Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 806 I wrote these papers a few years ago

"Damn it, although I'm not a medical student, I've heard of the Academy of Medicine before, the world's largest medical organization, and everyone in it is an absolute elite in the industry!"

"To be honest, I haven't heard of this institute before, but an epidemic broke out in S Continent some time ago, and it was this heir to the Medical Research Institute who developed new drugs to solve the problem."

"Don't talk about this research institute, Professor Lan... Who among us at Imperial University has never heard of Professor Lan?"

"How can someone so awesome be capable of academic fraud?"

"There must be something wrong with this, and I heard that Shi Qinglan was helping Song Xi in the past. The two of them are very good friends. Why did Song Xi suddenly tear her apart today..."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the direction of everyone's discussion had changed, and everyone started to take sides like grass on the wall.

"I don't need an identity to prove my innocence."

Shi Qinglan's eyes were cold, "As for the contents of the palette, I do not deny that those papers were indeed written by me, and they do have the same content as Song Xi's papers."

"But...it's not that I plagiarized!" After the voice fell, she looked sideways at Song Xi, her cold voice making people feel horrified.

Song Xi had long known Shi Qinglan's status as a professor.

But she didn't know that Shi Qinglan would be the heir to the Medical Research Institute. She wanted to preemptively accuse her. After all, Shi Qinglan had agreed to her using these sentences. No matter how aggrieved Shi Qinglan was, she would not be able to falsely accuse Song. Xi plagiarized.

But now I didn't expect that she was the heir to the institute...

The leaders also realized the seriousness of the matter. It seemed that the truth was not what Song Xi said, but there was something else hidden, but they seemed to drive away a genius character.

Shi Qinglan raised her eyes and looked at the audience, "If I can, I would like to waste some of your time. I would like to show you the manuscript I used to record the materials and inspirations when I wrote this paper a few years ago."

With that said, she turned her attention to Jiang Boning again.

She has never been in the habit of saving these things, but she knows that Jiang Boning will always help her save them well, and even scattered manuscripts will be scanned for easy preservation.

"I do!" Jiang Boning nodded firmly.

He immediately sent someone to his office to get a computer. Shi Qinglan thought it would be troublesome to find someone to debug the projection, so she simply borrowed his computer and hacked into the school's projection system.

The manuscript of a paper from a few years ago was immediately thrown onto the screen...

Song Xi turned his head stiffly and looked at the projected content in disbelief, feeling a little dazed and faint.

"This is the paper that Song Xi accused me of plagiarism."

"The creation date of the scan was the winter of two years ago, and the liver transplant surgery written in Song Xi's thesis was completed by me last semester. Student Song Xi felt that... I traveled to two years later and read your Did you plagiarize your paper after you returned?"

Hearing this, Song Xi's figure shook slightly.

She murmured in a daze, "I didn't, and it wasn't me who plagiarized... I didn't plagiarize! There was no academic fraud!"

Song Xi screamed, "I didn't!"

She collapsed and hugged her head, squatting on the ground to cover her face, "Shi Qinglan, that sentence was obviously a sentence you authorized me to use, not something I used without permission... I didn't plagiarize!"

Seeing this, Shi Qinglan couldn't feel any sympathy.

She knows how serious academic fraud is, and it is something that can destroy a person. Perhaps after being labeled as academic fraud, there will be no turning around in the field.

So she once thought about rescuing Song Xi...

But she decided to take this crooked way, trying to pin the hat on her body, thus removing herself completely.

The other students also understood what Shi Qinglan and Song Xi said.

"Oh my god, so Shi Qinglan lent the paper he had written before to Song Xi...Song Xi used it because he thought it was good, but now he accuses Shi Qinglan of plagiarism?"

"It's so shameless. I finally understand why Shi Qinglan slapped her! I won't feel any pain if I slap her a few more times!"

Shi Qinglan looked down at Song Xi, "Finally, are you willing to admit that I didn't plagiarize? Admit that you quoted my paper?"

"Song Xi, I once trusted you unconditionally, so I lent you my unpublished paper to read. You said you thought there was some content in it that you could learn from. OK, I'll lend it to you. But you're worried that citing it will make it appear The academic content of your paper is low, okay, I promise you can make appropriate modifications and integration of these contents as your own without citing them."

"But I didn't ask you to accuse me of plagiarism!"

After saying these words, Shi Qinglan threw the microphone in his hand directly at Song Xi. The microphone hit her head, and a trace of blood slowly flowed down her cheek.

"No..." Song Xi burst into tears, "That's not the case! Yes, you didn't plagiarize! It was indeed me who learned from you! But why did you secretly send the paper out after you agreed to let me use it? And it was published in the magazine where I published it!”

"Shi Qinglan, you know how serious academic fraud is. Are you doing this... just to label me as a plagiarist? Now you are clean, how noble are you!"

Song Xi collapsed and spoke out all his complaints.

Shi Qinglan didn't expect that Song Xi would already have a lot of resentment towards her...

Maybe it’s not because of the special scholarship, not because of the assessment quota at the Medical Research Institute, or not because of the thesis.

These are all just triggers.

"These were not papers she intended to publish."

Jiang Boning suddenly spoke up, "Lan Yatou has never been too lazy to care about the publication or publication of her own papers. All her papers are compiled and published by me, and it is the same this time."

"I published the paper without consulting Lan Yatou. I'm sorry for causing harm to you, but Lan Yatou wanted to solve it as soon as she found out about it!"

"Do you know what she said to me back then..."

"She said that no matter how this matter is resolved, Song Xi must not be labeled as a plagiarist! The first thing she thought of was how to protect you, and how did you treat her!"

Hearing this, Song Xi couldn't help but burst into tears even more.

She didn't expect, she didn't expect that the truth of the matter would be like this. She thought she had been betrayed, she thought she had fallen into a trap that Shi Qinglan had designed long ago...

"I...I..." Song Xi kept choking.

Shi Qinglan looked at her deeply and said, "Song Xi, I thought you were like me. You really love medicine and want to save lives and heal the wounded, so I wanted to help you, but I was wrong about the person."

Good night, my dears, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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