Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 1037 Chapter 2 80: Wanwan is as tough as a devil? Frightened Huanhuan

In the capital of Yunjin

Fu Chen spread out a brand new piece of rice paper, pressed it down with a ruler, and wrapped the fine hair with ink. He raised his hand and lifted his brow bone.

Fu Huan has indeed reached puberty at this time, the most rebellious age, and she should pay more attention to her, but she is a girl after all, and she is not a boy like Fu Qinyuan. She can directly stimulate things, and she should think twice about what she says.

Song Fengwan came in just at this time, "Third brother, it's time to have dinner."

Fu Chen nodded, put down his pen, and looked at her, "Wanwan, let's discuss something."

"you say."

"About Huanhuan..."

Song Fengwan listened carefully to what he said, "I understand. Then tonight I will tell her that she was really busy some time ago. I will pick her up from school in the evening."

Fu Chen nodded. She was his daughter after all, so it might be better for Song Fengwan to step in.

After dinner, Song Fengwan also cared about Fu Huan and went to her room in person to change her bedding. The capital said there are four seasons, but in fact spring and autumn are fleeting. The cool breeze suddenly started and the temperature dropped sharply, so she had to change to a warmer set. Some bed quilts.

"Madam, let's do it." The servant smiled. In fact, working in the Fu family is not hard, just cleaning the house.

"It's okay, I'll help you." Song Fengwan opened the quilt, prepared to take the pillow to one side, and pulled up the sheets. As soon as she picked up the pillow, she saw a novel and two comics under the pillow...

There are [35][36] volumes of comics, and she has obviously read a lot of them.

She picked up the novel casually, huh?

"That Little Thing About Puppy Love"?

Song Fengwan frowned and looked at the maid who had been helping Fu Huan clean the house, "Do you know this thing...?"

She remained silent, obviously she had known for a long time that it was just the owner's thing, and she didn't want to talk about it behind her back, so she didn't say much.

Song Fengwan casually put the book aside. She could understand who had not read the novel secretly with her parents when she was in school. She just looked at the word "puppy love" on the cover of the novel and frowned slightly.

At this time, Fu Huan had no idea that his little secret had been discovered, and he was still writing math problems seriously. He resented Jing Muye in his heart, but suddenly reached out and touched his hair, as if there were still traces of blood in the place he touched. His palm was hot and soft, and she bit her lip, unable to hide her smile.

During recess, a classmate handed her a bottle of peach water.


"A handsome guy outside gave it to you."

Fu Huan looked out the window and saw Jing Makino standing outside, wearing a blue and white school uniform with a new school badge on his chest. He looked gentlemanly and decent. He gestured to him to go downstairs and waved away. .

Fu Huan smiled helplessly. He was very sensible. He knew something was wrong and knew how to buy some water to coax her.


Chen Wan on the other side is still doing his homework.

"Fu Chen..." He murmured to himself. Fu Chen has three sons and one daughter in his generation. It's easy to imagine Fu Chen's position in the Fu family. Note: [The person at the top of the Fu family's food chain. 】

Then there is Yu Manxi. She has a lot of information and photos, true and false. At this time, some people say that she relied on the Fu family to get to the position. After all, she has a very powerful father-in-law.

Notes: [The first sister of the TV station, slightly strong. 】

Next came Song Fengwan.

Chen Wan had dealt with her before, and also knew something about her from her grandfather. She was Fu Huan's mother, so he was naturally very meticulous in searching for information. In addition to various design awards, he mostly talked about her engagement with Fu Chen. After all, in the beginning, no one thought they would be together.

But the deeper he dug, the more his scalp felt numb.

I originally thought that in the entire Fu family, she seemed the most amiable and easy to get along with. Even Qiao Zhichu always said that his aunt was kind and kind-hearted, but various information showed that...

