Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 947 Must let Lan Mudi penetrate the heart!

Shi Qinglan looked at the man with a sweet smile.

She lay on the hospital bed with her face raised, her black hair spread on the white pillow, and her eyes curved into the shape of the moon.

"Then come closer." She blinked lightly.

Bo Yucheng's red lips curved slightly. He lowered his body slightly and got closer to the woman, so close that he could smell the fragrance of her hair.

Shi Qinglan raised her body and pecked it gently, then chuckled and said, "Can I go to the competition now?"

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng responded in a low voice.

He still seemed a little reluctant, but he could no longer influence Shi Qinglan's thoughts and could only protect her as much as possible.

Jiang Yunxin also doted on her but looked at her helplessly, "After the game is over, just follow us home."

"Okay." Shi Qinglan nodded obediently.

After the game, she had nothing to do in country A.

The League World Championship Finals is here as scheduled.

The Central Gymnasium, the venue for this event, was already packed with people at noon.

Even though the finals won’t start until 8pm.

But the fans came first and started to support enthusiastically. They held up support banners for the teams or players they supported, and shouted their names in front of the live broadcast camera...

"Jingchu Zaizai is the best! You must heal your hand injury quickly!"

"Brother BF Que, the most handsome wild king in my heart!"

"Here comes BF Ollie, let's go for the finals championship!"

"XNQ, come on, I must kill the BF!"

In the evening, before the contestants arrived at the finals venue, the live broadcast camera had already been set up. The camera captured the fans' support. The host also interviewed several...

"May I ask which team you are more optimistic about this time, young lady?"

"Actually, I was very **F, after all, the boys are really handsome! But I heard that Jingchu injured his hand and couldn't compete, and he replaced him with an inexperienced newbie... I still support XNQ in this finals. , I really don’t dare to bet on BF.”

The girl being interviewed shrugged her shoulders in disgust.

Almost everyone said that they are more optimistic about XNQ in this finals. After all, the BF team is a single-core team with low fault tolerance, but this single-core team also has a temporary substitution in the command position...

Such actions have caused Team BF to lose countless fans recently.

Before the game even started, Weibo began to discuss it in real time, and the topic of the finals became a hot search topic.

【With everything like this, is there anyone still bragging about BF? 】

[My BF is so old that I don’t dare to brag about it. I dare to bet on it to win now because I am too arrogant. I am just waiting for him to end the game with a clean sheet. I am afraid that this team will be useless from this season on. 】

[I heard that Jing Chu’s hand injury was quite serious, injuring the nerves in his fingers. Even if this kind of injury can be recovered, it can only be normal use at most, and it is impossible to recover the hand speed required by professional players. 】

[Tsk, so Jingchu will never be able to play games again, right? Not to mention the World Championship, even in training matches, I am afraid that they will not be able to beat those mid-to-lower teams in the past. 】

[I really don’t know where the new team member comes from...he dares to replace Jingchu without any experience! 】

【Jingchu is the eternal god in my heart! No one can replace it! 】

Until now, the condemnation of Lan, a rookie player in the professional arena, has not stopped. What’s more, it comes from fans’ concerns, disappointments, and absolute distrust…

At the same time, the XNQ team has arrived backstage.

The captain lowered his eyes and scrolled through Weibo. He saw the constant scolding about BF and sneered, "This BF is really good at giving away the championship trophy of the finals."

"Isn't it wrong for the captain to say that? Even if Jingchu still plays, we can easily win the championship based on our strength. Now I'm afraid we won't be able to win..."

"Tsk, Team BF has won the championship for three years, so it's time for XNQ to give up its position."

The captain turned the phone in his hand somewhat wantonly.

He suddenly raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows lightly, "Since BF has made trouble for himself, it wouldn't be appropriate not to have something big before the game. Why not give them a bigger surprise..."

"Captain, what do you think?"

The captain then threw his cell phone into his pocket, bent down and put his elbow on his thigh, and raised his fingers to signal them to come closer.

The team members immediately gathered around to listen to his plan.

The captain narrowed his eyes and said, "Now the hot spots of public opinion are all focused on the newcomer Lan. What does the C position and commander of the single-core lineup pay more attention to?"

"Mindset." One team member said after thinking for a moment.

The captain nodded immediately, "Yes, let's destroy their mentality! Team BF has been suppressing us for the past three years, both in terms of ranking and fan management! We might as well take advantage of this opportunity to completely defeat them. collapse!"

"Captain, your plan is..."

"Hire a few fans, go to the BF team to cause trouble, and point the finger at that Solan. If you break his mentality and add his cooking skills, we will easily get zero ban, and you will definitely be scolded by the fans when the time comes. Go through the mud!"

E-sports competition is a matter that pays special attention to mentality.

Sometimes, no matter how good your skills are, if you neglect operations when your mentality is broken, and you are not even in the mood to use your skills, it will be of no use even if your skills are so good that you become a god!

The delay that caused the BF team to miss the finals championship will definitely be completely confused...

And BF's behavior of temporarily replacing players before the game, and also replacing the most popular players, will definitely cause abuse and a large number of fans. They, XNQ, can fight back!

At the same time, outside the Central Gymnasium.

Several black luxury cars drove towards the stadium in unison. A luxury business car parked smoothly on the side of the road, followed by countless identical luxury cars.

"I giao! What kind of magical lineup is this!"

"If I'm not mistaken, these are all Bugatti Veyrons. Oh no, the ordinary business car in the middle looks a little weird..."

"? I'm afraid that commercial vehicle entered by mistake."

Fans who were originally cheering for the team were suddenly attracted by the luxury cars on the roadside. Although luxury cars are not surprising...

But it was really surprising to see a dozen luxury cars lining up and driving over. It was so surprising that it instantly became a hot search topic.

"Isn't this a big shot coming to watch the game? It's like the president has a car as a escort before and after he goes out on the street."

"What a wealthy CEO he must be. Could it be that he is really a member of the royal family who took off his flag and drove a naked car..."

But just as everyone was speculating and discussing, a disobedient voice suddenly sounded, "What the president! What the royal family! That business car in the middle belongs to the BF team!"

Hearing this, the fans suddenly became excited.

They cast their gazes with questions in their heads, and sure enough they saw Er Li opening the car door and jumping out, followed closely by Ning Que, and then Su Huai and Gua Gua, both of whom supported Jing Chu.

And then there’s…

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