Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 123 Late night is very strong: owe me an apology (2 more)

Because of Song Fengwan's words, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became very strange.

No one thought she would dare to talk back like that.

"Do you say it again?" Mao Yinlan was trembling with anger. A little girl who was underage actually said she wanted to beat her?

"Calm down, sit down." Gao Xue hurriedly stood up to mediate, "Song Fengwan, what are you talking about..."

The tone was incredulous.

"What's the matter, I don't believe that there are so many people today, and no one can judge!" Mao Yinlan's face was ashen.

There were still so many people watching at the door, and being contradicted by a junior, he felt shameless and burned with anger.

Song Fengwan stood up straight, "I'm just too educated to stand here and let you blame me."

"Nurture? Heh—" Mao Yinlan was confused, her lips were trembling, and she couldn't find the right words to fight back.

"You know how everything happened, and what role did I play in it? My own subjective assumption that I harmed your son."

"Even go to the place where I study and accuse me, have you respected me?"

"Those who respect people, people always respect them. From the very beginning, you looked at me with tinted glasses, and you didn't even hear a single excuse from me, saying that I have no education. Where is your education?"

Song Fengwan's words were gentle and unhurried, but with a knife and a thorn, she poked at people's mouths.

"Looking at Wen Jing and being well-behaved, I didn't expect to have such a sharp mouth!" Mao Yinlan wished she could rush over to slap her, Gao Xue kept pulling her, otherwise he would have done it already.

"Song Fengwan, why did you talk to Auntie? You can't say a few words." Gao Xue didn't expect Song Fengwan to be so stubborn.

"Mr. Gao, you are an outsider. You should speak impartially. Do you think there is nothing wrong with what she said just now?"

Most of the people Song Fengwan had been in contact with since she was a child were businessmen, sophisticated and sophisticated. She couldn't guess what Gao Xue was thinking, but she could tell.

Gao Xue was stunned.

"I'm your student anyway. You just watched her attack me and didn't say a word of justice from beginning to end. Why can she speak to me and I can't defend myself?"

Because of Duan Linbai's sketch, Gao Xue felt that Song Fengwan was vain and pretentious, and Mao Yinlan came to her door. She had the attitude of watching a play.

Never thought that his mind was pierced by Song Fengwan, his face could not be hung up, he was embarrassed, and was tragically white.

"You are so courageous, you dare to contradict the teacher." Mao Yinlan snorted coldly.

"First of all, I really don't know about Xu Jingcheng's beating. I don't know the boys who beat him."

"You don't know Cheng Tianyi either?" Mao Yinlan reprimanded, "You hooked that kid into a fascination, and he hated my son."

The police asked Song Fengwan to ask questions at the time, but Cheng Tianyi had not been found at that time, and she followed her back to Yuncheng with her mother, so she hadn't paid any attention to this matter.

After Xu Jingcheng was beaten, many people in the school discussed that those people were friends with Cheng Tianyi. Everyone said that the person behind it was Cheng Tianyi, and he and Xu Jingcheng didn't deal with it at all. It was estimated that he would chase after Song. The wind is late, take the opportunity to attack.

This is just speculation, and it was confirmed by Mao Yinlan today.

"Since you've even checked my family background, have you checked Cheng Tianyi? He's a hooligan, shameless, and there are so many little girls spoiled by him. Who does he care about?"

"He had a conflict with Xu Jingcheng, and I was just the trigger for the whole thing!"

"But you attribute all the problems to me, don't think it's biased!"

Mao Yinlan didn't understand that Cheng Tianyi had a conflict with her son at all. When she said it, her face became even more embarrassed and she couldn't hold her face.

I can only retort stubbornly, "These are all your side words."

"Let's talk about puppy love, Xu Jingcheng and I have met three or four times, and he took the initiative to find me. I never had any intention of falling in love with him and affecting his studies. Is this a one-sided word of mine? You can go back and ask your son!"

"It's my fault, I'll admit it naturally, but I won't just endure it by throwing unwarranted dirty water on me for no reason."

"Finally I want to say something to you..."

Song Fengwan took a deep breath.

"How is my family, how is my family education, as an outsider, you are not qualified to judge."

Mao Yinlan never expected Song Feng to be so articulate at the party, so she was so stunned that she didn't say a word, but her face was ashen.

"Okay, don't say a few more words, you hurry back to continue the class." Because of the trouble, several teachers came in to persuade.

Mao Yinlan originally listened to Cheng Lan's words, and she was eager to protect her son, but she listened and believed.

"All calm down, let's talk about anything, and talk about any misunderstandings, it's fine." The two teachers took Mao Yinlan and walked out.

She was wrong, and when someone persuaded her, she followed the trend.

Another female teacher patted Song Fengwan's shoulder, "Let's go, I'll take you back to class."

Everyone didn't want the matter to escalate and affect the reputation of the remedial class.

Song Fengwan bit her lip, remembering that she was misunderstood by the teacher because of her complaint at school, and felt even more depressed.

Just as Mao Yinlan was about to walk out of the office door, she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't you think you owe me and my family an apology?"

Mao Yinlan's heart trembled, she didn't take it seriously, but asked her to apologize to a yellow-haired girl, she couldn't let it go.

"Forget it, forget it." The female teacher didn't expect Song Fengwan to be so stubborn.

"Yeah, that's about it."

Everyone could see that Mao Yinlan didn't have the upper hand, but she also wanted to save face. There were so many people here that she would make amends for the younger generation. She definitely didn't want to, because she was afraid that things would get worse, so everyone persuaded her.

"That's right, don't be rude." Someone said something.

"Don't be too mean, little girl."

Song Fengwan followed the voice and looked over, but before she could speak, she heard a familiar voice coming from the door.

"I've been bullied for a reason, so I can't ask for an apology? Who is mean and unforgiving?"

In fact, if you look at the matter from both sides, Xu Jingcheng's beating was an unwarranted disaster, and when it comes to puppy love, all of which are related to Song Fengwan. It is normal for a mother to be anxious to protect her son, but she is too partial to believe.

It seems that in our society, whenever there is a dispute, there are very many people who are in the mud... After watching the drama, I can just mediate it casually. It doesn't matter who is wronged or who owes others an apology.

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