[Song Fengwan scolded the plagiarists in public with a fierce style. 】

[Rebuke reporters for spreading rumors and causing trouble. This young lady of the Fu family has too strong a style. 】

[Revealing the history of Song Fengwan’s throne, how to complete the triple jump in life from Fu Yuxiu to Fu Chen. 】

It's hard to find "dirty information" about Song Fengwan at the moment, but if you look ahead, there's really a lot of messy news, and many of them talk about how tough and powerful she is.

Some of them have videos and photos, and some even say that she drove her illegitimate half-daughter to a dead end.

Chen Wan clenched the pen in his hand tightly, not knowing how to make a note behind her name.

However, after these investigations, he also knew all the past events of the Song family. He did not expect that after these things, Song Fengwan and Song Jingren could still get along like this.

If he hadn't conducted an in-depth investigation, he wouldn't have known that the person who drinks tea and chats with his grandfather all day long, and goes to the park to watch people playing chess and Tai Chi when he has time, used to be the executive of a company, and he was also a man of fate.

After hesitating for a moment, Song Fengwan made a note: [He has a kind face and a cruel heart, and is very difficult to mess with. 】

After thinking about it like this, the entire Fu family felt like they had no idea what to do.

Chen Wan stared at the relationship diagram for a long time and suddenly circled the entire Duan family, the Fu family, the Jing family, the Xu family, the Yan family...

Why did the Duan family appear?

It seems like the style of painting is not quite right!

Duan Yiyan had just arrived home at this time and was talking to Duan Linbai about today's work situation, "... everything went well. Although Chen Wan seemed difficult to get in touch with, he was very cooperative. Unlike the rumors, it was not that difficult."

Duan Linbai was caught off guard and sneezed. At this time, the cool breeze blew from the window, and the back of his neck suddenly felt cold.

I'll go, what's going on?

Duan Yiyan raised his hand and closed the window, "Dad, when you signed the contract, you should have known there were pitfalls. Why did you agree to his proposal and let him invest in the capital?" The person he is talking about here is naturally Fu Qinyuan.

Duan Linbai smiled and looked at him, "In a word, this project will be handed over to you in the future. You are new to the mall. This is a new industry. In fact, there is no guarantee that you will make a profit without losing money. If the technical team is not strong, you are If you invest tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, it will be wasted.”

He nodded in agreement.

"My purpose is to make money. I have no control over what Fu Qin originally wanted to do, but since everyone is in the same boat, that guy won't let himself lose money."

"And if you work on projects with him, you can learn a lot. Sometimes temporary losses are not a loss. If you follow him, you can learn something, and it's okay if the project suffers some losses."

"I believe you will make money back in the future. The important thing is that during this period, your abilities will improve."

Duan Yiyan was slightly startled in his heart, and looked at his father with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Growing up, it was rare to see him be so serious.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really think I'm a fool?"

He shook his head.

"After all these years of operating in the mall, how do you think I got here? Do you really think I could make the company so big with my extravagance? Let me tell you, your dad and I..."

"Very smart!"

Duan Yiyan said softly.

When it comes to company matters, my IQ is biu, biu—up.

In fact, everyone has their own motives for this simple contract. Fu Qin’s original idea, Chen Huan’s even more so, and Duan Linbai, of course, also has his own Xiao Jiujiu. As long as money is involved, Duan Linbai’s IQ will always be online...


Beijing No. 2 Middle School

Fu Huan and Jing Muye walked out of the school gate together. Jing Muye reported on the first day that Xu Yuanfei came to pick him up in person. At this time, he and Song Fengwan were standing under the street lamp chatting. They each picked up their children and went home.

"Mom, why are you free to pick me up today?" Fu Huan was in a good mood, and his voice rose a bit.

"Nothing happened, I just came. How do you feel today?"

"same as usual……"

When they got home, Fu Qinyuan happened to be there. After chatting for a while, Song Fengwan said directly, "Huanhuan, go back to the house. I have something to tell you."

Fu Huan and Chen Wan had nothing to do at all at this time. They were just in the ambiguous testing stage. But Fu Huan felt guilty and became inexplicably anxious. He grabbed the strap of the canvas bag on his shoulders, bit his lip, and followed Song Fengwan upstairs. .

