingming looked shocked, like a primary school student who worked hard for half a year and ended up last in the exam.

Yin Li couldn't bear it any longer and lay down on the shooting table to start shooting.

Zou Jie was equally shocked, but he took the little red flower very reasonably, and then handed it to Li Qingming without thinking: "Here, give it...Brother Li, please..."

"Yes." Li Qingming blushed and put it in his pocket, and at the same time said to Zou Jie, "If I tell you this, I will kill you."

"It's impossible, Brother Li..." Zou Jie covered his mouth and held back tears. "This performance of yours... no one can replicate it..."

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