Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 109 The third master has a blind date? Duan Xiaolang is doing things (1 more)

No matter what, Xu Jingcheng was only a half-year-old child, and he was still in adolescence. He unconsciously remembered a few small movies that he had only watched, and his face turned even redder.

Especially when he saw that Song Fengwan's face was not very good, he was sure that there was a problem between them.

"Go in, it's time for me to go too." Fu Chen's tone was familiar, and their actions fell into the eyes of others, and they were even more intimate.

"Yeah." Many classmates have come one after another. Fu Chen is too eye-catching to stand here, and even with her, everyone is paying attention.

As soon as Song Feng left, Xu Jingcheng was shocked to realize that breakfast was not delivered, and walked to the school in despair.

It happened to be on the way with Fu Chen.

"That..." Xu Jingcheng clenched the breakfast bag in his hand, "Who are you?"

"What do you think?" Fu Chen didn't answer him directly.

"You live together?"

"Parents arranged it." Again, the answer was irrelevant.

Parents' life? Have they met their parents?

Xu Jingcheng knew that Song Fengwan's family was good, and children from these families said that marriage was very common.

"Do you like her?" Xu Jingcheng's voice was shaking. He knew it was abrupt to ask, but he couldn't help it.


Xu Jingcheng has been secretly looking at Fu Chen from the corner of his eye. He only looks like twenty-four or five, not much older than them. Rao is only wearing home clothes and a windbreaker, and he has an air that he has never seen before of.

He can't compare to such a person.

"I'm at school, I'll go to class first, goodbye." Xu Jingcheng politely said goodbye to him, the cold wind was raging, and his heart was desolate.

The corners of Fu Chen's mouth slowly twitched: Children are really easy to pass up.

Qianjiang wanted to guard Song Fengwan, and Shifang saw Xu Jingcheng leaving, so he showed up to follow Fu Chen, and mourned Xu Jingcheng in his heart.

When I met the third master, I also had blood mold for eight lifetimes.

"Here." Fu Chen suddenly handed the dog leash to Shifang, "Leave it."

Shifang took the rope in a daze, Fu Xinhan squatted on the ground, raised his foot and scratched his body, with a sad face...

Throw it away after you use it, people are so cold.

"I'm going home today and I'll give you meat for extra meals."

A certain dog immediately jumped up from the ground and spread his hooves to chase Fu Chen, so that Shi Fang couldn't hold him.

Did this dog starve to death in his last life? Hearing the food, his eyes glowed green.


painting room

Just after class, Gao Xue checked the sketch assignments assigned a few days ago, and Song Fengwan naturally handed in Duan Linbai's one.

"What I want to draw is the people around me? You..." Gao Xue tilted her head to look at the sketch, Duan Linbai is the "national husband", as long as everyone who goes online knows her, she is no exception.

"Well, this is my brother." Song Fengwan naturally wouldn't explain much to her.

Gao Xue sneered, "It's a good painting."

After speaking, they went to check others. The teacher checked the homework. Everyone was apprehensive. Naturally, they didn't have time to take care of others' homework, and they didn't know who Song Fengwan drew.

Gao Xue looked at other people's homework, but there was a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone knows that Duan Linbai is an only son, where did he come from as his sister, and he has to be careful about lying. She asked her to paint the people around her, but she used this to fool her and said it was his sister.

He was young, and he was quite vain.

It's just that she could see that Song Fengwan's family was good. She was an ordinary teacher and naturally didn't want to offend her. As the class was coming to an end, she turned a blind eye.

After checking all her classmates' homework, when she turned her head, she saw Song Fengwan was drawing something on a notebook with her head lowered. She walked over and glanced at it. From the existing outline, it looked like a pendant.

"What are you painting?"

"It's nothing." Song Fengwan's heart skipped a beat, and she closed the book with a guilty conscience. Even if the teacher was checking her homework, it was during class, so she was considered deserting.

"I'll take a look." Gao Xue stretched out her hand.

Song Fengwan had no choice but to hand her the book.

Gao Xue turned over two pages. The first few pages were depicting Pixiu Vientiane, Guanyin God and Buddha, and the back was some drawings she had never seen before. She closed the book, "I'll give it to you after school, concentrate on class."

When Song Feng saw her on the podium with a notebook in her hand, her ears were burning, and she felt that she was criticized.

Gao Xue simply gave her the book after school. Song Fengwan didn't take it to heart after this matter.


However, the course was about to end, and the remedial class was able to teach them almost everything, and the rest was to practice on their own. The weather was cold, and many students went home at seven or eight in the evening.

The winter in the north is extremely violent. One after another, the cold air, the temperature plummets, the icy cold wind howls, dripping water into ice.

She is a southerner, and she has never felt such a cold day. The north wind is fierce, like a wind knife cutting the face, dry and strong.

She finished her homework early that day, and on the weekend, she went back while it was still dark. She wanted to go back and make a video with her mother, but as soon as she entered the house, she saw Duan Lin Bai teasing the dog with beef strips.

"Sister Song, came back so early today." Duan Linbai threw the beef strips and smiled at her while wiping his hands, his teeth white.

"Brother Duan." Since the last sketch, the two met for the first time.

"The last time I was a model, did your teacher praise him heavily?" Duan Linbai was still thinking about that painting.

"Yes." Song Fengwan naturally praised him.

"This is a must. As far as my charming facial features are concerned, it is the beginning of thousands of young girls' crimes. You don't understand how many people on the Internet are clamoring to sleep with me all day long."

Song Fengwan coughed twice, this person is so shameless.

"The third master is not at home?" She bent over to change her shoes, only to find Fu Chen's slippers in the shoe cabinet.

"I originally asked a few buddies to eat hot pot together and came to pick him up. I didn't say it in advance. When I came here, I found out that he was going on a blind date." This Song Fengwan is Fu Chen's inner daughter-in-law again, Duan Duan Lin Bai would not miss this opportunity.

Naturally have to do things.

"He was very repulsive before, and he didn't go to the arrangement at home. I don't know what happened this time. The old lady's attitude was very tough, and she said that he could show his face."

"Otherwise, cut ties with him."

Song Fengwan lowered her head and felt guilty. She must have told her that the third master was a normal man that day, and the old lady became tough.

"Sister, if my brother would take you to eat hot pot, how boring would it be for you to eat alone." Duan Linbai smiled maliciously at her.

"No, I still have to study."

"It's not that bad. It's cold, and it's comfortable to eat hot pot. I'll take you back before seven o'clock." Duan Linbai said and pushed her out.

Putting her directly into the car, Song Fengwan tilted her head and looked at the car. The bright yellow body was also hung with bulingbuling diamond-encrusted ornaments.

The rich and angry.


Fu Chen is in a restaurant at the moment

The phone vibrated a few times, and Qianjiang's information came one after another.

[Duan Linbai took Miss Song's hand. 】

[He forces Miss Song to ride in his car. 】

[The two are talking and laughing. 】


Fu Chen narrowed his eyes.

After ten minutes, the phone vibrated again.

[The two stop. 】


And then the information is...

[They are diagonally behind you. 】

Late night, the third master's blind date is your fault, haha~

Duan Xiaolang, I'm afraid your hand will be chopped off by the third master, hehe

I like it too~

It is said that the third master and Xu Jingcheng said that their parents arranged to live together. This is simply... The belly is extremely black, do you dare to tell the complete cause and effect.

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