Fu Qinyuan stared at the backs of the two people: What are you doing?

The two of them did not go to Fu Huan's bedroom, but went directly to the study on the second floor. Fu Huan pretended to be calm, "Mom, what's wrong at this late hour? I still have an English paper to write."

"You can't finish your homework." They all have experienced high school life. Even after the college entrance examination, they probably still have a bunch of papers that they haven't touched. "Sit down and I'll have a casual chat with you."

"Yes." Fu Huan sat on the sofa with a calm expression.

"I've been too busy recently and haven't paid much attention to you. Has anything happened recently? Or if you have something bothering you, would you like to have a word with me?" Song Fengwan said in a leisurely manner.

"It's alright."

After saying a few words, Fu Qinyuan opened the door and came in. He gave them both a glass of milk and sat down next to Song Fengwan.

After all, he was worried about his sister.

Song Fengwan didn't say anything when he arrived, but changed the topic, "Huanhuan, have you hidden anything from me recently?"

"Mom, what did you say?" Fu Huan smiled bitterly, his heart beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his throat.

Trying to pretend nothing is wrong.

Fu Qinyuan gently rubbed his knees with his fingers. What has this girl been doing recently?

"Huanhuan, actually I have been around your age. If you have anything to say to me directly, I will understand."

The subtext of Song Fengwan’s words is:

I already know your story and now I'll give you a chance to say it yourself.

"How about it? Do you speak for yourself, or should I do it?"

Song Fengwan took a sip of milk and looked calm.

Fu Huan's mind was in chaos at this time. Could it be that he was talking about himself and Chen Wan? But there was not even a single word between them. This was all in her mind and she forgot about everything else.

Fu Qinyuan turned his head and glanced at his mother beside him.

A person who can marry his father is really not a good person. She must have something in her hands at this time. Instead of taking it out directly, she beat Fu Huan. She must be trying to deceive her to see if she can get something else out of her.

There may be unexpected gains!

Because what Song Fengwan said and what Fu Huan was thinking at this moment are most likely not the same thing. If that's the case...

Fu Huan might have completely exposed himself if he let something slip.

What on earth did this girl do, and why did she fall into the hands of her mother?

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?" Song Fengwan said with a smile.

Fu Huan gritted his teeth. The best way at this time was to pretend to be stupid and deny anything, and wait until she took out the things before saying, "Mom, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Don't understand? Huanhuan, as long as you say it, I won't blame you. I did some things when I was your age."

Fu Huan was even more panicked...

Because she knew very well that her parents knew each other when her mother was in high school. Could it be that that was true?

It was terrible, my heartbeat was so fast that I was about to die.

"Mom, I really don't know what you are talking about?" Fu Huan bit her lip and refused to say anything.

Song Fengwan chuckled, stood up suddenly, took out three books from one side and threw them in front of her.

When Fu Huan saw the book, his tense nerves completely relaxed. My biological mother would have been scared to death if she didn't play like this!

"Is this what you do to stay up late every night? Are you still saying you are doing homework?"

"Why did you go to my room?" Fu Huan bit his lip.

"I'll change the sheets and quilt for you. It's cold and I'm afraid you'll freeze at night." Song Fengwan explained that children all want to have private space, and what bothers their parents the most is rummaging around. She must make it clear that she didn't mean to rummage, " You just put this thing under the pillow, it’s hard for me to ignore it.”

"Actually, I saw these things when I was in school. It's nothing. But you are under a lot of pressure to study now, so staying up at night is not a problem."

"If you like this comic, I can buy you a set. You don't have to be sneaky to do this."

"Don't hide under the covers and peek, stay on schedule."

Fu Huan has always had good grades and is well-behaved. Song Fengwan rarely worries about her affairs, but it makes her feel distressed to think of her staying up late at night and secretly watching these things.

Fu Huan lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "I won't do this again."

"And this novel..." Song Fengwan pointed to the novel with the word "puppy love" written on it, "Don't read these anymore. At your age, you have to focus on your studies."

