Heading to Hell

086 Believe in your buttocks

On the other side, Li Qingming was actually not as relaxed as he looked. He entered the toilet with full vigilance.

Zhao Xin had undoubtedly guessed wrong about one thing. Li Qingming never liked to trouble others, nor did he trust so-called teammates.

More importantly, it was obviously his own fault, so how could he let others have fun?

So he was ready to fight with Hu Zirui at any time from the beginning to the end, and his backhand was ready, just waiting for Hu Zirui to make a move.

But this dog that had been barking for a few days actually shrank.

It can only be said that he was not so stupid.

Perhaps Hu Zirui himself knew that once a conflict really occurred, Zhao Xin, Zou Jie, and even Shen Liqi would not stand on his side.

It was probably this little bit of cowardice that helped him survive to this day.

But it was only today.

It was impossible. He could not leave this secret realm alive.

It would never happen again that Cai Zhixin slipped through his fingertips.

No one could say anything this time.

Li Qingming started to make a new plan, and he reached for the toilet lid to go to the toilet.


The partition door behind him was knocked.

He turned around and clearly saw a small red flower stuffed in from the gap on the side of the door.

Li Qingming smiled, put down the toilet lid for the time being, and leaned over to pick up the small red flower: "Thank you for your appreciation, Ms. Yin."

"Go in and talk." Yin Li whispered through the crack of the door.

"No, talk through the door, I need to pee."

Yin Li simply didn't discuss it, pulled up the upper edge and jumped over.

Li Qingming only felt a white shadow swept over his head with the wind, and the next moment, the pantyhose nurse had silently landed on the toilet lid, half squatting on one knee, still not easy to mess with.

Before Li Qingming could speak, she raised her hand to block his lips and showed him a handwritten rule.

Li Qingming had no choice but to look over——

[Work Rules]

[Employee: Yin Li

[Identity: Fake head nurse

[Work goal: Ensure that at least 3 patients die or are sent to the operating room.

[Job responsibilities:

[1. Perform the duties of a nurse, assist the attending physician in making rounds, monitoring the ward, recording demerits and punishments.

[2. Wear a nurse's uniform and white pantyhose, do not question colleagues, and do not hurt colleagues.

[3. It is forbidden to leave the 5th floor inpatient department, and it is forbidden to deliberately destroy the facilities in the hospital.

[4. In addition to recording demerits and punishments, it is not allowed to hurt patients or participate in patient fights.

[5. Believe in your own hip shape, every medical staff wants to be close to you, including the attending physician. ]

This "Work Rules" is also handwritten, with neat and beautiful handwriting, and no traces of alteration. It seems to be consistent with everyone's case, and it is the original handwriting of the master.

It's just that Yin Li's identity is not a patient, but an accomplice of the master, a hidden little villain.

In this way, her strategy of disguising herself as a creature from the secret realm is reasonable, because her goal is to kill three people.

But the trouble is that the "Work Code" requires her to "not harm patients", so she has to find someone to cooperate with.

So after two days of observation, she finally determined the partner through the funny competition just now.

Along the way, every strategy is reasonable, every step is neat, and every performance is hard.

Haha, what a little bad guy.

Seeing that Li Qingming was slow to speak, Yin Li couldn't help asking, "Did you finish watching?"

"You look really ugly in this outfit." Li Qingming waved his hand and said, "Turn around and talk, I don't want to see the front."

"?" Yin Li immediately looked disgusted, "That's not what I'm asking."

"There's nothing else to say." Li Qingming looked bored, "I wanted to watch you act for a while, it's boring to be so explicit."

"?" Yin Li was shocked, "You knew from the beginning that I wasn't a creature from the secret realm?"

"?" Li Qingming imitated her expression and said, "What else?"

"How did you find out? Was I exposed somewhere?" Yin Li looked unwilling.

"Isn't it something that can be seen clearly at a glance? Do you still want me to summarize the details of the body?" Li Qingming was even more puzzled, "Too plump hips? Exaggerated plump color matching? Short skirts that outline plumpness?"

"I'll kill you!" Yin Li's eyes were instantly furious, as if the temperature had risen a little. She couldn't help but pull the hem of her skirt and said, "It's that perverted master who made this broken rule. Do you think I like to wear this?"

