Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 1023 Part 2 Chapter 66: This great god specializes in evil and has serious double standards

Since Fu Huan had to go to self-study in the evening, the Fu family had dinner early and had already sat down around the table before six o'clock. Since Fu Huan had dinner early, Huaisheng and Yan Chi were not there, so Fu Chen and Song Feng returned home late.

"Uncle and auntie." Chen Wan left the chessboard, suppressing his murderous intent, but looked submissive.

Fu Chen looked at him. He was tall and thin, showing a maturity beyond his years. He seemed to be only about twenty years old, but his body showed the depth of a thousand sailors. His brows and eyes were clear, but he could not hide his determination and perseverance.

After all, he is an old fox, and he can still read people very accurately.

This delusion is due to playing Go. He has a calm temper and seems to be indifferent to the world. But Go is a game after all. A game of chess, two black and white stones, thousands of troops, and murderous intentions everywhere.

How could this person be such a good person?

Full-time villain.

How can someone who plays mental strategy as a career be stupid and sweet despite his high IQ?

I'm afraid that if I try to mess with you, you don't even know how to die.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence. I just heard Qin Yuan mention you a few days ago. I didn't expect to see you now." Song Fengwan was surprised to see him and looked at him, "You are really tall and handsome."

Song Fengwan's words were not polite. In order to stimulate Fu Qinyuan, she had rummaged through a lot of information about him.

At this time, there is a video of him killing foreign chess players on the Internet, which is so handsome.

He's handsome and smart, who doesn't like him.

"You're honored. I often hear grandpa mention you. You are younger and more beautiful than he said."

Fu Qinyuan sat on one side and whispered:

This guy has a good mouth and is quite good at coaxing people.

Chen Wan didn't mean to coax Song Fengwan. He was abroad when he was a child, and he was more direct in his actions and speech. Song Fengwan was indeed beautiful, and he was honest.

What woman doesn't like to hear beautiful words? When Song Fengwan heard this, she immediately laughed, "You sit down for a while, and I'll make you two dishes."

When everyone heard that Song Fengwan was going to cook, they were all shocked.

After all these years, it was impossible for her to not be able to cook a specialty dish, but Fu Huan had to go to school at seven o'clock and did not have much time for her to show off. In the end, her aunt cooked a few dishes and everyone sat down around the table.

Fu Huan kept his head down obediently while eating, even daring to chew on the bones for fear of affecting his image.

But Song Fengwan kept cueing Chen Wan, chatting casually...

"...I heard Uncle Chen say before that your family doesn't live in the capital? Why did you come here?"

"There is a competition next month, so come here for training." Chen Wan explained.

The game of Go is about brains and staying calm in times of crisis. It is not like other sports. It requires repeated practice to strengthen muscle memory and the management is relatively loose.

"So you're going to stay in the capital for a long time?" Song Fengwan said.

Fu Huan bit his chopsticks and was a little excited.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"What game can I go to?" Song Fengwan asked casually.

"If you are interested, I will send you some tickets another day. The competition will take several days. If you are not interested in Go, you will probably find it boring."

"It's okay, I'll go give you some gas."

Fu Qinyuan said, he is currently ranked first in the country, what else do he need to add?

He has also experienced the blackness and heartiness of this boy. Who can play with him?

It was only around six o'clock in the evening, and the sun had not set yet. It was impossible to drink. It would not be particularly slow to just eat. At about half past six, Fu Huan coughed twice and said, "I have to pack my things and go to school."

Everyone has finished eating and is chatting.

"Go." Song Fengwan smiled.

Fu Huan went back upstairs to tidy up, then went downstairs with a canvas bag on his back. He was irritable and didn't want to go to school.

When she went downstairs, Chen Wang was carrying Qiao Zhichu's gift box, obviously ready to leave.

"You still need to train at night?" Song Fengwan felt that it was not easy to do anything.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality today."

"Yes, then where do you live?"

Chen Wan gave him an address. This place was strange. His training base was actually quite close to northern Sichuan.

"It will be faster if you go this way instead of taking the elevated road. At this point, there will definitely be traffic jams on the elevated road." Song Fengwan pointed the way for him.


At this time, Qiao Zhichu suddenly said, "Isn't that the direction of Huanhuan School? You can stop by her on the way."

Qiao Zhichu was very familiar with him, so his words were naturally not so polite.

