Duan Linbai held up a fruit knife and threatened Fu Xinhan, but a certain dog kept lowering his head and licking his paws without looking directly at him.

He was really angry, thinking that he gave this Fu Xinhan to Fu Chen back then. After staying at his home for a few days, biting his trousers and chasing him all day, now it's better...

"Go out for a walk." Duan Linbai's leg was slightly bruised, but it did not hinder his walking, but he was wearing a neck brace and it was a little difficult to turn his head.

When Fu Xinhan heard that he was going out, he immediately got up and walked towards the gate.

A few minutes later, Duan Linbai stood in the yard, chewing gum, watching a certain dog flutter on the grass.

The cold wind blew, and he shivered.

This fellow Fu Chen is really too much. On his own date, he left him at home to feed the dog...


The Fu Chen here is still pressing on Song Fengwan.

This posture is ambiguous and irritating. His hands are on her sides, his waist is down, and the two of them are sticking together, rubbing each other carefully, bowing their heads and saying, "Wan Wan, what do you want to do to me?"

Hot air blew on her face, rubbing the tip of her nose.

Soft and warm.

She shrank, her body was tense, and she subconsciously hid to the side.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, "What are you hiding?"

Song Fengwan almost wanted to cry. With her current posture, she should be asking this question...

The room was not open, the stream of light was like water, the light and shadow were intertwined, swaying from the window, but it was blocked by the sofa. The distance between the two at the moment made it impossible to see each other's faces.

There was only one face in front of Song Fengwan's face. She was so close and her laughter was low. She could almost outline the thin lips in her mind and laugh, with a hot air.

Fu Chen pressed her under him, and without doing anything, he lowered his head and rubbed the tip of his nose.

"Why don't you speak?"

If his fingers seemed to slip past her side face, her heart trembled slightly, and her legs were so soft that she couldn't stand.

The whole body softened, and the two bodies stuck together even more tightly.

Posture is hot.

"I just... want to cover you with a blanket." Song Fengwan said with a sigh.

"That's it?" Fu Chen seemed to press down another inch.

The scorching breath was getting closer and closer, almost clinging to her skin, falling on her delicate and slender neck, her thin lips slipping like nothing, again and again...

Rub lightly.

"You are hot."

Song Fengwan felt that she was about to suffocate, and her whole body felt itchy and uncomfortable.

Fu Chen lowered his voice, smiled lowly, the heat hit his face, Song Fengwan clenched his teeth...

The night was thick, and the surroundings were so dark that she could not see her fingers, her ears and temples were rubbing against each other, her whole body was hot, she wanted to have a fever, and her head was dizzy...

At this moment, someone's mobile phone vibrated, Fu Chen took out the mobile phone from his pocket, but he did not leave Song Fengwan's body. This posture was like wrapping her in his arms, lowering his head to answer the phone.

"Is something wrong?"

"Aren't you two coming back for dinner?" Duan Linbai's voice was arrogant and displeased.

"Go back immediately." Fu Chen pushed the hair on her side face behind her ear, and brushed her fingertips against her earlobe, causing her body to tremble softly again.

Song Fengwan shuddered and shrank his neck subconsciously.

While speaking, Fu Chen had already bent his knees and stood up.

"I thought you two wouldn't come back for dinner, why does Fu Xinhan always want to run out?"

"He wants to go to the toilet, you go out for a walk."

"What am I..." Duan Linbai was so angry that he couldn't breathe, and his face was flushed.

He's not a shit shoveler.


When the two returned home, there was some snow falling outside...

Although Song Fengwan had been to the snow field, she was still very excited when it snowed.

Before dinner, Qiao Xiyan called.

It was nothing more than asking her when she planned to return to Yuncheng so that he could pick her up.

"I'll tell you when the time is right. Cousin, you know, the heating here is amazing. I thought it was gas, but I didn't expect it to be water..."

She is from the south, and she was very excited when the heating started on the first day in the capital.

"Cousin, it's really amazing!"

Qiao Xiyan breathed and cooperated with her, "Mmmm, it's amazing."

"Why do you think there is water running in there? It's so warm."

"Well, magical, warm." Josie Yan pretended to be excited.

Until Song Fengwan said, "I want to marry a northern man in the future."

Qiao Xiyan's face changed instantly, "It's too far, don't think about it."

For the sake of heating, I want to marry a northerner, how much more promising.

Song Fengwan hung up the phone, and Duan Linbai turned to look at her.

"Sister, the northern man is good, man."

Song Feng smiled bitterly in the evening.

"Frank and informal, what's wrong with northern men!" Duan Linbai snorted coldly.

Song Fengwan tilted her head to look at him. Seriously, Duan Linbai has thin skin and tender flesh. He recently lived here, and his clothes, food, and clothing were extraordinarily sophisticated.

"I still hurt my daughter-in-law." Duan Linbai coughed twice and whispered in Song Fengwan's ear.

"The most important thing is good physical strength. Just like our Fu San, don't look at his skinny clothes. In fact, he still has muscles. It's definitely expected, sister, you know!"

Song Fengwan was not too young, she naturally understood when he was talking about this kind of dirty jokes, and remembered that he had seen Fu Chen bare half of his body in the snow field before, and his face flushed red.

Why did he take the third master as an example.


Fu Chen went back to his room to change his clothes, and as soon as he left the room, he saw Qian Jiang waiting at the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"Duan Linbai teased Miss Song until she blushed."

Fu Chen frowned, wanting to throw him out to feed the dog.

The third master's sultry method is also absolutely perfect, haha~

Speaking of Qianjiang, did Brother Duan dig up your ancestral grave in his last life, and you want to pit him like this

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