"Yeah." Fu Huan responded to whatever Song Fengwan said at this time.

After talking for more than ten minutes, Song Fengwan invited her back to the room to sleep, "It's quite late. Don't do your homework today. Take a shower and go to bed early."

"Mom——" Fu Huan suddenly spoke.


"You and my dad were... considered puppy love?"

Song Fengwan was choked, "Go back to the house and sleep!"

"Oh!" If Fu Huan is a little fox, his tail must have been raised to the sky at this time.

Fu Huan left the study, and Song Fengwan chuckled helplessly, "This girl..."

Fu Qinyuan picked up the book on the table and flipped through two pages. Fu Huan was hiding something from him.

Just now, when my mother deliberately deceived and tried to make a false statement, she was obviously very nervous. When she took out the novel and comic, it is logical that she had done something wrong, which would only make her more panicked, and she...

Instead, it became easier!

Could it be that this girl really fell in love prematurely?

Fu Huan is still young and can't hide his emotions about many things. Besides, there is no one in his family who doesn't have the attribute of a fox.

Song Fengwan finished drinking the milk and turned to look at Fu Qinyuan, "Do you have a good relationship with Makino?"

"What's wrong?" Fu Qinyuan frowned, why did he mention him so well.

"He is currently in the same school as Huanhuan, and they already have a good relationship. Ask the child to pay more attention to Huanhuan. If he finds out that Huanhuan has any unusual behavior at school, he can tell us at any time." Song Fengwan rubbed his hand. Holding the milk cup, "Your sister..."

"There is still something hidden from us."

"I am an elder after all. It is not easy to talk to Makino about these matters. It would be more appropriate for you to do so."

"I'm worried that she fell in love early at school." Song Fengwan stared at the novel thoughtfully.

Fu Qinyuan took a deep breath, Fu Huan, it's really not that my brother won't help you. How could you hide your little emotions from your mother? He could see it, and so could Song Fengwan.

Even the escape route is blocked for you!

Fu Huan was always at the center of the school home, with only a few people in his circle of contact. Naturally, Song Fengwan immediately focused his attention on the school.

It is normal for adolescent girls to like a boy. She is just worried that at this time, if she spends all her energy on others, she will delay her studies.

Fu Qinyuan nodded, "I'll mention it to Makino later and ask him to pay attention."


After Song Fengwan returned to his room, he briefly told him about today's heart-to-heart conversation, feeling a little emotional in his heart, as if his daughter had suddenly grown up.


After Fu Huan returned to the house, hot sweat broke out on his back. At this time, it was dry and cool, and it was a bit cold.

It scared her to death!

It's so terrible. This man really can't do any bad things.

She was thinking wildly, and then she took out her mobile phone from her bag. When she turned it on, she saw the message from Chen Wan, who sent her some entry-level information on Go.

[The information has been received, thank you. 】

It was nearly eleven o'clock.

Chen Wang frowned: [Just finished school? 】Why is it so late to reply to the message?

[No, I chatted with my mother for a while and I was scared to death. My mother is simply a devil. If I had a heart disease, I would probably die suddenly on the spot. 】Fu Huan just made fun of him casually, but someone took it seriously.

Chen Wan squinted, pulled out the Fu family's relationship diagram, and made another note on the back of Song Fengwan:

【devil! 】

The update is here, this chapter is a bit exciting, haha, it’s a little late, this chapter is almost 5,000 words long

The master’s misunderstanding of Wanwan, well...

But it doesn’t seem to be a misunderstanding, Wanwan is indeed very powerful.

Mouhuan was scared crazy today, haha.


There are still a few red envelopes for the XX monthly pass, so hurry up and collect them. We will send out new ones later, okay~

[ps: Why are the comment areas now called Great God Wangwang or... Wangzai? 】

I unconsciously added a picture in my mind...

Wangzai: If you look at me again, if you look at me again...if you look at me again, I will drink you up! [cover face]

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