Fu Huan was grabbing the bag of her canvas bag, complaining in her heart and wanting to "play hooky". Qiao Zhichu's words made her panic, "It's okay, I can just walk two steps."

No. 2 Middle School is very close to the capital of Yunjin.

"On your way?" Chen Wan's eyes were blank.

"Well, it's only a few minutes." Qiao Zhichu was not polite at all and urged Fu Huan, "Hurry up and get in the car and follow your brother Chen Wan."

"Then let's go." Chen Wan said bluntly.

Fu Huan felt that this happiness came a bit suddenly. He pursed his lips and glanced at Song Fengwan subconsciously.

"Go ahead, don't forget to thank me, Chen Wan, I'll trouble you."

After some pleasantries, Fu Huan got into Chen Wan's car.

Chen Wang unlocked the car, opened the rear door, put the customized chess jar in the back seat, and helped Fu Huan open the passenger door, "Get in the car."

"Thank you." Fu Huan grabbed the bag, stared at the tall car body, and frowned slightly.

She was wearing a school uniform skirt, and it seemed inconvenient to lift her legs so high. She coughed, and her heart skipped a beat. Forget it, let’s climb up first. She just put her bag in and was about to get in the car when a black coat appeared in front of her. .

She looked over her coat and saw him looking at her seriously.

"It's getting cold."


Fu Huan slightly covered his legs and quickly got into the car.

There was still his body temperature on the coat, clinging to her legs, as if a warmth was wrapping her up, making her whole body feel warm.

Everything he did fell into the eyes of the Fu family.

Song Fengwan smiled and said: "It's quite considerate and a gentleman."

Fu Chen smiled and said nothing.

Fu Qinyuan: He must be very discerning.


As the car drove out of the capital of Yunjin, Chen Wan lowered the car window slightly to let in some air. The evening breeze blew slowly, and Fu Huan still felt hot and dry.

terribly upset.

I didn't know what to do, so I kept rubbing a little rabbit hanging on the canvas bag and holding a carrot.

"New to Go?" Chen Wan suddenly said.

"Ah?" She was stunned for a moment, "Well, I just learned."

"You have a good view of the overall situation, but you don't control the details well. Who did you learn this from?"

"It's just...a mobile game. There's personal-computer battles on it, so you can play casually."

"Just for fun?" Chen Wan looked at the navigation on his mobile phone. The school was indeed very close, but he had to drive very slowly when passing the school section.

"It's not just for fun, I want to learn it." This is someone else's profession. It seems inappropriate for you to say that you do it just for fun.

"Pull you into a group? There are people in there discussing how to play Go every day. It's okay for you to follow and have a look. It will be helpful to you. In human-machine battles, the computer system is inputted in advance. It won't help you improve your chess skills. There’s someone to play against every day.”

Fu Huan didn't expect that pie would fall from the sky.

"You...are you in the group too?"

Chen Wan glanced at her, "You don't want to stay in the group with me?"

She was stunned for a moment, "No."

When the car arrived at the school gate, Fu Huan added WeChat friends through his mobile phone number, but he was using the navigation and did not pass in time. After saying goodbye, Fu Huan returned the clothes and quickly jumped out of the car.

When Chen Wan arrived at the base, took out his clothes and prepared to get out of the car, he discovered a rabbit left behind by the passenger...

A rabbit with a carrot twisted out of it.

How "irritable" this girl is!

He put the rabbit in his pocket and entered the base carrying the box with the chess jar.

That night, everyone who played against him noticed that his chess style was a bit softer and not as murderous as usual.

"Brother, is something unusual today?"

"I felt so good after meeting my friend that he gave me a son for the first time."

"Did you meet your female netizen?"

"Fart, no way!"

"I saw him take out a rabbit from his pocket, something that little girls play with. He asked me to borrow some glue, but he didn't know what it was used for."

"I would rather believe that he has been under too much pressure recently and has become mentally ill."


Fu Huan finished her evening self-study. As soon as she left the school, she quickly turned on her cell phone. Cell phones were banned in school.

The moment she opened it, she found that he had agreed to her friend request and sent a QR code to invite her to join the group. She was secretly happy. After returning home, she solemnly joined the group and said thank you to him. .

【National Go Research Association】

"Buzz——" the system prompts.

["Fu Huan" joins the group chat by scanning the QR code shared by "Chen Wan\

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