Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 863 How could Qingyue still understand hackers?

Qi Ya's exquisite makeup has a little crack.

She looked at the mission card with some surprise and felt a little panicked, "So, today is a solo operation?"

"It seems so." Shen Zuiyi frowned slightly.

He pouted slightly aggrievedly, "When I played the 4399 mini-game before, I never escaped from the secret room. I must be trapped in the program today..."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan couldn't help but curl her lips and chuckle.

"Generally, the secret room will give clues, and 80% of the physical secret rooms start with a puzzle. If you see the puzzle when you enter, just put it together. The answer will be related to the password."

Director: "..." Damn it?

Why was their strategy discovered!

The design of the secret room is really like a puzzle. The symbols are spelled out, and the order of the symbols represents the order in which the numbers are entered into the secret. The number represented by each pattern is hidden behind the photo frame on the wall.

"Really?" Shen Zuiyi looked at her in surprise.

Shi Qinglan blinked her beautiful eyes gently, "I used to play in secret rooms with this routine, just take a guess."

Director: "..." Shut up!

Shi Qingan casually slipped his hand into his pocket, "Okay, if you don't find the puzzle piece when you go in, I will come out and beat you."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan squinted at her with dissatisfaction.

An Xia raised her lips and looked at her, "I don't think the director team will do this. Maybe there will be a surprise in the secret room. Goddess Qingyue must not be slapped in the face."

Director: "..." You are overthinking and there will be no surprise!

Shi Qinglan gently raised the corners of her eyes charmingly, "Okay, then let's see if I will be slapped in the face."

As soon as the sound fell, she took the lead in walking upstairs with her slender legs.

Signs were hung on the doors of the five rooms, which were nothing more than skulls, crosses and other evil-looking things.

Everyone opened a door at random and walked in.

The live broadcast room was cut into six, namely the already empty living room and five secret rooms where the stars were.

【Holy shit! It’s really a puzzle hhhh]

[Director: Regret, I regret it now! If I had known earlier, I should have made something less cliche! 】

[To be honest, the puzzles are really routine. When I played in the indoor amusement park, I also did this kind of mentally retarded operation when I entered. It seems that the goddess Qingyue usually plays a lot in the amusement park! 】

An Xia Ning's face turned pale when she saw the puzzle pieces all over the floor.

Unexpectedly, Qingyue guessed it right. She smiled awkwardly and pretended to joke, "Didn't Goddess Qingyue get the script given by the director? Her guess was so accurate."

[Eh, messing with this woman is such a bitch, tea-making, and disgusting! 】

[I also got the script, Nima’s script. Where did this woman come from and wear a mask? Why don’t you go back to your little broken country? Is Qingyue something you can imitate? 】

[It’s Qingyue fans upstairs, please don’t be too mean-spirited, okay? We, Ning Ning, are obviously smart and beautiful, okay...]

Fans from the two groups quickly started arguing in the barrage.

Shen Zui Yi and Shi Qing'an looked at the puzzle pieces on the floor and smiled helplessly while shaking their heads, "Qingyue is really smart."

"Ah..." Qi Ya felt a headache, "How do you put these puzzle pieces together, and what do you do after you finish them?"

But the director team didn't give them any chance to think!

After confirming that all the celebrities had entered the room, the staff immediately locked the room door from the outside!

"Ten minutes, the countdown begins!" the director announced.

Shen Zuiyi immediately put the puzzle pieces together in a hurry. He had long hands and feet, and he looked very cramped squatting on the ground.

An Xia Ning is no stranger to puzzles. She puts them together with ease and is bound to be the first person to leave the secret room...

【Huh? Why did Qingyue stand still? 】

The celebrities in all the rooms were in a hurry, but in the live broadcast room where Qinglan was located, the screen seemed to be still.

Shi Qinglan leaned against the wall lazily, looking at the situation inside the secret room, guessing at the director's design...

You should first put the puzzle together and get the password, then unlock the computer on the table. The computer will provide information about where the key is hidden. After getting the key, you can leave the secret room.

[Where are those people who were blasting Qingyue in the barrage just now? 】

[Other celebrities are putting together jigsaw puzzles, but Qingyue just stays there. Only if she can leave the secret room will there be a ghost! 】

[It seems that our Ning Ning is right when she says she has a script. She just has a script and knows the routines. It’s a pity that people are stupid and don’t know how to play. I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape and will be punished. 】

【fart! Don't insult my goddess! 】

Shi Qinglan didn't know that the barrage was arguing for her. She probably figured out the design of the secret room.

She lazily straightened her back and strode her long legs directly over the puzzle pieces on the ground. She ignored the puzzle pieces piled on the floor and sat directly in front of the computer.


Didn't she know that she had to put the puzzle pieces together first? Start the computer directly, and it won’t start without a password!

But just when everyone is confused...

However, Shi Qinglan opened the computer and tapped the keyboard quickly with her slender white fingers. The computer that was originally entering the password login interface suddenly entered another program.

Countless codes quickly crawled across the screen.

Shi Qinglan was typing something, and it only took a few seconds for her to type. She gently hit Enter, "Da——"

The computer actually entered the desktop directly? ? ?

There was only one file on the desktop. After Shi Qinglan clicked on it, she got the map, which was the location where the key was hidden.

She stood up lazily, walked directly to a certain flowerpot with precision, took out the program team's intercom from her waist, and used the antenna to poke at the soil very casually...

A delicate silver key was revealed.

Shi Qinglan stood up and opened the door to the room. She leaned against the door frame and slightly curled her red lips, "It's open."

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned...

The directing team was stunned for a long time before they remembered to check the time. Qingyue only spent a minute in total, and she was in a daze for 40 seconds!

[Fuck, it was too fast and I didn’t even have time to react! 】

[Is there any sister who understands, please tell me what just happened? Why did Qingyue come out now...]

[She seemed to have... hacked the computer, so she logged in directly without a password, got the information about the key and came out directly, and it only took a few seconds to hack the computer! 】

【What? Stop bragging, okay? Celebrities can also hack computers? 】

Shi Qinglan went to the living room to wait for the others out of boredom.

It took An Xia Ning six minutes to escape from the secret room. She raised her lips and smiled softly, "I should be the first one, right?"

Leaving here in six minutes is already very fast.

She thought that no one would be faster than her, but when she went downstairs, she saw Qingyue in the living room...! ! !

An Xia Ning:? ? ? Is she the devil? ? ?

"Qingyue, you... are actually faster than me?" She looked at her in shock, "How long did it take you?"

Netizen: ...if I tell you, I’ll scare you to death.

Good night, my dears, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~

hhh I just played this kind of escape room some time ago, but I was so stupid that it took me eight minutes to complete the puzzle, nothing happened, and it was too late.

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