"Do you think I like to look at this?"

"Ah...really, this is the first time I want to kill someone so much." Yin Li shook her head incomprehensibly, "How can you be so offensive in the first conversation? How come you are so old?"

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"No, no, no, we have had this many times." Li Qingming looked like a veteran.


"Such a wise expression, are you still obsessed with the role?" Li Qingming sighed, "I thought you understood better than them, but you are just like this."


"Oh oh oh..." Li Qingming hurriedly pressed his hand, "Forget it, it's okay, everything is fine here, relax."

"No... No..." Yin Li trembled unconsciously, "You said role... What role? Am I a role?"

"No, no, you are good, you are a super hot little nurse, wow, your buttocks are amazing."

"No, no." Yin Li covered his ears and touched his eye sockets, "Why am I wearing this... Why don't I take it off... Why... Why..."

"Because it's cool." Li Qingming replied in a panic.

"No... because... because of the noise! ​​Yes... I felt a lot of noise... I was in pain... I was tortured every moment... It's about the role... role... role... I used to wear the role's coat... who... who was that..."

It's over.

Seeing her expression of impending death, Li Qingming had to retreat silently, with his back pressed against the compartment door, trying to stay away from her.

According to Li Qingming's cognition, teammates will have uncontrollable fear when they wake up.

The master will most likely notice this and then clean up the actors who are out of the play.

So the essence of hiding from the master is to be as fearful as possible and return to the acting state as soon as possible.

Li Qingming can't help her in terms of state.

As for the secret energy of fear that is about to burst out, whether Li Qingming wants it or not, Jingzhe's instinct will suck it up and lick it clean.

So, Li Qingming had to be like Dr. Hannibal who surrounded the tablecloth, and elegantly appreciate the midnight snack delivered to his door.

As for Yin Li, he couldn't stop shaking, then sweating, then looked around vigilantly, and finally glared at him.

Although his eyes couldn't be seen, his red face and the expression of overheating were enough to show his interest.

"Why did you wake me up!" Yin Li knocked on the door and hit the partitions on both sides of Li Qingming's ears with his fists. At the same time, he leaned forward in anger, almost sticking to Li Qingming's face, "I am a sentinel, a sleeping sentinel, this is my first time to play a secret realm... You... You can't wake me up casually, this is my first time!"

"... It's none of my business, you took the initiative." Although Li Qingming didn't understand it very well, he still instinctively turned his head, "I don't know what happened, and I don't understand what you are talking about. Anyway, I won't be responsible."

"Ah..." Yin Li lowered his head anxiously, "Why is it you... don't want to live, kill me."

"Okay, can you give me the blindfold?" Li Qingming said seriously, " It's better to have a written gift agreement, so that I can explain the origin when registering the treasure. "


"Forget it, verbal gift is not impossible."

"... You, shut up." Yin Li took a long time to tidy up before looking up again. Although she couldn't see her eyes, she seemed to really want to kill something, "I will kill you, Li Qingming, whether in the secret realm or outside, I will kill you."

"Then I will accept the blindfold with a smile. Legal self-defense can indeed save a lot of legal procedures."

"Ahhhh... You don't understand anything at all!"

"Get it clear, I woke up on the first morning." Li Qingming asked in confusion, "What should I know, how weak is the sentinel role?"

He just said it.


Yin Li's blade-like nails were already against his throat.

"If you mention Sentinel again, I will kill you now."

Li Qingming stared at her for a moment: "Sentinel."


Yin Li silently retracted the finger blade, sighed, raised her hand and put it on Li Qingming's shoulder, touched her waist bag and said sadly: "Disengagement."

"?!?!??!?!" Li Qingming's eyes widened like crazy.

It's the escape treasure! The only thing he is afraid of in his life!

"No, no, no..." He closed his eyes uncontrollably and shrank back, "No..."

After a long time, he opened his eyes again and looked around.

Still in that toilet, nothing happened.

And the blindfolded woman was already laughing.

"Are you still playing?" Yin Li hooked Li Qingming's chin, "Classmate X."

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