Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 868 Ban An Xia Ning from the entertainment industry!

At the same time, Bo Yucheng has also obtained the materials.

Although he didn't know what happened specifically, he knew that Shi Qinglan was by no means an unreasonable person. Since she slapped An Xia Ning, she must have provoked her first!

I was in tears when I saw An Xia Ning being so insulted on the set...

Saying that she obtains resources by selling meat.

Bo Yucheng's eyes suddenly became covered with ice, "After editing this material, send it to me! Also, please ban this woman from the entertainment industry."

Wen Le hesitated, "Master Bo, An Xia Ning is the princess of Country G after all. Even if we want to ban her, I'm afraid we can't do it. It will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the royal family will also be detrimental to Madam."

Bo Yucheng narrowed his eyes in displeasure.

He gently twisted his fingertips, "Then find a way to cool her down in the Chinese entertainment industry and force her to get out!"

"Understood." Wen Le followed the instructions after hanging up the phone.

Qingyue was scolding Qingyue in full swing on the Internet, as if she had found an outlet to vent her insults without any quality.

Qingyue's fans were almost crying, but they didn't know how to refute, even if they argued with each other, they were powerless.

[Our family Qingyue is not this kind of person! 】

[Can you keep your mouths clean? Who knows if there is something unspeakable? Why doesn’t Goddess Qingyue hit others? 】

[Qingyue fans have the nerve to tell us to keep our mouths clean. Why don’t you know you are qualified when you beat people? 】

[This is really disgusting. Qingyue fans and Qingyue are both virtuous. Would a music queen with a billion fans around the world do such a thing to educate her fans? 】

The two fans were quarreling fiercely and the battle was fierce.

An Xianning watched Qingyue's number of Weibo fans continue to decrease, and even her super words contained a lot of curse words. She couldn't help but feel proud, "You really deserve it!"

But before An Xia Ning could be proud for too long...

Ao Dai hurried over with her cell phone, "Ning Ning, something happened! Look at this video!"

"What? An Xia Ning immediately grabbed her phone."

I saw an anonymous blogger posted a video of the program on Weibo, which happened to be the three of them...

An Xia Ning scolded Qingyue for selling meat like a shrew.

Nan Xiyue was furious and slapped her as a warning. Then An Xianning pushed her to the ground. The scene was chaotic for a while, and you could even see the blood under Nan Xiyue's body.

"Where did this video come from!" An Xia Ning went crazy instantly.

She looked at Ao Dai with wide eyes, "How could there be this video! Isn't there no surveillance in the villa!"

"I don't know." Ao Dai looked solemn, "It's probably because one of the cameras in the program group hasn't had time to turn off yet..."

"No." An Xia Ning was anxious in the embassy.

This video will definitely arouse backlash from fans. She can't just watch this happen. "Aren't you an agent? You must be able to do public relations, right?"

"I..." Ao Dai couldn't help but look at her with some embarrassment.

She frowned in annoyance, "Ning Ning, not everything can be publicized. This video is completely directed towards Qingyue. I think we should apologize publicly."

"Apologise?" An Xia Ning said in disbelief, "I am the noble princess, there is no way I can apologize!"

But now the opinions on the Internet have completely reversed.

【Fuck! It was An Xia Ning who was the first to scold her. She spoke so unpleasantly. She didn't look like a noble princess. How is this different from those shrews in the countryside who curse in the streets...]

【So much blood! I don’t know if the child can be saved! 】

[No wonder Qingyue was so angry that she slapped her in the face. I heard that she has a very good relationship with her manager Nan Xiyue. Apart from their work relationship, they are even sisters in private. It would be strange if she hurt her child and would not be so angry! 】

[An Xia Ning actually stretched out her hand to push a pregnant woman? If a little life is harmed like this, she is the one who deserves to die, right? 】

[I am the only one paying attention... Does the man who took Nan Xiyue away seem to be Shi Qingjue from the Shi family chaebol? 】

But the last Weibo post quickly went viral.

The trend of the Internet has completely changed. Fans who had previously misunderstood Qingyue apologized one after another, and many An Xia Ning fans were ashamed.

Bo Yucheng saw that the situation finally improved, and the cold aura around him gradually subsided, "Keep staring at Weibo, and if you scold my wife, your account will be banned for life!"

"Okay." Wen Le started to work part-time as a Weibo administrator.

When Shi Qinglan saw that the video had indeed been posted, her red lips curved slightly, and she knew it was Bo Yucheng who did it...

She silently deleted the material she got.

I went to the kitchen downstairs to make a stir-fried chicken with ginger, and brought it to the study room, "Acheng, it's burning to death, open the door quickly."

Hearing the sound, Bo Yucheng immediately stood up and opened the door in a hurry.

As soon as the door to the study room opened, the rich fragrance filled his breath. He immediately took the chicken pot from the girl's hand, turned around and put it on his desk.

Then he immediately held the girl's hand and said, "Just ask me to come downstairs for dinner. Why are you serving it so hot?"

"Let me see where the burn is." Bo Yucheng looked at the girl's hand carefully, and the white fingertips were a little red.

Shi Qinglan retracted her hand with a playful smile, "I'm fine, it's just that the pot is too hot and it's hard to handle it. I cooked specially to reward our family, Acheng~"

She said as she put her hands around the man's waist.

She tilted her head affectionately and pressed her face against his chest, "I saw what happened on Weibo, thank you."

"Fool." Bo Yucheng smiled helplessly.

He reached out and held the girl in his arms, "I don't allow anyone to scold you or slander you. This is what I should do as a husband."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan's red lips curved slightly.

In the past, she was used to solving everything by herself, mainly because it was difficult to encounter problems that she couldn't solve by herself, so she never thought of relying on others, but this time she gave it a try...

The feeling of relying on my husband seems pretty good.

"From now on, you should be the manager." Shi Qinglan couldn't help but joke, "It just so happens that Xixi can raise her baby with peace of mind."

"Naughty." Bo Yucheng gently rubbed her head.

He looked down at the girl and raised his lower lip, "Shall we eat? If it gets cold later, we will live up to Mrs. Bo's kindness."

"Okay." Shi Qinglan nodded obediently.

Bo Yucheng immediately led her to his desk. He didn't mind the important documents being placed on the table, and just ate the ginger chicken pot specially made by his wife in the study room.

Nan Xiyue was almost moldy in the hospital.

She lay on her back boredly, staring at the unchanging ceiling, "I want to be discharged from the hospital, I want to be discharged from the hospital!"

"No." Shi Qingjue's cold voice sounded.

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