Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 839 Shi Qinglan abuses Su Zijin 1

Zhu Chengxuan's body trembled violently.

Bo Yucheng's threat instantly chilled his body and heart. The efficacy of Meifen's medicine seemed to have been reduced by half, making him forget that he still had a special situation that needed to be solved...

"Qing, Qingyue?" Zhu Chengxuan asked tentatively.

He just wanted to touch a star today, and he heard that the star didn't have any backing, so he listened to Su Zijin's words with fascination and had some dirty thoughts about her.

But for some reason, the people from Shi's chaebol and Mr. Bo turned towards him. Zhu Chengxuan couldn't figure it out no matter what.

Bo Yucheng laughed coldly, "Qingyue?"

He held the car window with one hand, bent down and stared at Zhu Chengxuan with narrowed eyes. He played with a gun with his cold white fingers, turned it around carelessly twice, and quickly put the muzzle of the gun against his temple.

"The people you want to touch are my people from Bo Yu City!"

Commander Bo Yucheng tightened his grip on the pistol and suddenly pressed it hard against his head, "The most distinguished daughter of the Shi family chaebol, the mistress of my Bo family chaebol... You, Zhu Chengxuan, dare to touch me?"

"Wha, what!" Zhu Chengxuan's eyes widened in surprise.

He racked his brains to think, and he couldn't remember when he had offended that beloved aunt.

Thinking about what happened tonight, I suddenly thought...

Zhu Chengxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, "Qing, Qingyue is Miss Shi? Shi, Miss Shi is actually Qingyue?!"

When this brain appeared in his head, he became frightened and his body trembled violently.

"Not too stupid." Bo Yucheng curled his lower lip coldly.

He pressed the trigger lightly with his fingertips. If he pressed harder, the bullet would directly penetrate his head!

Zhu Chengxuan was completely panicked, "Bo, Master Bo, please spare your life! I really didn't know Qingyue was your wife! I...if I knew, I wouldn't dare touch her even if I had ten lives!"

Who would dare to provoke the daughter of Shi's chaebol?

The mistress of the Bo family chaebol would have to risk her life to touch her!

Zhu Chengxuan saw that Qingyue had no powerful background, so he had the guts to have evil thoughts. Otherwise, even with his Zhu family background, he would not have the guts to act like this!

He had a strong desire to survive, "Master Bo, I said... I will say anything! I came here tonight under the instruction of someone, it was Su Zijin! It was she who sent me fans and took advantage of me! She wanted to You embarrassed Miss Shi, so you lied to me to belittle her!"

"I know." Bo Yucheng looked at him without changing his expression.

Zhu Chengxuan raised his head in surprise, "You, you know? Then you... you also know that this matter has nothing to do with me, right..."

"But even if I knew." Bo Yucheng looked at him with deep eyes, "It can't change the fact that you almost touched my wife. If you dare to touch her... you have to pay a price."

"Bang -" the gunfire suddenly rang out.

"Ah -" Zhu Chengxuan's screams followed, and blood splashed out unexpectedly, hitting the car window.

Bo Yucheng moved the gun towards his hand, and the bullet penetrated his palm. The hand that handed Shi Qinglan the wine suddenly had a hole in it, and it was bloody...

"It hurts! It hurts!" Zhu Chengxuan's face turned pale.

He slowly raised his hand and saw that his palm was directly pierced by a bullet. The blood that continued to flow out frightened him so much that he almost fainted. The hot feeling of Meifen was completely forgotten by him.

Bo Yucheng casually put away the gun and hid it in his waist, "In the future, stay away from her."

As soon as the sound fell, he turned around and walked away with steady strides.

Zhu Chengxuan was sweating profusely in pain, but he naturally did not dare to complain about Bo Yucheng, nor did he dare to blame Shi Qinglan for the incident. However, he hated Su Zijin even more for taking advantage of him...

"Su Zijin...you damn bitch!" He gritted his teeth, wishing to kill this woman.

Shi Qinglan quickly found the location of the mobile phone number.

Seeing Bo Yucheng come back, she immediately showed him the map on the screen, "Are you going to race? Go here quickly."

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng got on the car as if nothing happened.

The sinister and cold feeling around him had dissipated, and he leaned down to help the girl fasten her seat belt, "It's okay to race, but if you can't stand my speed, remember to tell me."

"Don't worry." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled up slightly.

There was no way that she couldn't stand the speed of the car and was just afraid that she wasn't going fast enough.

After Su Zijin hung up the phone call from Zhu Chengxuan, she hurriedly packed a few necessary items and prepared to escape.

Shi Qinglan would never let her go easily, let alone miss Zhu Chengxuan's opportunity. He might be chasing her soon, and she had to leave here as soon as possible...

"Shi Qinglan!" Su Zijin shouted her name fiercely.

She didn't expect that this woman would be so lingering, disrupting her plans time and time again, and now forcing her to retreat.

However, it has reached the point where I have to escape!

Su Zijin quickly packed her things and immediately pushed the door open. However, she didn't expect that the moment she opened the door, she saw two figures appearing in front of her...

Her steps suddenly stopped and she slowly raised her eyes.

"Miss Su." Shi Qinglan raised her red lips and looked at her with a sweet smile, "Long time no see. I miss you so much."

Su Zijin stared at the woman with some resentment.

She clenched her fists and considered her escape route while her eyes lingered, but the door in front of her was already blocked by two people.

Su Zijin changed her mind and was about to turn inward, or jump out of the window to escape, but she didn't expect that her hair was suddenly pulled by someone.

"Ah——" She screamed with pain in her scalp.

Shi Qinglan reached out and grabbed her hair, and suddenly dragged her into the room, pushing her hard against the wall. The sound of Su Zijin's back hitting the wall was heard.

"Hiss..." Su Zijin took a breath of cold air.

Bo Yucheng raised his leg and kicked the bedroom door shut. The sound of closing the door suddenly sounded. It was now a closed space.

Su Zijin's face turned pale, "Shi Qinglan, what exactly do you want to do... Acheng is still next to you!"

Could it be that she didn't care about her image in front of Bo Yucheng?

"So what?" Shi Qinglan looked at her with a half-smile, feeling amused, "Do you think Acheng will pity you, or will you stop me... Is Acheng a nickname you can call me again?"

Shi Qinglan's smile instantly faded.

There was a hint of coolness in those delicate beautiful eyes, and she squinted at her, "Su Zijin!"

Su Zijin couldn't help laughing at herself.

She smiled like a lunatic, laughing so hard that she was about to burst into tears, "Shi Qinglan, what do you think you can do if you catch me? If you dare to touch me... and reveal your true face in front of Acheng, do you think he Will I still like you as before?"

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